(2017-09-01 03:54:14)
I just want to reassure you that humanity at large is in the process of clearing enormous amounts of self-disparagement and non self-acceptance that have lain buried within and that must and will be released because you are now ready to do further very important inner work. It is very unsettling for you because you have already done an enormous amount of inner work and had thought that you were finished. But, of course, as humans this is a constantly ongoing process. Nevertheless, when all that has been buried or denied is finally seen and released you then find yourselves free to grow and evolve toward awareness of your true state – Oneness – which is what waking is all about.
我只想向你保证,大多数人类处于清理大量自我贬低和自我不接纳(被埋葬在内在,必须被释放)的进程中,因为你已经准备好进一步的非常重要的内在工作。这对你来说是很不安的,因为你已经做了大量的内在工作,认为你已经完成了。但,当然了,对人类来说这是一个不断持续的进程。不过,当一切被埋葬或否认的被最终看到和释放,你就会发现自己能自由地成长和进化,朝向你真正状态的意识 --- 合一 --- 这就是觉醒的所是
All of humanity is now on a highly accelerated path towards waking up, it is both exciting and uplifting, and, at the same time, quite unsettling because you appear to have lost your sense of direction spiritually speaking. Really it is a time of allowing life to unfold for you, just as you originally planned it, instead of attempting to direct it from your human and egoic perspective which nearly always leads to pain and disappointment.
人类正处于朝向觉醒的加速道路,它是激动人心的和令人振奋的,同时也是令人不安的,因为你看似失去了方向感,精神上的。这确实是让生活为你展开的时刻,就像你原来计划那样,而不是试图从你人类和小我的视角指挥它 --- 几乎总是导向痛苦和失望
For eons you have been attempting to control and direct your own lives, as well as those of your nearest and dearest, and also, if you could establish an effective power base, those of other cultures, creeds, or nations. Finally realization has dawned on the human collective that this does not and cannot work because no one wants another to control and direct him, and nor should he!
因为恒久以来,你一直试图控制和指挥你的生活以及你亲近之人的生活,如果你可以建立一个有效权力的基础,以及那些其他文化,教义或国家之人的生活。终于领悟降临人类集体 --- 这无法奏效,因为没人想要别人控制或指挥他,他自己也不应该!
You are each a belove child of God, One with Source, but freely e·xp·ressing your individual creative abilities as you journey back from separation to Oneness. However, humanity’s egoic traits, personal and collective, have been very firmly ingrained over the eons, consequently it takes a lot of time to uproot and discard them.
The preparation for this has been ongoing for over three hundred years, and quite recently the tipping point was reached when enough of you became fully aware of the insanity of these generic individual and self-serving egoic agendas to activate the commencement of the release process. This is now accelerating very rapidly, as clearly shown by the increase in conflicts worldwide, from one on one to international ones. The purpose and intent of these conflicts is to demonstrate as widely as possible the absolutely essential need for major change in humanity’s basic beliefs and assumptions which until very recently have been totally ego-based.
对此的准备进行了三百多年,最近临界点才到达,你们足够多的人完全意识到这些泛泛之辈和自我服务的小我的疯狂并激活了释放进程的开始。这正在迅速加速,被世界范围内冲突的增加所清楚地展示。这些冲突的目的和意图就是尽可能广泛地展示人类基本信念和假设中巨大改变的绝对必要 --- 直到今天还是完全基于小我的
It is impossible for anyone to honestly claim that more regulations and more violence to enforce them will resolve the issues and problems facing humanity. It is quite clear that they can only be resolved with harmonious cooperation, and that means that the deeply ingrained belief systems held by different races, cultures, and religions must be discarded. Belief systems – philosophical, economic, political, or religious – are extremely divisive as your history demonstrates very clearly. Nevertheless, humanity has clung to them for eons out of fear, because by holding them it seemed they brought people together. And they did, but only as groups in fierce opposition to other groups, leading, naturally and inevitably, to conflict.
让所有人真诚地宣称更多的规则和暴力会解决人类的问题是不可能的。很明显它们只能被和谐的合作解决,这意味着根深蒂固的信仰体系被不同种族,文化,宗教保持的,必须丢弃。信仰体系 --- 哲学,经济,政治或宗教 --- 是非常分裂的,你们的历史已经很清楚地展示。然而,人类出于恐惧紧抓它们恒久了,因为通过持有它们,看似他们把人类带到了一起。但只是作为对其他团队,领导的敌对组织,自然和不可避免地,导向冲突
No belief system is ever utterly right, and no belief system bestows on anyone the right or the authority to control or direct another. Your social, national, political, economic, religious, and international systems, organizations, and governments have established rules and regulations so that people will conform and obey. But truly, rules and regulations should be used only to provide a clear means of communicating norms of behavior that work safely and fairly for all, norms that everyone happily accepts and honors.
At the same time it is absolutely essential that the beliefs you hold are held open to receive new information as it arises so that your beliefs may evolve. Evolution is a major part of the homeward journey from separation to Oneness. The Spanish Inquisition was initiated to uncover and destroy those whose beliefs were not in complete alignment with the dogmatic rule of the Roman Church at that time, as a new age in scientific discovery arose and began to show up the numerous factual errors in that authoritarian system.
