
  (2017-08-02 04:00:27)




Greetings, from heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am KejRaj(KayRy).

问候,衷心地,我是 KejRaj(KayRy).


This is a series of questions received via email from our readers that I will answer here and share with you all. Please understand the information e·x·pressed here is that of my perspective, my point of view. For all truth awaits you in your heart. We hope you FEEL our LIGHT and LOVE in this message.




***Question: How many hours a day can I do Kundalini meditation?


问题: 我一天要做昆达里尼的冥想几个小时?


Answer: Well, for one we would suggest not to rush with this. Listen to your intuition, ask for your guides assistance. And two, 15 to 20 minutes a day is more than enough. This is a very powerful energy to be working with.


回答: 我们建议不要太匆忙。聆听你的直觉,请求指导的协助。一天 15 20 分钟足已。这是一个非常强大的能量


***Question: Why are birds louder in the spring and summer than in other seasons?


问题: 为什么鸟儿在春天和夏天声音比较响,比起其他季节?


Answer: The obvious reason would be they are just filled with joy for the warmer days. Another would be that their sound frequency helps the plants grow and blossom more quickly.


回答: 很明显它们对温暖的日子充满了喜悦。还有就是它们的声频会帮助植物生长,更快地绽放


***Question: Are many people going to leave Earth once Ascension picks up speed; Around what year might this be; How many are expected to ascend?


问题: 一旦扬升加速,许多人会离开地球吗?大概会在哪一年?有多少人会扬升?


Answer: Right now, there are more deaths than births happening on Earth, and the death rate is only increasing. By 2025, many, many will have left Earth. We cannot get too specific on this, as it would simply cause fear among the populace. The number of people that will ascend is always changing, but it may be less than half of Earths current population.


回答: 现在,地球上的死亡要比出生多得多,死亡率只会增加。到 2025 年,许多人会离开地球。我们不能细说,因为这会造成民众的恐慌。扬升之人的数量总是在改变,但可能会是当前人口“一半不到”的数量


***Question: How often should I wash my hair?


问题: 我要多久洗一次头?


Answer: Every other day, or every two days. Yes, we are aware that shampoos may dry, irritate the scalp, wash away good nutrients your scalp naturally makes. But our current world environment is far from pristine to where we would have to clean ourselves less often. Of course as always, use natural, non-gmo products.


回答: 每隔一天或两天。是的,我们知道洗发水可能会枯燥,刺激头皮,把头皮上面自然的营养物洗掉了。但我们当前的世界环境跟以前没法比,我们需要经常清理自己。当然,一如既往,使用自然,非转基因的产品


***Question: I would like to ask you about the relationship of ascension process and the process of release prosperity programs, when prosperity program will release massive funds I understand is primarily for humanitarian projects but also to reconstruction of nations around the world and construction of future cities, also I have read that in the ascension process our mother earth will have to pass a process of healing and reconfiguration above all on the surface earth so the population will have to move temporary to inner earth, but what will happened with the recent future cities or what is the reason for construction of future cities if those will be destroyed in the process of reconfiguration of surface planet, I mean the prosperity programs will release massive funds to build new future cities and eventually that will be destroyed again?


问题: 我想问问扬升进程和释放繁荣项目的关系,当繁荣项目释放大量的基金,我明白首先要用在人道主义项目上,但还要重建世上的各国以及建设未来的城市,我还了解到扬升进程中我们的地球母亲的表面会经历一个疗愈和重组,因此人民得暂时地搬到地球内部去,那近代的未来城市会怎样或者说未来城市建设的理由是什么,如果在重组过程中会被摧毁,我是说繁荣项目会释放大量的基金去建设新的未来城市,最终会被再次摧毁?


Answer: There will be some places on earth that will be covered in water. But this will not start til around 2020.


回答: 地球上的一些地方会被水覆盖。但不会在 2020 年之前发生


The rebuilding of new modern cities with new technology, free energy will begin likely after the Event.




New cities will not be destroyed.Also, the Cabal must be rid of completely in order for people and governments to rebuild full speed.




Humans may be moved to Inner Earth and Starfleet Ships only in case of mass evacuation. We are far from that as of now. Eventually, after all is set and done, maybe 100 years from now, ALL will move to inner Earth. Like in other worlds, residing in the Inner planes of a planet is thenorm.


