Greetings my friends,
Today I would like to discuss potential futures/timelines faced by the Human Collective, based on current Light data and planetary vibrations level. I am sure all of you know that the future is fluid. The future is what you all make of it. Your individual and collective futures are very interconnected. The thoughts, words, feelings and actions of just one person can have great, far-reaching ripple effects on the entire planet.
今天,我想要讨论一下人类集体会面对的潜在未来 / 时间线,基于当前的光之数据和行星振动水平。我相信你们都知道未来是不固定的。未来是你们在创造的。你们个体和集体的未来息息相关。单单一个人的想法、话语、感受和行为就会对整个星球产生巨大的、深远的涟漪效应
There are approximately 7.6 billion souls physically incarnate on the planet at the moment. Imagine the combined, collective Creation and Manifestation powers you all have on the future of Humanity, and the future of planet Earth. If all of these 7 billion people were to work together to create Nova Gaia right now, Nova Gaia will be manifested in less than a week. This is how powerful you are when you are working together in harmony with ALL to achieve a common goal.
现在大约有 76 亿灵魂化身于地球。想象你们联合的、集体的创造以及显化力量会对人类和地球的未来产生什么样的影响。如果所有 70 亿人此时此刻合作来创造新星盖亚,新星盖亚会在一周之内显化。你们就是这么强大,当你们在与一切的和谐之中共事来实现共同的目标
At the moment however, only 41% of Humanity is spiritually awakened. And out of this spiritually-awakened group, only about 5% is either consistently doing their best to embody Christ consciousness every day, or, have successfully embodied their Higher Selves. The rest, the 36%, are still too busy learning the ropes and aligning their entire lives to their higher purpose.
然而此刻,只有 41% 的人是精神觉醒的。在这个精神觉醒的团体中,大概只有 5% 的人始终如一地在每天竭尽全力体现基督意识,或者,已经成功地体现了他们更高的自我。其他的 36% ,依旧忙于弄清内幕(又译摸清门道)并将自己的整体生活与更高的目标对齐
If you belong to this group of 5% (people who have been awakened for quite awhile, and are now making very good progress by joyfully fulfilling your life missions), you should really spend a minimum of 15-mins meditation time per day focusing purely on the creation of Nova Gaia. When an awakened person starts living life fully committed to the grand project: ‘The Creation & Manifestation of Nova Gaia’; all of us here in the higher dimensional realm can see the MASSIVE difference this person is making on the entire planet. This 15-mins focus on Nova Gaia formation may not seem like much to you, but the effects of this little exercise are tremendous; especially when done regularly.
如果你从属于这个 5% (醒来有段时间了,很好地进行着快乐地履行你人生的使命),你真的应该每天花费至少 15 分钟的时间冥想,纯粹地专注于新星盖亚的创造。当一个觉醒的人开始完全致力于宏伟的事业而活:“新星盖亚的创造和显化”;更高维度领域中的我们可以看到这个人在地球上做出的巨大不同。这个 15 分钟专注于新星盖亚的构造可能看起来不是很多,但产生的影响是巨大的;尤其是定期去做的时候
Start using your remarkable imaginations! Everything that you would like your new, fifth-dimensional planetary home to be like, imagine as if this reality is instantly manifested in this exercise. Imagine there is pure clean air and water, and a bounty of organic fruits/vegetables everywhere – easily accessible at no cost for everyone on the planet. Imagine this entire planet completely cleansed and healed from all the toxicity and destruction mankind had heaped upon Her throughout the eons of time. Imagine everyone living in perfect harmony; giving each other the unconditional love and respect each soul deserves to have. Imagine as if all members of humanity have completely overcome their differences. There is complete and absolute acceptance, inclusiveness and unity towards all within the human race: no matter your skin color, relig·ions, education and financial backgrounds, nations/languages, sexual orientation etc.
