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开始传送 .. 。
Great ones,
伟大的一们 ,
The earth alliance reports today that the 444 global starseed mass mediation last night was a cosmic-level success!
地球聯盟今天報告說,昨晚的 444 全球星際種子的集體冥想,是一個宇宙級的成功 !
The meditation reached epic participation levels as nearly 1/7 of the planetary population came together at the same moment to focus on manifesting the new earth,5d reality!
冥想達到了史詩般的參與水准,有將近 1/7 的行星人口同時聚集在一起,專注於顯化新地球, 5D的 實相!
Over 1000 prime starseed groups that make up the earth alliance on the surface,each with millions of members,subscribers and followers of their blogs,social media channels and websites report collectively that over 1 billion light beings joined in unity of heart and mind last night to achieve the highest level of global conscious super cohesion every achieved on this planet!
地球上超过 1000 个主要的星際种子团体,组成了地球联盟,每个团体都有数百万的成员、订阅者和追随者,他们的博客、社交媒体频道和网站共同报道,昨晚有超过 10 亿的光之生命,心与心合一,达到了全球意识超级凝聚力的最高水平,这是地球上每一个人所达到的!
The schumann resonance which is a direct reflection of consciousness levels around the earth began reflecting elevated vibrational levels at exactly 10:45pm yesterday and current levels are still pegging the 40-hertz vibrational frequency,which is the lower fifth-dimensional boundary and the beginning of the gamma state of consciousness.
舒曼共振,是地球周圍意識水準的直接反映,昨天晚上 10 點 45 分開始反映提升的振動水平,而當前的水平仍固定在 40 赫茲的振動頻率上,這是第五維度的下限,也是意識伽瑪狀態的開始。
(如釋說----2020/4/6 P5:15,截取自:http://sosrff.tsu.ru/?page_id=7)
The gamma state of consciousness is the heightened bliss state of being that the ancient mystics called heaven and nirvana.
This vibrational frequency is the vibration of the new earth!
Angelic light beings docked all around earth's solar system tonight are heralding that the kingdom of heaven is about to dawn on planet earth!
It is truly the most magnificent time in human history to be present on earth as all of this unfolds and the light that is coming just over the horizon is greater than what any prophet saw!
In a special transmission this morning from light forces docked in earth's solar system to certain members of the earth alliance,the galactics communicated that as a direct result of this incredible planetary meditation,a brand new upgraded version of the new-earth,gamma timeline is now in place and running smoothly on the surface of planet earth!
Positive benefits of this upgraded gamma timeline:
1.the cabal-fear-virus will begin subsiding all around the world this very week and will soon be eradicated from this planet!
1. 阴谋集团 - 恐惧病毒将在本周开始,在世界各地消退,并将很快地从这个星球上被根除!
2.major advances will occur beginning this week regarding the new global gold-backed,digital abundance system!Under this new 5d system all beings of earth will have abundant provision and all debts will be forgiven!
2. 从本周开始,全新的黄金支持的数字丰盛系统,将取得重大的进展!在这个新的 5d 系统下,地球上的所有存有,都将有充足的供应,所有的债务,都将被免除!
3.starseeds will start to notice miraculous healings in the layered body system as 5d light bodies are strengthened by this new energy!
3. 当 5 维光体被这种新能量加强时,星际种子将开始注意到,在多维身体系统中的奇迹般的療癒!
4.the highest level of darkness removal ever witnessed on earth will show up in news all around the world beginning this week as delta forces are poised to take down all final nefarious beings globally that have done harm to others!
4. 地球上有史以来最高的黑暗清除级别,将在本周开始,出现在世界各地的新闻中,因为三角洲部队已经准备好,消灭全球所有曾经伤害过他人的邪恶生物 !
Many beautiful children are being rescued from dark forces at this very moment in covert delta force ops all around the planet!As you know,this sensitive op is being kept out of the public eye because it would all too shocking for the masses!The earth alliance counsels to still plan for 3 days of darkness as special positive military heroes descend into the earth and rise again as saviors three days later!
許多美麗的孩子,正從黑暗勢力被中解救出來,就在此時此刻,在這個星球上的秘密三角洲部隊行動中!如你所知,這一敏感的行動,被擋在公眾的視線之外,因為這對大眾來說太震驚了!地球聯盟建議仍要 3 天黑暗的計劃,因為特殊積極的軍事英雄將降入地球,並在三天后,作為救世主再次崛起!
Starseeds all around the globe are reporting strong ascension symptoms since yesterday,primarily ringing and buzzing in the ears!
Light forces say,"this is a direct effect of the drastic vibrational increase that occurred last night and things will smooth out after this powerful light is integrated into the layered body system!
光明势力说, " 这是昨晚发生的剧烈振动增加的直接效果,当这强大的光被整合进多维层身体系统之后,一切都会平静下来 !" !
Light forces have said in their recent transmission,"humanity has now shifted collectively into the planetary heart chakra where unity and compassion are accelerating the way now towards the new earth!"since yesterday,the great awakening moved into a heightened new phase where all beings of earth are becoming more aware and more conscious every moment!This positive shift is so profound it is affecting everything on earth as well as the entire universe!
光明势力在他们最近的传送中说, " 人类现在已经集体转移到行星的心轮,在那里统一和同情正在加速通往新地球的道路 !" 从昨天开始,大觉醒进入了一个更高的新阶段,地球上的所有生命,每时每刻都在变得更有意识和更有觉知!这种积极的转变是如此深刻,它影响着地球上的一切,也影响着整个宇宙!
A shining new human race is dawning even now and very soon,as light pierces through the dark clouds,a new heart-based,more spiritually advanced,global earth civilization will be born and will take its place among the great star nations of this cosmos!
Be in great peace and know that all is well!You are safe and your families are safe as this incredible transition from 3d to 5d takes place!
願你平安,知道萬事如意!你是安全的,你的家人是安全的,因為這難以置信的過渡,從 3d 到 5d 發生了!
It is all part of the grand divine plan for humanity and planet earth!
Steady as we go and standby for a magnificent event 2020 culmination and a blinding solar flash!
讓 我们稳步前进,准备好迎接 2020 年的壮丽事件和炫目的太阳闪焰!
Take the best care of you and let us know what you are experiencing during this great time!
上帝保佑 ,
Michael and the pleiadians
*view the live schumann resonance chart on our space weather tools page:https://5dearthproject.com/space-weather-tools/
* 在我们的太空天气工具页面上查看实时舒曼共振图表 :
Special credit and acknowledgment to the earth alliance,the great white brotherhood,the white dragon society,pleiadian codename:cobra,the guardians of earth and the sphere being alliance.
David wilcock corey goode eceti ranch
大卫·威尔科克 科里·古德 eceti ranch
資料來源: https://www.pfcchina.org/zhuixindongtai/37357.html