人们可能会搬到地球内部,星际飞船只会用来大规模疏散。现在我们还离得很远。最终,在一切准备完毕后,也许 100 年后,所有人会搬到内部地球。换句话说,住在星球的内部会是“标准”


***Question: Thank you for bringing much sources of enlightenment to the world within the Chaos.


问题: 谢谢你在混乱之中带给我们大量的启蒙


How do you think the Twin Flame concept would play out between someone who is aware and maybe the other still much in the matrix? It seems confusing but it seems I must have met mine and the breakup was what lead to my abrupt wake up. Could it be her mission is done in the equation? My guides and Higher Self keeps making me realize we still do have option of a future together but that Ill have to choose between this person and another on the horizon and that none of is a wrong choice.




Could be quite confusing having this as the plan. I am yet to see it start to play out, your input would be very much appreciated.




Answer: Most lightworkers or starseeds have not brought their twin flame with them in this 3D life time on Earth. What does this mean? Their twin flame will be waiting for them in the 5th dimension. In the mean time sending light and love to the one on Earth now. When full open contact occurs, the landings occur starseeds will meet their twin flame. Sure enough when we have completed the ascension well all be more aware than we are now, we will instantly FEEL their/twin flames energy soon as they approach us.


回答: 大多数光之工作者或星际种子并没有把自己的双生火焰带到此生。这意味着什么?他们的双生火焰会在五维等候他们。与此同时把爱与光发送给在地球上的那一个。当全面接触发生,降落发生,星际种子会遇见自己的双生火焰。当然,当我们完成扬升,我们都会比现在更有意识,我们会即刻感受到他们 / 双生火焰的能量,随着他们接近我们


***Question: This past year my life has changed so much. All of my belief systems have been questioned and I don´t really know who/what I am anymore. I went from an atheist to reading channeled messages everyday. Now I can see and feel energy. I have intense desire to change my life and find my path/purpose on life. I just don´t know where to start or what to do. I just find myself falling to old addictions and patterns to escape my life and spend time while waiting for something to happen. At the same time I am scared and find myself doubting all the time if I am going crazy and do I really believe this. Are channeled messages real? I don´t feel like seeing other people anymore and find myself lonely often. Do you have any advice on how to overcome my doubts?


问题: 过去的一年我的生活改变了许多。我所有的信仰体系被质疑,我不再了解我自己。我从一个无神论者到每天都读通灵信息。现在我可以看到和感到能量。我强烈地渴望改变我的生活,找到我的道路 / 人生目标。我不知道该从哪开始或该做什么。我发现自己落入旧的成瘾和模式来逃避我的生活,花时间等待事情的发生。同时我害怕,发现我自己在怀疑自己是不是疯了,我真的相信这些吗?通灵信息是真的吗?我感到看不大到别人了,经常发现自己孤身一人。你有任何建议如何克服我的怀疑吗?


Also I have a question about psychedelic drugs. Are they harmful to spiritual progress. I find that they can be helpful in some ways to break old patterns and give new perspective but also that they have their downsides and I should not rely on any substances. Is there a significant difference between synthetic drugs like LSD, MDMA and plant based like Cannabis and Ayahuasca.


我对迷幻药还有一个问题。它们对精神进展有害吗?我发现它们在某些方式中有帮助,可以用来打破旧的模式,给予新的视角,但它们也有消极面,我不应该依赖任何的药物。在合成药物,比如 LSD MDMA 以及草本药物大麻和死藤水之间有着差别吗


Thank you for your service




Answer: All that you feel is perfectly normal.


回答: 你所有的感受都很正常


You know who you are! Or you would not be here now! You are a Starseed! One of the chosen ones for this mission to lead earth and humanity into the era of light. Please see this link:




If I may suggest, spend time in nature as much as possible. Alone. Be with yourself, with your thoughts, meditate. Just release it all. No worry, no fear. Know that you ALWAYS have your angelic guides with you. Call on them for support. Ask them to be with you when you go on walks, or meditate, when you are alone in nature or at night and KNOW they are right there.




Channeled messages are real. As always with all things, discernment is required.