开始使用你非凡的想象力!任何你想要你新的、五维行星的家是什么样的东西,想象好似这个现实已经瞬时显化。想象有着纯净的空气和水,丰富的有机水果 /蔬 菜 --- 每个人都可以轻易地获取。想象整个星球完全清理了人类恒久以来在地球积累的毒素并疗愈了破坏。想象每个人生活于完美的和谐;给予彼此无条件的爱和尊重。想象所有人完全地克服了他们的分歧。对所有人有着一个完全、彻底的接纳,包容和统一:不管你是什么肤色、宗·教、教育和金融背景、国家 / 语言、性取向等
Visualize a world where money does not exist. Where everything you need is always fulfilled at no cost to you; at no cost to anyone. Visualize every single person on Earth feeling joyful, blissful and very fulfilled; living their lives with so much passion every day, doing what they love and loving what they do. Imagine a world where everyone enjoys perfect health. Where sickness and disease are no more; and the ‘process of aging as one gets older’ is just a distant memory.
Visualize the entire human collective becoming so spiritually-advanced; so much so that everyone’s Divine, spiritual powers of Creation and Manifestation are fully awakened and operational. And when this happens, the entire Universe will open up for you. What ‘the you’ today would classify as miracles will one day be an everyday occurrence; miracles will become the ‘normal’ outcomes coming from you exercising your powerful creative abilities!
All the things I could do to demonstrate my Divine powers, (in my most popular physical incarnation as Jesus the Christ), you can very easily do too, one day! Turning water into wine; healing the sick, blind, deaf and/or the handicapped; walking on water; ‘controlling’ the weather; raising someone from the dead etc. are only very few, very basic examples of your True, Powerful capabilities! You are magnificent, powerful Divine Light Beings; currently walking around in the ‘disguise’ of a human body.
And here comes a basic, fundamental TRUTH:
In the eyes of our Creator God, you are just as special as I am! You are equally powerful; equally loved and equally Divine. You are God; walking around this planet in the physical expression of a human body.
There is a very important reason as to why the message that ‘You are God’ has often been repeated, time and time again. There is a huge, big GAP from at first, you ‘knowing’ something, to then change to you ‘believing’ in something, and finally you ‘becoming/embodying’ something. The more often we repeat this authentic truth for you, the more it will sink in deeper and deeper into your subconscious until one day, you BECOME the Gods/Goddesses you Truly are!
所以“你是神”这个信息被经常重复,一次又一次。一开始有着巨大的差距,从你“知道”什么,然后变成你“相信”什么,最终你“成为 / 体现”什么。我们越频繁地重复这个真理,它会越多地渗入你的潜意识,直到有一天,你成为你真正所是的神 / 女神
It is now time, for you to embrace the truth of who you are. Most of you reading this are still walking around acting completely powerless in the face of challenges life has placed in front of you. YOU put those ‘seemingly-impossible-to-overcome’ challenges smack-bang in the middle of your current path as an opportunity, a higher invitation, for your ‘third-dimensional’ Self to return to, align with and embody your super powerful Multidimensional Higher Selves. Once your entire being (physical, mental and emotional bodies) perfectly aligns with your Higher Self, you will have the abilities to eliminate those challenges completely, permanently, once and for all. And life on Earth will truly be without third-dimensional limits and restrictions.
It all comes down to this:
Are you ready to let go of ALL controls? Are you ready to surrender completely, to the Wisdom, Love, Light, Unity and Power that is your Higher Self?
Complete and utter surrender of your life to your Higher Self is the ONLY way for you to experience a life so magnificent beyond your wildest imaginations!
Have complete, absolute faith and trust that your Higher Self, your spiritual team of angels & guides, and our Creator God, unconditionally love you so very much, beyond measure. They want you to have what you want to have. They want you to be what you want to be. They want you to do in life, only that which you really, joyfully want to do in life. Your Divine, Free Will is totally respected and totally supported 100% of the time!
完全、彻底地相信你更高的自我、精神指导团队和天使团队,我们的造物主,无条件地爱着你,不可估量。他们想要你拥有你想要拥有的。他们想要你成为你想要成为的。他们想要你去做你真正喜欢去做的。你神圣的自由意志完全被尊重,被 100% 地支持着
In other words, by ‘surrendering’ control of the steering wheel of the ‘ship’ that is your life on Earth; by letting God and your Higher Self take over the wheel to lead, you will still get to the destination of where you want to go. There is 1 big difference between surrendering control and not surrendering control.
With God and your Higher Self in control, they will make sure that your path is the most joyful, most fulfilling, most abundant (in all aspects), most fun and it will be the safest, fastest route to where you would like to go! Your omniscient God/Higher Self will always be there to guide you through all the stormy seas; and they will be the powerful navigation system/GPS your ship needs to get to where you want to go, what you want to be and do.
