(2017-09-16 03:51:15)
Dear Ones,
Let us address your need for shelter within yourself. Perhaps such a thought seems counter-intuitive given the number of earth-based events you have experienced recently.
While it is true you are all one, it is also true that someone needs to know how to swim before attempting to rescue another. So it is that your fears and need to caretake or create victims are not productive during this earth shifting process. Your joy and self-love are.
How it is possible to feel joyful when others appear to be suffering? We are not speaking of dancing in the street, but instead that those affected by the storms, fires, military movements and other happenings throughout the globe now have the ability to reclaim their lives in ways most right for them – and nature.
Your fears are based on 3D models of what is important, what needs to happen. Instead, earth events are part of your new normal. The earth is shaking and rattling to remove the debris from its being, just as you did during your dark night of the soul.
Of course, such a thought produces, even more, fear within your being. For you fully understand the need for 3D clothing and shelter, but not that this earth-shaking is forcing new creations that will be used by all.
This is a new earth in a new age. So it is that which was acceptable or the model of being is shifting also. Perhaps you will better understand if you review natural housing structures no longer in common use – the sod shanty of the United States plains, the mud huts and moveable tepees of some American Indian tribes, or the thatched roofs and mud/shell structures of England.
Even though such structures were once considered viable, most of you would not live in them today. Not because you are that different from those who once called those structures home, but because you have accepted more convenient and sturdy homes as the norm. That norm is what is being destroyed in so many ways throughout the globe. What was is no more. What is has not yet been.
So it is you are being encouraged to create a lifestyle that includes the needs of both the earth and humanity – no longer expecting the earth to follow humanity’s lead.
Much of the destruction the past few weeks is the result of creating homes and lives counter-intuitive to earth’s needs and natural protections. Grasslands, forests, reefs, Everglades, aquifers, deserts, and on and on have been bulldozed to create just the right human home or industrial site.
Your natural disasters are about human hubris – not creating a unity of humanity and nature.
Cities, homes, water distribution and even recreation sites most often are designed counter to what is natural in any particular area.
The dreams of those who build new homes or communities have little compatibility with nature. So it is many of those structures have been or will be destroyed by natural forces.
Such is not punishment, but instead an eye-opener to reality.
Perhaps you experienced something similar when you were moving through your dark night of the soul. That which was once familiar and supposedly loving did not appear so once your blinders were removed.
So it is now for the earth. The earth accepted humanity’s need to control it. From rain-making to preventing natural forest fires to building on flood plains and ocean fronts. Trees were cut, land paved, and homes and industrial sites built in places not natural to earth or humanity. So all could realize the 3D dream of living in a house in a United States desert that looked the same as a home in the northern part of the US.
Throughout the world, similar activities can be noted. The difference is that buildings and activities in other countries negated the earth’s needs in ways most valued in that country.
That is not to say that you should return to sod shanties, but to learn to live with the earth instead of trying to control it with the results you have been noting – earthquakes, forest fires, weather anomalies, the extinction of certain plants and animals, pestilence, and illnesses.
Your need to control the earth is backfiring in ways you could not have envisioned even a few years ago. A need that has expanded to space – with used weaponry and satellites floating aimlessly about, just as is true for the human debris found throughout the oceans and water systems.
What can you do? Let us return to your joy. Instead of fearing the future, think in terms of how you and others can create harmony with nature. Neither humanity nor nature was created to suffer. Yet, most humans have not thought of nature’s needs as they try to ensure human comforts financially, emotionally or spiritually.
How can new housing be economical and yet blend with earth instead of creating another gray or beige home that reduces or eliminates nature’s freedom to care for itself?
So it is that the joyous part of the recent earth shifts is that they encourage those excited by thoughts of new designs and processes to create that which flows with humanity AND nature. Unlike the designs of the past, which catered to humanity and negated the natural healing powers of the earth.
Allow yourself to heal as you do the same for and with the earth. This is a time of new creations – that is your joy. Not the destruction of others’ lives, but instead the call to action to create better and more harmoniously than ever before. So be it. Amen.
翻译:Nick Chan
音頻來源: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTkRW65C_HY