Psychedelic drugs; I myself do not like to rely on outside substances at all. Only in case of an illness. They are not harmful per say to your progress, but you do not want to rely on an outside thing to bring you joy or temporarily help you forget your concerns.




We are beyond all of this, we are creator gods. We need nothing outside of us. It is only the old programming that had us believe we are mere human beings. See:




It is time NOW for all starseeds/lightworkers to realize their true power.


是时候让所有的星际种子 / 光之工作者去意识到自己真正的力量了


***Question: When I close my eyes in order to shut down my mind, I often see something like a tunnel aka portal, a kind of cylindrical tunnel lined with some kind of butterfly like objects flipping/dancing all along to an open space above my vision into space. My question is what is this scene/configuration all about?


问题: 当我闭上眼睛,为了关闭我的头脑,我经常看到隧道之类的东西,某种圆柱形的管道,和一些蝴蝶并列,就像一个物体翻转 / 跳舞,前往一个开放的空间。我的问题是这个场景 / 构型什么意思?


Answer: Yes, what you are seeing is the portal to the 5th dimension. As now we are beginning to become more aware and spending more time in the 5th dimension. The butterflies resemble your guides, watching and assisting you.


回答: 是的,你所看到的是通往五维的门户。因为现在我们正变得更有意识,花更多的时间处于五维。蝴蝶就像你的指导,看着你,协助着你


***Question: Bloating accompanied by excessive weight gain has been my nemesis since the advent of ascension symptoms, i have so far put on 15kg extra and all efforts to shed has failed. This excess weight is a great handicap  renders us nonoperational. So how can one sort out this predicament?


问题: 腹胀伴随着体重的增加是我扬升症状的主要体现,到目前为止我胖了 15 公斤,所有的减肥努力都失败了。这个增重是一个巨大的障碍 --- 使我们无法运作。一个人如何摆脱这个窘况?


Answer: Quite many people have gained weight in the past few years without even changing their diet. For one, this is do to the process of ascension. The body perhaps has a hard time accepting the refined energies, so it expands to make more room for the energies. And two, when one has blockages, uncleared past emotions and low energetical baggage, this in the physical for many turns into weight gain.


回答: 有很多人在过去的几年长胖了,甚至都没改变他们的饮食。首先,这出于扬升进程。身体也许难以接纳精炼的能量,所以它“扩张”来为能量腾出更多的空间。其次,当一个人有堵塞,未清理的过去情绪以及“较低能量的包裹”,这会反过来让你增重


Suggestion: If you have not done all ready, change to a vegetarian diet. Drink plenty of water. And be active!



***Question: I do have a question Im not sure about and it would be appreciated if you can throw a little clarity on it. Im not sure about the timeline for ascension to the 5th. Some articles seem to imply starting about 2022-23. And that there will be plenty of time for each to ascend when ready, especially with the help of mentors. Other articles seem to imply that the Event, probably later this fall, will catapult us into the 5th, instead of just a half step up, a bump up into 4th. Then it seems if the timelines are soon to finish dividing, that ones decision as to whether to go to the 5th or stay in 3rd will soon be felt. Does this mean it happens before the Event, the Proton Belt light being allowed to fully enter into our atmosphere and thus bumping up our consciousness to the 4th?


问题: 我有一个问题,我不太确定,如果你能给予一些明晰我会很感激。我不太确定扬升到五维的时间线。一些文章看似暗示在 2022-23 左右开始。每个人还有很多的时间去准备,尤其在导致的帮助下。其他的文章看似暗示事件,可能在今年秋天,会把我们带入五维,不是一小步一小步地,而是突然进入四维。那么就看似时间线很快会完成分离,一个人的决定,是去五维还是留在三维很快会被感到。这是否意味着这些会在事件前发生,光子带完全进入我们的大气层,因此提高我们的意识到四维?


Any clarity you can provide would be appreciated because I trust your input. I feel that you are truly plugged in to your Higher Self. I love your site. You are one of my favorite intel providers. You just resonate perfectly with me. Thanks for your offer to answer any questions we may have or to include articles on your site. Not sure if you include Ancient Awakenings or Who Needs Light, but they are other sites that I trust. I also like Zorra of Hollow Earth. There are many that I read, but these I trust. I would have liked to be able to donate to this site. I am unable to, Im sorry. Im hanging on by a thread, but I do have faith.


