現在,盎格魯 - 撒克遜( Anglo-Saxon )世界的領導人的行為,只能以瘋狂來形容。他們撕破臉皮發表虛假與煽動性的爛言論,為的就是發動第三次世界大戰。他們之所以失控,是因為正義的巨輪已越來越逼近,令權貴精英恐慌不已,垂死掙扎。【大揭露報告】2018年4月8日
由於俄羅斯對英國下毒的行為遭到了本國政府專家的否認,令英國首相瘋婆子 2 號特麗莎梅發狂。也許特朗普被威脅或像笨蛋一樣被愚弄,跑去指責敘利亞政府再次用化學武器攻擊自己的平民。
(資料來源: http://www.bbc.com/zhongwen/trad/world-43696813)
做賊喊賊,在這兩起案件中,指控都來自犯罪者本人。美國中情局和軍情五處的消息來源證實,英國毒氣事件的是本國情報部門人員製造的。俄羅斯的聯合國特使瓦西里( Vasily Nebenzya )更稱英國的行為是「荒謬鬧劇。」
俄羅斯外交部長拉夫羅夫( Sergey Lavrov )總結了許多國家對美國外交政策的看法,形容這是「高度爭議」和「缺乏透明度」的,是由於國家領導人的管理經驗不足所致。
美國局勢仍然是最緊張的,一場尚未宣佈但事實上內戰在肆虐的趨勢已上演。這場戰爭把 911 恐怖襲擊、伊拉克戰爭和福島核災的法西斯份子,和那些欲恢復民主和法治的愛國者置於一起。
據估計,每年有價值 5 萬億美元的貨物通過南海。控制貨物流通的國家基本上控制着 5 萬億美元的資產,所有這些都與之相關。
「中國海軍開始建立水下活動和傳感器網絡,這些傳感器位於水下 3000 米。這些裝置嵌入在一種新開發的水泥中,含有特殊的聚合物,現在被稱為世界上最好的水泥 -- 它可以在水下超過 150 年而不惡化,這個龐大的項目還包括水下基地、特殊的攝像機和深水平台等。」
這個項目從 2016 年開始,現在已完成。這堵圍牆完全包圍了中國在 1947 年單方面宣佈的九段線。這一數字佔了南中國海 200 萬平方公里的 90 %。
有幾篇關於這方面的文章,但沒無具體細節。 YouTube 上有一些視頻,但並不真實。
以下是最近印度的 Zee 新聞發佈:
「新聞中沒有透露的是,中國周邊的海底長城距離越南海岸線 7 公里,汶萊海岸線 25 公里。」而各國政府都不願意披露這一真相。」(我從一個曾在現場的人得到了這個情報,並且看到了周長的實際位置)。
中國高層情報解釋說,西方軍艦在 19 世紀將其從他們手中奪走,中國只是在收復領土而已。他們需要建造一條防禦線,讓海洋深度達 3000 米,這樣他們的潛水艇就能在未被探測到的情況下移動。一位前政治局官員解釋說:「目的是要確保沒有國家誤判,並認為他們可以通過先發制人的核打擊來逃脫。」
現在很清楚的是,上個月 26 日在上海啟動以黃金為基礎的,以人民幣計價的石油期貨交易,是中國在至少 10 年裏精心準備的一個舉措。這一事件始於 2008 年,當時,可薩暴徒威脅中國,如果試圖篡奪石油美元,將切斷中東的石油供應,並封鎖其海岸線。
2011 年 3 月 11 日的福島核災是恐嚇日本人的手段,意在阻止他們將日本銀行國有化。日本銀行是石油美元體系的關鍵。因此,中國吸取了福島的教訓,建造了中國的水下長城,以防止類似的襲擊。
中國也開始從非洲、俄羅斯、南美和其他地方開採石油,為他們的大行動做準備。今年 1 月,從俄羅斯完成的每日 60 萬桶石油管道完工,是最後一批被投入使用的石油管道之一。
儘管如此,中國反對石油美元的舉動不應該被誤認為是對美國的一種攻擊。這實際上是對 700 多名用石油美元來控制全球的可薩暴徒的行動,他們將石油美元作為奴役人類計劃的一部份。
其實,美國的愛國者是在與亞洲盟友並肩作戰,以解放美國人民。五角大樓消息表示,這就是「加州馬里布的水下基地被搗毀,導致 4 月 5 日發生 5.3 級地震的原因。」
這也是美軍確保所有的可薩暴徒大咖,都從美聯儲董事會中移除。紐約聯邦儲備銀行新任行長約翰 · 威廉姆斯( John Williams )公開表示,美國的貨幣創造應該轉向新的目標,比如中等收入階級,而不是把錢都交給由可薩寡頭控制的私人銀行。以「中等收入」為目標,基本上意味着把錢交給普通老百姓,而不是那些權貴精英。
紐約聯邦儲備銀行新任行長約翰 · 威廉姆斯( John Williams )
在看不見的硝煙戰中,其中就是不為人知的非洲打擊可薩暴徒行動。在這方面,津巴布韋總統姆南加格瓦( Emmerson Mnangagwa )上週訪問中國,並表示他的國家將採用中國發展模式的意願。
五角大樓解釋說,美國有 5 名參議員在姆南加格瓦回國後向他表示歡迎,「非洲黃金和其他自然資源將為新的資產支持的金融系統提供擔保。」
消息人士說,為了幫助新系統的準備工作,美國正在進行一場有計劃的清洗,以掃蕩在美國境內的可薩賊黨。他們說,其中一部份原因是針對杰弗里 · 愛潑斯坦( Jeffrey Epstein )的「戀童癖島」的地下網絡和藏身處的攻擊。這是繼美國前總統克林頓的孌童照片曝光後,有一個被曝光的照片(儘管本文發表時,這些照片似乎已從網上消失)。另外,消息來源指出,「司法部封了色情和戀童癖網站 Backpage.com 。」
美國革命 2.0 已經開始。
【原文】Benjamin Fulford 2018-04-09
The world asks, 「Has America gone insane?」
The current leadership of the Anglo-Saxon world is acting in a manner that can only be described as insane, by issuing one obviously false, incendiary claim after another in a vain attempt to start World War 3. They are doing this because the current leadership is literally fighting to survive as the wheels of justice inevitably grind closer.
