
Pearl翻譯 │ 2017-09-13


High level and high stakes Mexican stand off continues

despite 911 weather warfare attack on US

Benjamin Fulford, 11 September, 2017


本傑明·富爾福德 2017911 新聞快訊




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High level and high stakes Mexican stand off continues despite 911 weather warfare attack on US




The intense struggle at the highest levels of world power has become a Mexican stand-off with the Khazarian mafia staging weather warfare attacks on the US in a desperate attempt to retain control of the Federal Reserve Board. Hurricane Harvey, followed by Hurricanes Irma, Katia and Jose have all been associated with some sort of electro-magnetic beams emanating from Antarctica, US Navy sources say.




There was also confirmation of sorts in the so-called mainstream media that large 25 degree Celsius warm caves filled with life have been found in Antarctica.




The timing of this announcement may have just been a coincidence but it seems to be a way of letting the world know that Nazi bases built in volcanically heated caves in Antarctica before, during and after World War 2 are real. This is something the Russians have long been saying.




In any case, a senior source in the P2 Freemason lodge hinted at their involvement in the attack by saying “There is no way out for America, only the big agreement.” The P2 have previously claimed the ability to conjure storms, earthquakes etc. through esoteric rituals linked to astrological events. The journalist Lance Schuttler, who recently interviewed this author, has heard the same thing through his own sources.




The White Dragon Society, for its part, used its esoteric powers to weaken hurricane Irma but did not stop it entirely because it felt the US government needed a reminder on the anniversary of 911 that legal action has yet to be taken against the perpetrators of that act and the people who stole the US Presidential election in the year 2000, senior WDS sources acknowledged.




People who still refuse to believe the reality of weather manipulation technology are encouraged to read the article at the following link as an introduction to the topic:




In any case, Pentagon sources, for their part, say “Hurricanes, wars, and mayhem appear to be a failed cabal attempt to delay the global currency reset and gold-backed financial system as Irma downsized, and Katia, Jose lose their power.”




The weather warfare was only a small part of the high level brinkmanship going on as the September 30th payments deadline for the US corporate government approached.




The Trump administration and the military junta that backs it was using North Korea as an excuse to threaten all out nuclear war if the US government did not get funding to continue its operations past that day. Trump also used this tweet: “The United States is considering, in addition to other options, stopping all trade with any country doing business with North Korea,” to threaten to stop all trade with China.




As a result of all this bluster, the US government was given enough money to keep going until December in order to buy time for world leaders to come up with a more comprehensive conclusion to the ongoing US bankruptcy negotiations.




Asian secret society sources, for their part, are now saying they have backed off their plan to back bitcoin as an alternative to the current financial system. Although they did not give their reasons for this, they also admit the North Korean situation has kept them “very busy.”




For now at least, the Chinese have not gone ahead with their gold and yuan based oil futures trading, which would constitute a frontal assault on the US petro-dollar. Trump, for his part, having gotten a bit of money to kick the can down the road, has softened his North Korea war talk for now. The privately owned FRB as well as its Khazarian controlled counterparts the EU Central Bank and the Bank of Japan also got the green light to resume goosing world markets with unreal money.




In the US corporate media, this was all reported as though the three month extension in the US debt ceiling was entirely a US domestic issue that was solved via a compromise between Trump and Democratic Party officials.




This move has angered Trump’s base, with many former Trump associates now saying the Trump regime has de facto ended. Ousted Trump consigliari Steve Bannon gave an interview on CBS 60 minutes that was a “hit that unleashes him as eminence grise of Trump and wing man outside the White House to take on globalists, Republicans, China, and the deep state,” one Pentagon source claims.




CIA sources in Texas, for their part, say Trump’s compromise so angered Republican Party brass that Republican Senate Majority Leader “Mitchell McConnell and someone else put a contract out on Trump.”




What we have witnessed is little more than a temporary cease fire in a battle that is sure to heat up again over the coming weeks and months. What is at stake is control over the Federal Reserve Board and thus the right to print and distribute US dollars.




On that front, the Khazarian mob is still losing big time. “Israeli dual citizen, Rotshchild agent Stanley Fischer was booted out as FRB vice chair while goldmanite Gary Cohn was blocked from running the fed,” Pentagon sources note. The Trump regime is now going to be in the position to select 5 out of the 7 FRB governors, a situation not seen since 1936.




“It may well be that the FRB will be absorbed into [The US] Treasury when the gold-backed dollar is launched, as treasury Secretary [Steven] Mnuchin has refused to drop Andrew Jackson from the $20 bill,” the sources note. Jackson, of course, was the last US president who successfully ended Khazarian mob control of the US monetary system.




The system as it is currently run is unsustainable so, one way or another, a replacement will need to be found. The privately owned central banks have already put $2 trillion into propping up markets this year alone with the result that $7.4 trillion worth of bonds are now trading at negative interest rates. The financial markets are thus getting further and further out of touch with the real economy and no matter how hard the central bankers try to avoid reality, reality has a way of eventually catching up to you.




If the US military junta fails to take on the FRB within the US, the big move to end the privately owned central bank fiat money system may well come in Japan. A senior source in Japan’s royal family says that Japanese security police have compiled an arrest list of 700 Khazarian mob stooges in Japan. Of these, the top 70 are being followed 24 hours a day. Among those at the top of the arrest list are 5 former Prime Ministers, 4 former Bank of Japan governors, 3 former top Finance Ministry officials, 4 former chairmen of large banks and 8 top industrialists, the source says. The WDS has the list.