你所提供的任何明晰都被感激,因为我相信你的建议。我觉得你是真的接入了你的更高自我。我喜欢你的网站。你是我最喜欢的内在提供者这一。你完美地与我共振。谢谢回答我的问题。我还喜欢  Zorra of Hollow Earth 这个网站。我阅读很多,但我相信这些。我很希望能够捐助。但我无法,抱歉。我命悬一线,但我有信念


Answer: Please see this post>>


回答: 请看这篇文章 https://erao f


Yes, the Event WILL BE ASCENSION FOR MANY but not all, into the 5th dimension.




Those that do ascend, will be going back and forth to assist the rest. Not only will lightworkers have mentors for a while, but they themselves will be the NEW mentors to the ones that still need help ascending.




Nothing MAJOR may happen before the Event, besides the Global Currency Reset.




It is important to understand the 3D matrix will not dissolve completely until around 2030/5, that is how long people have to ascend or leave to another world. This does not mean that YOU wont ascend way prior to that or even prior 2024/5, you can, once again, many will. Earth will have completed the manifestation of her 5D Physical Body by 2024.


很重要去明白 3D 矩阵不会在 2030/5 之前完全溶解,这就是人们扬升或离开去别的世界的时间。这并不意味着在那之前或甚至 2024/5 之前你不会扬升,你可以,再次地,许多人会。地球会在 2024 年完成 5D 身体的显化


It is unfortunate that even channeled sources are not CLEAR on some of the basic questions lightworkers have. More often than not they sugar coat messages as to not cause fear, perhaps. But times for beating around the bush are over. Everyone must be straight forward with everything.




***Question: In the many lifetimes prior to my current, is it possible to be in more than one within the same lineage? Could I have been a great great uncle? Would physical resemblance be possible? I could not be a person that was alive when I was born. Considering that I have freewill to choose, is it possible to have gone through most, if not all, of my lifetimes being related in some way?


问题: 在许多之前的生世中,在相同的血统中我可以化身不止一次吗?我可以是一个叔叔祖父吗?物理地相似可能吗?当我出生,我无法是一个活着的人。考虑到我有自由意志去选择,有可能我大部分的生世,如果不是全部,是在某种程度上有血缘关系的吗?


Answer: Do you mean to play different roles within the same family? Yes, of course. In fact this is very normal, many souls choose to do this. Play the role of a parent, sibling, and more, remain within the same family/soul group for many lifetimes.


回答: 你是说在相同的家庭扮演不同的角色?是的,当然。事实上,这很正常,许多灵魂选择这么做。扮演父母,兄弟姐妹等等的角色,处于相同的家庭 / 灵魂团队很多生世


***Question: To understand in the form of an analogy, like Hollywood has a warehouse of all the movies ever made, each soul has their ownwarehouse of their lifetimes? Or, its been said that we areasleep, soon to be awakened, and it is all an illusion. Is that illusion basically a dream? Each dream or dreams we have each night be considered a lifetime? I think of the Charles Dickens Christmas story A Christmas Carol, where Scrooge is met with the three ghosts, all within the same night.


问题: 在比喻的方式中明白,就像好莱坞有一个电影的仓库,每个灵魂也有自己生世的“仓库”?或者,不是说我们在“沉睡”吗,很快会醒来,这一切都是一个幻象。那个幻象基本上是一个梦吗?我们夜晚做的梦可以认为是一个生世吗?我想到了查尔斯·狄更斯的圣诞故事“圣诞颂歌”, Scrooge 在同一夜遇见了三个鬼魂


Answer: Everything you experience is recorded by your SOUL. Also, all your experiences are stored within the Akashic Records. Dreams at night are simply another experience. You go for a walk at the park, you return home. Would you consider that a lifetime? It is all a matter of perspective.


回答: 你体验的一切被你的灵魂所记录。同样,你所有的体验也记录在阿卡西记录中。夜晚的梦只是另一种体验。你去公园散步,你回家。你会考虑那是一个生世吗?这都是角度的问题。


***Question: Is there any connection to ones interests, hobbies, etc from that of previous lifetimes? Example, there are a few people I have an interest in, including, at one time, John F Kennedy. Disclaimer: I am in no way implying that I was JFK in a previous lifetime, (he died a year before I was born) lolorwas I? Could there be common interests over the span of lifetimes?


