Greetings, friends! It is I, your Sananda. As I stand from the bridge of the New Jerusalem and look out upon all of the beams of light radiating from you friends, scattered like constellations in the night sky, it is obvious to see why you were selected and why you choose to be here in this Now moment of moments as Gaia embraces the light again, her birth right. Ah, that was a long winded sentence, was it not? I get verbose when I’m excited. There is so much to be excited about friends on this grand adventure! And you are doing it! Hurrah!
You are lighting up the night. You are battling your inner and outer demons with fierce intensity and sheer grit even amidst all of the exhausting ascension upgrades and recalibration from the energy waves. It is quite a process. You are finding your footing and we up here in the ships are cheering you on from the rafters, as you might say. We’ve got your back, quite literally, and are always eager to listen, to lend a hand. But it must be you who are doing it, as you are the incarnated ones on Gaia. And that is why you chose to incarnate - to infiltrate the ranks, to lend your time and talent and wield your sword when needed. And you are, friends. You are. My eyes are brimming over with tears of joy. I’m so proud of you. This will all be over soon and then it will be a new beginning. You are creating the New Earth with every wish, every breath, every meditation. It is very real, friends. Many of you are already there but popping in and out of dimensions into this self, this part of you, to encourage you onward. You are building and leading yourself back home at the same time. Quite a feat! No wonder you are tired. Rest. All is well. Be comforted. It is true - much tremendous change, upheaval, recalibration and all of that is headed your way - our way - but please see this as a blessing, as a necessary leveling of the house of cards, so that a proper strong foundation built on love, trust and mutual respect for all life can be created, so that all will thrive in the New Earth. All of you are having, and are about to have grand adventures of the best kind, because they will be the sort that you create with your heart. And in so doing, you will find your healing, your joy, yourselves again. Welcome home friends. We wait for you on the other side, eagerly anticipating your graduation.
I am your Sananda.
翻译:Nick Chan