同时,你所持有的信仰是开放接收新信息的,这绝对有必要,这样你的信仰会进化。进化是从分离到合一回家之旅的重要一部分。西班牙宗教法庭是建立来揭示和摧毁那些不完全和那时的罗马教会的教条不对齐的人,在新时代,科学发现和开始展示许多错误的事实 --- 那个权威体系中的
However, what has occurred over the eons, and has until now been generally accepted, is that those in authority made rules and regulations to establish “a belief system” that serves their own egoic agendas, and that the rest must honor and obey them. Those “in authority” frequently place themselves above these laws, never having to obey them or conform to them, but just using them in blatant service to their own personal agendas.
Now that this self-serving behavior is both readily apparent for all to see, and is recognized as totally inappropriate, you are in a position to make the many changes necessary to all your systems of governance – state, cultural, international, economic, and religious – so that the interests of everyone on Earth can be fairly addressed in order that all benefit. Humanity has collectively chosen to discard the systems that have caused so much pain and suffering and to replace them with ones based on Love.
现在,这个服务自我的行为已经显而易见,被认识到完全地不恰当,你正准备做出许多必要的改变,对你们的管理系统 --- 国家,文化,国际,经济和宗教 --- 这样每个人的利益可以被公平地解决。人类已经集体选择丢弃导致许多痛苦和折磨的系统,用基于爱的代替
Love is your nature, It always has been, and finally, within your illusory dreamworld of separation, memories of that true nature are popping into view, initially only momentarily when you are filled with love for family or partners, and then more generally as realization dawns that you have way more than enough Love to share and extend far and wide. This realization automatically transmits the Love within you far and wide because you are not separate, you are One, and therefore what you realize everybody realizes! Not immediately and consciously, but nevertheless, deep within them that realization grows and intensifies until they do become aware and in so doing further widely extend the Love that flowed from you. This is what the Tsunami of Love is all about.
Be yourselves and stop attempting to be what you fearfully think others expect or demand of you. You can only be you, and attempting to be other than you is extremely destructive – physically, psychologically, and emotionally – for the the part of you that inhabits your limited human form. You end up depressed and unhappy, and feelings of worthlessness intensify. You are, each one of you without exception, a most glorious child of God. How could you not be when God, out of infinite Love, created you for everlasting JOY! In truth you are always in everlasting joy, it is just that the veil you drew between yourselves and Reality temporarily hides that truth and its accompanying eternal joy from you.
做自己,停止试图成为你胆怯地认为他人所期待的或要求的。你只能成为自己,试图成为别人是极具破坏性的 --- 身体,心理和情绪上 --- 因为你的一部分居住于有限的人类形体中。你变得沮丧和不开心,无价值感加剧。你们每个人,都是神最辉煌的孩子。你怎会不是,当神,出于无限的爱,创造了你,为了永恒的喜悦!事实上,你总是处于永恒的喜悦,只是你和现实之间的面纱暂时隐藏了那个真理和永恒的喜悦
Go within at least once daily to connect with the inextinguishable divine Light – YOUR Light – that resides within you always, and allow yourselves to accept that you are a perfect divine being presently having a very temporary and unreal experience of separation. When you allow yourselves to accept yourselves, your fears and anxieties fall away, and you feel the warmth and comfort of the field of Love that embraces you in every moment of your eternal existence. This gives you the strength to continue on your human life path with confidence and certainty, and to listen to and trust your intuition, which is fed from your heart, instead of relying on the severely limited intelligence of your human mind.
至少每天一次地进入内在,与不能扑灭的神圣之光连接 --- 你的光 --- 总是驻留于你之内,让自己去接纳你是完美神圣的存在,正拥有一个非常短暂和虚幻的分离体验。当你让自己接纳自己,你的恐惧和焦虑消失,你感到时时刻刻拥抱你永恒存在的爱之场域的温暖和舒适。这给予了你力量去继续你的人类之旅,伴随着自信和肯定,聆听并相信直觉,来自你的心,而不是依靠极其有限的人类头脑的智力
You know that your human mind is severely lacking in wisdom and intelligence because you see the effects of that all around you in the conflicts and confusions that are constantly arising. When you go within, to your holy inner sanctuary, centered in your heart, you find peace and release from fear and anxiety. This alone shows you that this is where the truth will be found. You cannot find it outside you, in others, although meeting lovingly with others will help you each to find the truth within yourselves. There is only One Truth, but, as humans, you experience It in your own individual way. No one is wrong, but, as a human, each demonstrates only a very small portion of Truth, even though within each the whole of Truth is eternally present.
Therefore, on waking and before sleeping, set the intent to be only loving whatever situation may arise, and whatever mood you may find yourselves in, and then enjoy the peace that brings to your day as you go about your earthly chores.
Your loving brother, Jesus.
通灵:John Smallman
翻译:Nick Chan
音頻來源: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VpUnH7_G4Mk