让神和你更高的自我掌控,他们会确保你的道路是最令人愉悦的,最令人满意的,最丰盛的(所有方面中),最有趣的,它会是最快速的、最安全的路线前往你想要前往的地方!你无所不知的神 / 更高自我总是会来指引你通过所有的暴风雨;他们会是强大的导航系统 /GPS ,你的船只会到达你想要去的地方,你会成为想要成为的和做想要做的
“When you let go, something magical happens. You give God room to work”
“当你放下,奇迹发生。你允许神来工作” ---Mandy Hale
Surrendering to your Higher Self also means a full-time commitment to be the Unconditional Love that you truly are, within. This means with your act of surrender, you will automatically return to the Love that you are. You will automatically spread love wherever you go. You will automatically act like the love that you are in everything that you do every single day. And you will treat ALL living beings with love straight from the heart, exactly the way that you yourself would like to be treated.
LOVE is truly the greatest POWER in the Universe.
When you align your every thought, word, feeling and action with the power of LOVE, the Universe supports you in ALL of your endeavors! Magic happens. Every day you will wake up in the morning feeling so excited about what the day will bring. Work will become fun and it will feel like play. Everyone and everything will cease to be a stranger. You will feel so united, so acutely interconnected with ALL THAT IS. All will become your best friends.
And the best thing is, you do not have to worry about money and/or ‘earning a living’ ever again. Success in all that you do will come naturally zooming into your life with what seems to be little or zero effort! This will happen when you all remember the art of ‘opening up to receive’ all the best things in life the Universe has got to offer you.
Going to the ‘mountaintop’ where your goals of spiritual mastery and enlightenment are located, requires complete surrender, trust and belief that the Universe/God is ONE with you. That they are always on your side, supporting your every endeavor. The ascension process requires you to ‘ascend’ or ‘leave behind’ all of your small, limiting, highly restrictive third-dimensional beliefs that are holding you back.
前往“山顶”,你精神精通和启蒙的目标坐落的地方,需要完全地臣服,信任,相信宇宙 / 神与你是一体的。他们总是在你身边,支持着你每一个努力。扬升进程需要你“提升”或“抛下”所有渺小的,局限的,高度约束的三维信念(阻碍着你)
And when everyone on the planet is practicing this art of ‘total and complete surrender’ to their Higher Selves, Nova Gaia will no longer be a very distant physical reality. Every time there was a courageous person who had bravely ‘jumped off of the cliff’ and left the ‘old ways/lives’ behind, to then take the road less traveled her Higher Self is leading her to, the Light frequency of Planet Earth rises exponentially.
当地球上的每个人练习这个对更高自我的“完全臣服”艺术,新星盖亚不再是一个遥远的物理现实。每次有一个勇敢的人“跳下悬崖”,抛弃“旧的方式 / 生活”,踏上更高的自我引领他前往的人迹罕至的道路,地球的光之频率会成倍地增长
This person (as she fully commits be the living, physical embodiment of Divine Love in everyday life) will become a very powerful BEACON of Light. People all over the globe will be attracted to her works; to her light; to her love. She will exude/emanate the Christ consciousness so easily and so naturally, with zero effort. She becomes a living, breathing, modern Ch·rist in action; spreading Love, Unity and Light wherever she goes and in whatever she does.
这个人(随着他完全致力于在每日生活中成为神圣之爱的物理体现)会成为一个非常强大的灯塔。世界各地的人会被他的工作、光、爱吸引。他会散发 / 辐射基督意识,如此地轻松,如此地自然,毫不费力。他成为了一个活生生的,现代基督;传播着爱,统一和光,在他所在的地方,在他所做的一切之中
The time is NOW for all of you (who have decided to ascend in this lifetime) to be this embodiment of the Christ consciousness as well, in your every day life. Let go of all false beliefs based in fear, lack and limitation. Lower your guard and let God in. Let your Higher Selves in to take over and lead the way. You will always be safe, protected and guided to the ‘best, highest, most joyful and peaceful’ path that is the blueprint for your new 5D life.