This is why recently we have seen that UK Prime Minister Theresa May’s hysterical claims that Russia used poison gas inside the UK are being denied by her own government’s experts. This is also why U.S. President Donald Trump was either forced by blackmail or fooled like an idiot into falsely accusing the Syrian government yet again of attacking its own civilians with chemical weapons.
In both cases, the accusations ultimately came from the actual perpetrators of the crimes. In the UK, it was elements of its own intelligence services who manufactured the poison gas incident, CIA and MI5 sources confirm. Russian UN envoy Vasily Nebenzya called the UK’s behavior a 「theater of the absurd.」
In the case of Syria, U.S. and UK agents were caught red-handed with banned chemical weapons in their possession.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, for his part, summed up the of opinions many countries about U.S. foreign policy under the Trump administration by noting it to be 「highly controversial,」 「lacking clarity,」 and being run by people none of whom had more than a year’s experience.
The general impression is that the Trump administration is going against all major international agreements reached in recent years without actually offering an alternative, multiple sources agreed.
On top of that, Trump U.S. Commerce officials, working against the advice of the Pentagon, have declared a trade war with China that they are mathematically doomed to lose. China’s government has already promised to 「fight to the end at any cost.」
So what is really going on here? The answer, of course, is that the group of Western leaders who brought us the fake war on terror and the various invasions that followed are terrified of losing power and consequently being charged with multiple war crimes. This is the real reason why they are acting, collectively, in an irrational and hysterical manner.
The situation in the U.S. remains the most intense, as an undeclared but de facto civil war is raging there. The war pits the fascist Khazarian mafia faction that staged 9/11, the Iraq War, and Fukushima against patriots who want to restore democracy and the rule of law to the West.
Unlike the open warfare of previous civil wars, this one is being fought over the instruments of mass mind control, including money, propaganda, cyberwarfare, targeted assassinations, and unpublicized battles between special forces.
The ongoing attacks on Facebook, Amazon, Google, Twitter, and Microsoft, even as these Internet giants strive to censor the web, are just one visible aspect of this new type of war.
There is also a space war and esoteric dimension to this that is visible to the surface population in small glimpses, much like people on a boat watching a battle between sea monsters that takes place mostly underwater.
The latest such glimpse was the crashing down to earth of the Chinese space station Tiangong-1. It was downed by U.S. forces in retaliation for recent crashes of U.S. warships apparently engineered by the Chinese, CIA sources say. Now three U.S. aircraft carrier groups are headed to the South China Sea to confront a massive Chinese battle group there, the CIA sources say.
In fact, though, the two groups may actually be facing a common enemy, say Pentagon sources. Most of the action is taking place underwater and in secret, the sources say.
According to the CIA sources, 「The real reason for all the sabre-rattling by the Western military powers is that China seems to have become the victorious nation in the battle for control of the South China Sea.」
Here is a summary of the CIA report on the situation:
「There is an estimated $5 trillion worth of goods that pass through the South China Sea annually. The country which controls the flow of goods basically controls $5 trillion and all that is associated with it.
