I see and greet the world with good will.I embrace this opportunity to address you all with love and purpose. It is no secret that the world continues to battle, on a large scale, with duality. Good versus evil, right and wrong, bad and good, joyful and miserable are all terms used every day to describe events that are occurring around the globe. It is true, on a three dimensional level, that the tragedies occurring are truly horrendous and, in many cases, unjust. There is no comprehending the crimes and the accidents that take so many lives and that plunge the families left behind into grief and despair. I, and indeed all of the masters, send our love and compassion to those who are coping with loss and devastation at this time. We in no way wish to undermine your feelings or your situations.
The truth in the third dimension is different to that in the fifth dimension and at the level of oneness, for in this state there is no duality.Oneness is achieved when your consciousness combines with the universal consciousness in acceptance that all is one and that there is no separation. When you accept this as a fact, not just as a possibility or as a fallacy, then you will begin to know the truth of the Creator.
There is no separating someone in Sudan and what is happening for them from another person in Australia or Canada or India. There is no separation from Creator to God to Buddha to Krishna or to Jehovah -they are all one and the same. All on Earth, be it plant, animal or human, is connected through their own connection, whether it be consciously or subconsciously, to the Creator and to Mother Earth. This connection binds all who reside on the planet Earth to each other and, as a consequence, lays equal responsibility for all that occurs on Earth on each and every soul and living energy on Earth at this time. To ponder this concept may be quite staggering for many, but for those whose spirituality has reached a level where such thoughts are familiar, it is a fact that they carry knowingly and, sometimes, solitarily.
Your soul has lived many lives in many bodies, countries and eras. You may even have existed in a form other than human. Your spirit is of essence;it is of the Earth and it is of the Creator, whose light is of essence and is one and the same as yours. His love encompasses your spirit and burns within you as the Sacred Flame. As the essence of the light of the Creator you know only unconditional love. In the human form, you have experienced the many facets of ego that cause emotional pain and trauma, yet the essence of the Creator that is inexplicably linked to your own still burns within you. You are ever one with Him whether you know it or not. All is one, and one is the all.
I remind you now that whatever you are experiencing on Earth or have experienced in the past is part of your soul journey.They lessons you are learning and have learnt all form an important part of your soul growth towards enlightenment. Any burdens you bear as a consequence of these lessons and experiences will all melt away if you would only become one with Creator’s light. In the energy of the Creator you will have the opportunity to view all that has gone before you from a higher perspective. Even if you have witnessed acts of intolerable cruelty, injustice and sadness, from the eyes of the Creator can you see that much has been chosen and only some acts are karmic. For those who inflict pain and suffering on other souls there is no judgement from God the Creator. He loves all unconditionally. He guides all who have lost their way into darkness back into the light, no matter how many lifetimes it may take. The cruellest acts on Earth bring with them the greatest lessons. As much as these events encourage separation and disconnection from Source, there have been many instances where the reverse is true. Man cannot maintain a lifetime of separation from God, because God, the Creator, has never left! Oneness has been achieved already, it only needs each individual to recognise this fact and to begin living in such a way as to be ever in the light.
That is all it will take for the world to ascend into the Fifth Dimension.
I AM Master Kuthumi.
库图弥 20180513 二元性VS合一
通灵:Victoria Cochrane
翻译:Nick Chan