问题: 个人的兴趣,爱好等等会和过去的生世有所关联吗?比如,有些人我挺感兴趣的,比如, JFK 。免责声明:我不是在暗示在前世我是 JFK ,(他在我出生前一年去世的)哈哈或者我是吗?在生世的跨度中会有共同的兴趣吗?


Answer: Very possible. As Starseeds that we are, in the many lifetimes weve had here on Earth in particular, many of us were involved in quite interesting roles and relationships, we may have associated with many famous figures in the past, and may very well do so in the near future.


回答: 很有可能。作为星际种子的我们,在许多生世中,我们许多人涉及相当有趣的角色和关系,我们也许与许多“著名”的人有关,也许会在近来再次成为名人


***Question: The number of lifetimes probably varies, but do they number in hundreds, thousands? And over what time span, thousand, ten thousand years, or more? There is no time outside of earth incarnations. A Bible verse that comes to mind about one day being a thousand years.


问题: 生世的数量也许是变化的,但它们在数百,数千中计量吗?在什么时间跨度中,千,万,还是更多?在地球化身之外没有“时间”。圣经中说道天上一天人间千年


Answer: This is different for everyone. There are souls that are here on Earth for over 100,000 years, while others have been here for 10,000 years, 500 years, and some, this is their first lifetime on Earth.


回答: 这对每个人来说都是不同的。地球上有的灵魂呆了 100000 年,而别的灵魂呆了 10000 年, 500 年,一些灵魂,第一次来地球

***Question: Would the statement keep doing it again until you get it right be accurate in this overall context?


问题: “继续尝试直到你成功”在这个整体文献中精确吗?


Answer: Well, there is no right or wrong, yes? WE, Starseeds in particular, are NOT here to get anything right really. We are simply here to assist Earth, and humanity to get it right, if you want to put it int hat context.


回答: 没有对和错,是吧?我们,星际种子,不是来纠正什么的。我们是来协助地球和人类“去做好”。


***Question: In the pending NESARA where all? of us getting millions? of dollars, I have read elsewhere about the 80/20 rule, 80% to humanitarian, and 20% for personal, is that a cast in stone amount? Being raised on giving 10% for charity, and all I have read about doing for self (service to self). I was also raised to do/give more for others than self (service to others). I personally believe in looking out for others, but at some point you have to look out for yourself (A1), because, as one put it, nobody is going to do it for you.


问题: 悬而未决的 NESARA 会让我们得到数百万美元吗?我在别的地方看到过 80/20 的规则, 80% 用来人道主义, 20% 给个人,是这样吗?提出 10% 给慈善机构,我读到的都是关于自己的(服务自我)。我还提出给予别人更多,比起给我(服务他人)。我个人认为照料他人,但有些时候要照料自己,因为,没什么会为你这么做


Answer: I plead with many lightworkers to be very cautious when they read ANYTHING regarding NESARA and the Global Currency Reset. Until the moment it all happens, all is speculation. Nobody in the intel/dinar community has ANY REAL CONCRETE INFORMATION. They all claim to have sources, but their information is misleading and plainly put FALSE. They need to hold back a bit and/or RE-EVALUATE their so called sources and the mis-information they provide.


回答: 我恳求许多光之工作者谨慎,当阅读关于 NESARA 以及全球货币重置的文章。直到这一切发生之前,一切都是推测。没人在  intel/dinar 社会有任何真正具体的信息。他们都声称有“来源”,但他们的信息是被误导的,显然是错误的。他们需要“收敛点”或重估他们所谓的“来源”以及他们提供的错误信息


You can spend this money however you want. Yes you read that right. You will not be judged or have any one come after you for you enjoying your gift. As lightworkers we will all figure it out what to do when to do it once we receive our blessing. As always it does not hurt to have a plan. And we can always ask for guidance. If those gifting us the blessing had any doubt about us misusing it, they perhaps would not release it at all. It is that simple.




