原创 2017-08-19 sananda 新纪元扬升之光
Sananda viaElaine DeGiorgio, August 16th, 2017
Sitting in the Sacred I AM PRESENCE with my Higher Self, my Beloved Heruand my Spirit Guide Team I connect with Sananda and have the following messagefor you all:-
I am the way the truth and the life and I am the door to ChristConsciousness in the hearts of you all.
Now is the time to connect with the essence ofyour being, connect with love, connect with harmony,connect with Source.
Now is thetime to walk the paths of Sacrifice… for many Lightworkers choose this pathwayage after age.
I have taken the opportunity to be received in the hearts of those whowelcome me, to enter the inn of being and to make my flame one with your flame,one with the flames of all who acknowledge the Christ Consciousness within.
And so I come forth from the light of your heart. In truth I come forth;and as I come forth, there is the expansion of your heart, my heart, and ouroneness, which is the heart of God. Let us be a trinity this day! Let us standin the temples and in the churches, on the highways and in the homes, in theschools and wherever there are children!
Let usconsecrate the life of the heart as the nucleus of life in Matter! Let us consecrate the heart as the place whereSpirit flows as the fountain of life. Let us be the instruments to endow thechalice of being and of life on earth with the flame; for without the flame,there is no purpose to the chalice.
Of what use is an empty chalice? It is like the vacuum, and the sides ofthe chalice collapse because there is no flame within to sustain the blueprintof Matter. Do you not understand, then, that all of life here below is yours toendow? It must be reendowed daily. It must be reinfused with that flame, forthe flame seeks the Source and rises to the heart of God each twenty-fourhours. And the electrons which comprise the body of Matter desire to be in astate of flow; and their flow is to the central sun, and out again, and inagain.
Therefore dear ones reach out reach out for the Chalice should be a cupthat overfloweth, a cup of love and a cup of knowledge and a cup of abundanceand a cup of sacrifice….
How many of you dear ones are on the path of sacrifice?
For the saying goes… Take up thy Cross and Follow Me… This is the wayfor each and every one of us… in life we all have a Cross to bear….
For unto thy hands I commend my Spirit… Now is the time to commend thySpirit for mankind….
Love and Acceptance is the key now. Without this Love will neverprevail. See beyond the material matter.
I leave you with love peace and blessing.
I AM Sananda and I speak through Elaine this day.