是时候让你们所有人(决定在此生扬升的人)去成为基督意识的体现了。放下所有基于恐惧,缺乏和局限的虚假信念。降低你的防护,让神进入。让你更高的自我接管,引领道路。你总是安全的,被保护着,被指引到“最高,最好,最令人愉悦与平和”的道路,这就是你新 5D 生活的蓝图
Based on today’s planetary light frequency levels, Nova Gaia will be fully established as a physical, manifested reality in approximately 25 of of your Earth years. This estimate is based on the ‘relatively incorrect’ assumption that the small group of 5% (mentioned earlier in this message) never grows any bigger/never welcomes new members into the group. In other words, if the number of people ‘who are consciously embodying their Higher Selves’ ALWAYS remain stationary at 5%, Nova Gaia will become a reality in 25 years. Now, WHAT IF, that percentage rises? The answer is obvious. Utopia Earth will be manifested into your actual, physical reality faster than 25 years.
基于今天行星的光之频率水平,新星盖亚会在大约 25 个地球年中完全地在物理现实中建立。这个估算是基于“相对错误”的假设 ---5% 的那些人(这则信息前面部分提到的)不再增加 / 不再欢迎新成员的加入。换句话说,如果“有意识地体现更高自我”的人之数量总是保持在 5% ,新星盖亚会是 25 年中的一个现实。现在,如果,这个比例上升了呢?答案是肯定的。乌托邦地球会更快地显化到你实际的物理现实中
Knowing that, what will you choose to do, to be and to create next, my dear friends? Are you ready for your massive move into the higher dimensions, and join many of your Galactic Brothers and Sisters of Light?
Out of the INFINITE number of potential futures/timelines currently lying in wait, in the realm of potential, which one will the Human Collective choose to manifest? Will you consciously choose the easiest, safest, less chaotic, and smoothest timeline where Ascension happens so naturally? Or will you let others make the decision for you, by NOT participating in the process of creating and manifesting Nova Gaia? Your powerful, conscious participation in this grand endeavor is needed to ensure that YOUR path will be less rocky, less stormy and less stressful. The choice is yours.
出于无限的潜在未来 / 时间线潜伏在潜能的领域,人类集体会选择显化哪一个?你会有意识地选择最简单,最安全,较少混乱,最顺畅的时间线来让扬升自然发生吗?还是你会让他人替你做决定,通过不参与创造和显化新星盖亚的过程?你强大的,有意识的参与是被需要的,为了确保你的道路会较少坎坷,较少暴风雨和压力。选择是你的
The image this channel had chosen to represent this message is very appropriate. The best way to predict the future is to create it. Let your Higher Selves take over and take control. They will help to align yourselves with the best, brightest, most peaceful future you all deserve to have! Your Higher Selves will do this by helping you CREATE the future Nova Gaia of your dreams. Reclaim your Sovereignty; your Divine, Godly powers of Creation and Manifestation and then make Heaven on Earth come true!
You have all chosen to be here, on-planet, in this Great Divine Moment of Gaia’s (and all of her inhabitants) massive move from the lower to the upper dimensions of consciousness. You have chosen to be here to participate in the creation of Nova Gaia. You eagerly came from many corners of the Universe and chose to be born here, not only to have a front row seat to watch this ‘Grand Show’ currently playing on Earth, but also to contribute, get involved and take part in MAKING IT HAPPEN!
So let’s get started, shall we?
I, Sananda, your brother in Light, promise to walk with you every step of the way. Call on me whenever you start to forget ‘who you truly are’ and ‘your very important reason/purpose for being here’. You are, at every moment, completely loved, guided and surrounded by higher dimensional light beings who only want the best for you.
我,萨南达,你光中的兄长,承诺每一步都和你在一起。呼唤我,当你开始忘记“你真正的所是”以及“你非常重要的在这里的原因 / 目标”。在任何时刻,你都被只想把最好的东西给你的更高维度光之存在完全地爱着,指引着,包围着
Please call for our assistance whenever and wherever you need it. Talk to us, and talk to your spirit team. Make the intention to establish a direct line of communication between you and us, so that in time, you can become less and less reliant on higher dimensional information that comes from the ‘outside’ of you. You are Omniscient, Omnipresent and Omnipotent. Within you the Wisdom of the Universe resides.
Sending out much Love and Light to you all,
萨南达 20180408 最好的尚未到来
通灵:Adele Arini
翻译:Nick Chan