2018-04-06 xiaohaozi0716 nannvshen爱情魔法
I come on the wings of love! Many of you have been releasing very deeplyheld beliefs about self that have been coming to the surface of your wakingconsciousness. These beliefs have become a part of your cellular structure froma very young age and so, as the higher cosmic energies of love come into theEarth ‘s atmosphere, these limiting thoughts about self rise from within you tobe looked at, recognized for what they are and released from your cellular andauric field. Most of these comprise very limiting and disempowering thoughtsthat keep you from moving forward in your life.
And so, for an indefinite time, these will continue to bombard you, eachone vying for your attention and reengagement with the disempowering,discouraging and self sabotaging subconscious thought patterns that have heldyou back from living your highest purpose, destiny and potential from the timeyou were but a child. It is very important that you recognize when this isoccurring as this is a time of great opportunity to clear and release thesepatterns from your organic and etheric bodies. These opportunities willcontinue to occur in waves in conjunction with further cosmic and planetaryalignments as and when they occur.
Do not become down on self and feel discouraged. You will start tonotice as this happens, how much lighter and clearer you feel after eachepisode. Upon your own shoulders the taking of self responsibility falls. Noone else can do this clearing and releasing work for you. You are the one whomust persist in holding your belief in your Divine nature no matter what risesto the surface to be confronted. You have all the power and courage within youto clear and transcend these deeply hidden subconscious thought patterns asthey come forth.
This process as you go through itwill also reconnect you to your own personal power as your realign to the trueauthentic version of yourself, one that is free from the influence of others inyour sphere of activity. You will re-establish a deep respect and embracementof your authenticity and develop the important quality of loving and honouringself first. When this happens consistently, the love of others in anunconditional acceptance happens easily and naturally.
The spiritual journey through life occurs in a spiral fashion. Sometimesit feels as though you are taking three steps forward and two steps back butultimately in the end result, you will see and experience the manifestation ofthe mastery of life as you live it here in the physical realms. So it has everbeen for each pilgrim as they continue on their spiritual path. The seemingfailures as might be perceived through your perspective can turn out to be thegreatest gift ever for your resultant expansion and evolutionary growth. Thiscame to be as a result of your willingness to surrender to the greater plan foryour life. As always, we say, take your stand in the Light and truth within youand all will be well.
Until next month…
I AM Hilarion
©MarleneSwetlishoff/Tsu tama.