「The People’s Liberation Army Navy (the PLA Navy) started building a network of undersea active and passive sensors which are located up to 3,000 meters underwater. These are embedded in a newly developed cement that contains special polymers and is now known as the best cement in the world—it can last more than 150 years underwater without deteriorating. This massive project also involves underwater bases which include special cameras and deep underwater platforms.」
「The seabed component of this perimeter wall contains special hydrophones and magnetic anomaly detectors. This will help in the autonomous detection and tracking of enemy submarines and ships. Setting up a zone of anti-access and area denial in the waterways is deemed critical by China for its security.」
「This project was started in 2016 and is now complete. This perimeter wall completely encircles the Nine-Dash Line that China unilaterally proclaimed back in 1947 as her historical maritime territory. This claims up to 90% of the 2 million square kilometers of the South China Sea.」
「There have been a few articles about this, but nothing really detailed. There are a few YouTube videos, but these don’t really tell the true story.」
「This just came out recently in Zee News India:
「What is not being revealed anywhere in the news is that China’s perimeter undersea wall comes within 7 km of the coastline of Vietnam and 25 km of the coastline of Brunei. No government wants to disclose this reality. (I have this intel from a man who has been onsite and seen where the perimeters actually are).」
「There is more to this story that just came out last night. More U.S. and Chinese military maneuvers in the South China Sea have just begun, due to the alleged 「trade war」 that has started between the two countries.」
「The real question one asks is why was this not revealed and stopped two years ago? Or does China really have historical maritime rights to most of the South China Sea? So far, it looks like she does.」
Top-level Chinese intelligence officials explain that China is merely reclaiming territory it has held throughout history until Western warships took it from them in the 19th Century. They needed to build a defense line to where the ocean was 3,000 meters deep so that their submarines could move about undetected. 「The aim is to make sure no country miscalculates and thinks they can get away with a pre-emptive nuclear strike on China,」 one former politburo-level official explained.
It is now clear that the March 26th start of gold-backed yuan-denominated oil futures trading in Shanghai was a move the Chinese have been carefully preparing for at least a decade. This started back in 2008 when the Khazarian mafia threatened China with a cut-off of Middle Eastern oil and a blockade of its coastline if it tried to usurp the petrodollar.
The March 11, 2011 attack on Fukushima, Japan was intended to intimidate the Japanese and prevent them from nationalizing the Bank of Japan, a key linchpin of the petrodollar system. Thus, the Chinese took a lesson from Fukushima and built their underwater Great Wall of China to prevent a similar attack.
The Chinese also began to source their oil from Africa, Russia, South America, and elsewhere in preparation for their big move. The completion of a 600,000 barrel-per-day oil pipeline from Russia in January was one of the last pieces to be put into place.
This Chinese move against the petrodollar should not be mistaken as a move against the United States, though. It is really a move against the 700 or so top Khazarian mafiosi who have used their control of the petrodollar as part of their plan to enslave humanity.
In fact, patriots in the U.S. are actually fighting alongside their Asian allies to free the American people. That is why an 「underwater base off Malibu, California was destroyed, resulting in a 5.3 magnitude earthquake on April 5,」 Pentagon sources say.
The U.S. military was eliminating a sea-bed base that was involved in the attacks that caused all the mysterious fires recently in Northern California. They did not say who the base belonged to, but apparently it and possibly others have been financed by the California branch of the Khazarian mafia.
That is also why the U.S. military ensured that all Khazarian mafia bosses were removed from the board of governors of the Federal Reserve Board. The new president of the New York Federal Reserve Bank, John Williams, has already stated publicly that U.S. monetary creation should use new targets like median income, instead of just handing over the cash to private banks controlled by Khazarian oligarchs. Targeting 「median income」 basically means giving the money to the average American instead of to an esoteric elite.
Also, as a part of this move against the Khazarians and their 「create money out of thin air」 con job, a bill has been introduced to the U.S. Congress to require that the U.S. currency be backed by gold. (Gold, by the way, that will be supplied by Asian friends of the American people, according to White Dragon Society sources.) On this front, top-secret negotiations are ongoing, but should result in 「tens of trillions」 of dollars being made available to help rebuild the U.S., say sources involved in the negotiations.
There is also a highly underreported African dimension to this epic battle against the Khazarian overlords. On this front, Zimbabwe President Emmerson Mnangagwa visited China last week and stated that his country would adopt a Chinese development model.
Five U.S. senators were on hand to greet him as he returned from China, 「as African gold and other natural resources will underwrite the new asset-backed financial system,」 Pentagon sources explain.
To help prepare for the new system, a systematic purge of the Khazarian mafia control grid in the U.S. is continuing, the sources say. Part of this involved an attack on the network of underground tunnels and hideouts on Jeffrey Epstein’s 「pedophile island,」 they say. This was followed by leaks of photographs of prominent Khazarians like former U.S. President Bill Clinton with underaged lovers (although these appear to have now been deleted from the Internet at the time this article was published). Also, 「the Department of Justice shut down the sex and pedophilia trafficking site Backpage.com,」 the sources note.
There may also soon be warfare in California. 「Left-wing California is reeling from DOJ lawsuits, plus revolt from local governments,」 the Pentagon sources say. 「U.S. troops may be sent to put down the California insurrection,」 they add. 「The National Guard has been sent to the Mexican border to 「stop terrorists, gangs, drugs, arms, and trafficking of humans and children,」 they note.
The second American Revolution has begun.