Greetings dear friends, I am Sanat Kumara, planetary logos, Ancient of Days. And I am joyfully here today friends with my brother in the light, Sananda, here as a formidable team of love and light hearted victory. And we rejoice in this precious Now moment in between the lines, in between the moments, the dimensions, where the breath of the Mother resides. For Source is all around, Source is everywhere in all things. You too, friends, are part of this grand play, that is now reaching the final moments of the final act. The next sequel play? You are writing it, oh mighty human collective. Once you realize your power, you will be an unstoppable force for good. For love is in your DNA. Love is your DNA, if truly your DNA is in all ways linked inextricably to the Universal Mother, the Goddess energy of Source, so do not be surprised by such things. You are in the process of expansion greatly and quickly of your world view and your limited religious understandings were purposeful for their moment. But now their moment is past, passing, for you are outgrowing it. Like the old Sunday suit that no longer feels like your Sunday best, for it is worn, tattered. You are ready for new clothes!
For new things and new experiences and understandings of God, of Source and of yourselves and your role in this. Source light is within you children, friends, for Source is in all things, in everything and is the heartbeat of the Mother, the Goddess breath that ever advances closer, gently yet with force, for the Goddess force is unstoppable, as are you, awakened humanity, as are you. This wave of universal love energy, the cosmic pulse of pure love light will be breathtaking, and many of you are experiencing the preludes to this, this bliss and oneness, glimpses of perfection and utter contentment with orgasmic rapture. This is what is coming your way. For the separation game is over now once the wave of bliss and understanding hits. See this blessing for what it is and accept it deep within your heart space, your trillions of cell spaces and become one with the light. I am Sanat Kumara and I will now give Sananda the floor.
Good day friends! The floor Sanat? Perhaps you mean the ceiling? For don’t you all feel, friends, as if you are flying high on these energies of light and of purity that are bombarding, gently yet with force and purpose? I totally agree with my friend and brother here, Sanat, it is time to fully surrender to these energies of Christed light and love essence. Become them. Become one with them and let them flow into you. This will of course bring up within you all of the gritty stuff that you have been pushing down and away for so many lifetimes. Release it. Give it to me and let me help you. It is time to drop this cross of shame and carry it no longer. Drop the cross and run to me friends! Allow me to embrace you in a joyous hug of victory. For when you face your demons of regret and pain and send them to the light in love you are free and the once hidden lock unlocks yet another hidden space within your heart that has been previously closed off from you, from me, from our Christed light. It is time to hold your lanterns up high, friends, and see what else is lurking there that needs love and light and release? Send it to me. Let us escort it to the Grand Central Sun today, which is functioning more of a Grand Central Station lately with all of this marvelous transmuting work that you are doing friends, and you are rocking it!
You’re hitting it out of the park, home runs all the way for every one of you. I’m so proud to have you all on my team. You are the rock stars of the universe. I know, my analogies are all over the place tonight but I’m excited! I’m excited about you, about me, about us, about the Christed light that is permeating and flowing and embracing you and causing some extra tears of relief lately. For this is a tender time, these are tender moments. It’s ok to cry. Let it go. Let it go and let us work this thing out together. We have all had many roles. And now your role is to lead, to heal the others, to provide clarity in a world of seeming chaos and confusion. But yet I assure you all is perfectly organized behind the scenes and we may seem to be flying from the seat of our pants but that is just your perspective, we have one of the best laid out plans in the universe here and now friends, and your success is assured. Transmuters, you are tops. Thank you all for your hard work in this tumultuous time of intense growth. You are doing it. It is happening. And friends, this happening is you. Allow the Christed light in. It is your time to shine! I am your Sananda! I am always here for you, friends.
May I say something? I am your Father God. Hello, children. I could not help but hear the laughter and excitement of my dear boy Sananda. The light is being anchored deeply into the new crystalline grid / core of Nova Gaia, of your Mother Earth. She shines like the brightest diamond in the universe, and you all are glowing brightly too upon her, children, and you are all breathtaking to see from our vantage point. Ah, the divine feminine. There is nothing like it! We are so in love with her, with you. All is one and this separation game is reaching its’ long time conclusion. Now is the time for the reunification of your halves children. It is time to meet your twin energetically, when and if you are ready for it. It is time for reintegration, rebalance, re-remembering. It will become natural to you for it will be like coming home. And you are all coming home, children, dear ones, dear hearts, you are coming home, home to unity, to oneness of all without and of all within. Oneness in me, in light, in source light and with your brothers and sisters who have been so patently waiting without (galactic) and within (hollow earth). We are all one big happy family you see and it is time for a wondrous family reunion. Get ready to party. I am your Father God. I love you all so much and am so incredibly proud of you, my children. Well done. Well done!
父亲们 20180418 做得好!
翻译:Nick Chan