***Question: Dear KejRaj,

问题: 亲爱的 KejRaj,


Thank you for giving us the opportunity to contact you. I follow your site with great interest, as the written texts helps us comprehend the messages for the non-English crowd.




My religion is Christian Orthodox but my spiritual background has been mainly on Gnosis and specifically on the teachings of Samael Aun Weor.


我是正统的基督徒,但我的精神背景主要是 Gnosis  ,尤其是 Samael Aun Weor. 的教义


Since the beginning we were open to the existence of ET even that humankind`s origin may come from various races.




According to the teachings, human race is day sleepwalking, we are not at an awaken state, we are humanoids, and the Ascension is not as easy as it is described these days.




We have been warned also about Nibiru coming (we called the planet Ercolubus), about the final hours of the planet.


我们被警告 niburu 的到来,警告地球的末日


Yes we were told that help would be sent but very few would make the cut. We should work, work, work. Meditate, kill our Egos (faults), Visualize, perform Astral Projections to receive teachings from Higher Beings, Ascended masters on higher realms, etc.




We would be under trials, taking tests on the Astral plane. Hopefully succeeding and uniting with our Higher Self through our Divine Father/Mother, trying to raise our Kundalini with mantras and the assistance of our Holy Mother and the Arcano AZF.




In all, nothing was ever easy




I am totally confused when the assistance nowdays is vibrate at a higher vibration. Love one another. You are divine. We are one.




My training was/is so hard. We were trained as monks. Everybody these days are calling themselves LightWarriors and LightWorkers. We were told that after many trials on higher realms we would receive the Sword of the Warrior of Light, if it was the purpose/work of our Higher Being.


我的训练很苦。我们像“和尚”一样被训练。这些天每个人都称自己为光之工作者和光战士。我们被告知在更高领域的许多考验后,我们会收到光战士的宝剑,如果这是我们更高存在的目标 / 工作

Have the rules change? Is everything easier now so that more people can be saved?Reaching Christ Consiousness is so hard!We have to build our Golden Bodies.



What changed??? I feel I have been training for a Marathon and all we had to do a take a ride in the park!




Furthermore what about Europe? We keep on hearing about the war on Cabal on USA, but what about Europe?




Forgive me for sharing my doubts to you! I want things to be easy at the Ascension and the transition to 5D, but is it that easy?


原谅我分享我的怀疑!我想要关乎扬升和转变到 5D 的东西变得容易,但它会容易吗?


I am sorry for bombarding you with my frustration. I have so many questions for the channelings, which I so much want to believe!




Please dont feel that you have to ease my worries.




Thank you for giving me the opportunity to e·xp·ress myself.




Answer: First I will say, based on your message, the classes, the group or the teacher you received your teachings from perhaps had some fear in them and they wished to share it with all, or perhaps they are not aware of the changes to the protocols.


回答: 首先,我会说,基于你的信息,阶层,团队或你接收教义的“老师”,他们之内有着一些恐惧,他们希望与所有人分享它,也许他们没有意识到协议的修改


There is no need to worry about Nibiru at all. The path, the impact, the effect of Nibiru coming near Earth have all being changed. There will be no physical harm done to Earth and humanity. Only people that may be lost/confused when Nibiru is visible for all, are those that may be shocked because they would have not believed in the existence of such things and ETs.


没有必要担心 niburu Niburu 的路线,影响已被改变。不会对地球和人类造成物理的伤害。只有当 niburu 可见,人们会迷失或困惑,因为他们不相信这样的东西和外星人存在


It is true, ascension did not use to be very easy, but it is quite different now. Though it may take longer, the process is slower, but for good reason, more will be able to ascend. Please do not forget what we are attempting here, physical ascension, this has never been done before in the history of this universe.




At one point in human history, the number of ascending ones would be anywhere from 50 to 200/300 people. This time, it will be in the higher millions if not billions.


在人类的历史中,扬升之人的数量可以从 50 200/300 人。这一次,会是数百万的,如果不是数十亿。


Europe is and will continue to play a major role in this entire process. This continent will greatly change the moment it becomes completly free of Cabal rule, this applies to North America as well. This is very close to happening.




That is all for today!




Light and love to You All, Earth and Humanity! I am KejRaj!


爱与光送给你们,地球和人类。我是 KejRaj!



翻译:Nick Chan









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