Pearl 翻譯





High level weirdness in US as Khazarian control matrix crumbles

Benjamin Fulford, 28 August, 2017


本傑明·富爾福德 2017828 新聞快訊



People who are aware are noticing very weird stuff going on with the world information grid -especially inside the Anglo Saxon world- as contradictions and bizarre events multiply. These are all signs of a collapsing power matrix; the sort of thing seen around the time of the fall of the USSR.





The first thing to note about last week in particular is that the US was hit for the first time since 2005 with a hurricane. US President Donald Trump tweeted the code phrase for weather warfare “once in 500 years” to describe Hurricane Harvey. The fact that it hit the Bush clan homeland of Texas, in particular the city of Houston, with devastating floods, makes it likely this is some sort of revenge for the Bush engineered Hurricane Katrina attack on New Orleans.





It may also be related to the fact that 16 US and Canadian diplomats in Cuba suffered brain injuries from some kind of “Sonic attack.” They may well have been hit because of their involvement in cutting of the Bush clan drug money that was being laundered through Cuba. It is also interesting that “Sonic attacks” are now being reported by world media instead of being dismissed as delusions by people “wearing tin foil hats.”





In any case, all of this indicates a high level, esoteric power struggle is continuing.This power struggle is also being revealed in strange and contradictory news announcements concerning US Senator John “Daesh” McCain. Remember recently we had media reports that McCain had been diagnosed with malignant brain cancer? These were followed immediately with reports that McCain had recovered and rallied the Senate to stop Trump plans to repeal Obamacare. Then after that the USS “John McCain” was rammed by a cargo ship, killing many US sailors. Now we are being told that McCain has been wire-tapping the White House and leaking all of the Trump administrations’ plans to hostile media.





As the oft-used phrase aptly puts it “you can’t make this up,” but then again it looks as if two opposing forces are indeed making this stuff up.There are many others signs other than contradictory reports about madman McCain to indicate a high level power struggle is raging in Washington DC.





Inside the Trump administration, the removal of Steve Bannon has now been followed by the ouster of adviser Sebastian Gorka. These are the folks who were pushing for a hard line against “radical Islam”(=Khazarian agents) and China.





Now the “make America great again” alt-right faction in the administration is fighting back. Pentagon sources say Trump chief of staff General John Kelly “may be forced to fire globalist democrats Gary Cohn, Jared Kushner and Dina Powell to even the score and appease the Trump base.”





Jared is under fire for his failure as peacemaker, with no two-state solution based on 1967 lines, while getting no love from Egypt, Palestine, or even Isreal,” the sources note. Meanwhile “Goldmanite Gary Cohn is already under massive pressure to resign, he puts his tribe first, opposes tariffs, supports antifa and the Jewish fake news media in his interview with the Financial Times that made Trump explode,” they add.





There is also incredible pressure being put on the rogue state of Israel. Satan worshipping Israeli leader Benyamin Netanyahu went to visit Russia to warn of Israeli “red lines,” being crossed by Russia allowing Iranian influence to increase in Syria. This was followed up with a massive offensive by the Israeli/Saudi Arabian Daesh proxy army inside Syria. Russia’s answer was to place Iranian and Hizbollah troops right on the Israeli border.





Russian forces also, according to the official Tass news agency “destroyed more than 1,000 facilities belonging to international terrorist groups in Syria in the past week,” thus crushing the Israeli/Saudi proxy offensive.





The oil and gas rich nation of Qatar has rubbed salt into the wounds of the Israeli/Saudi alliance by restoring diplomatic relations with Iran and keeping its money out of Khazarian mafia pockets.





Unlike in the past, the Israelis can no longer run crying to the US for protection because the de facto Trump military government is sick and tired of that rogue states trouble-making. The Pentagon sources say the US military is working with the Russians on this and other issues noting that “Russia supports the US military junta by naming former vice minister of defense Anatoly Antonov as US ambassador, militarizing relations between the two superpowers.”

The Pentagon sources also tried to justify Trump’s recent speech announcing an open ended continuation of the war in Afghanistan as follows: “the Trump Afghan speech is a disguised multilateral exit strategy in concert with regional powers while supporting India in its Bhutan skirmish with China.” However, in this case, the old adage “follow the money,” is a more realistic explanation of what is going on. The fact is that the Afghan heroin trade is, if you multiply UN Afghan heroin production data by the UN calculated US street price, worth around $1.6 trillion a year or more than double the official US military budget.






New whistleblowers are now emerging with detailed, concrete descriptions of how the international drug trade became indispensable to the US military industrial complex in the post-war era. CIA whistleblower Kevin Shipp and investigative journalist Paul Williams provide a very detailed account of this in the podcast at the link below.





What is interesting about what these real world whistleblowers say is that it dovetails almost exactly with what this writer has been hearing from his own CIA and Asian secret society contacts. Real world investigations show beyond a doubt that there is a multi-trillion dollar drug money nexus linking the CIA, the Vatican P2 fascist lodge, North Korea and Asian gangsters.





Multiple Asian and other sources involved in this nexus say they expect some sort of major shift this autumn. This is what a high level source in Thailand, for example, had to say about related developments in that country:





[Former Prime Minister Yingluck] Shinawatra left Thailand on Wednesday, the 23rd with the assistance of Very High Officials, outside the Junta, in a private jet. She is with her brother in Dubai.”

As background this source noted:





The King HAD to give permission long before the coup [against Yingluck’s brother Thaksin] took place back in 2006. That allowed certain people time to load the planes with ‘personal’ items like suitcases full of large denominations of cash, the Singapore and Brunei $1000 note, the favorite of the elite as well as a few kilos of diamonds, cut and uncut (Having been a partner in a diamond mining operation in Angola helped). A few tons of Au were added for ballast. Thaksin’s passage was cleared all the way from start to finish. Having a Diplomatic passport made it even faster.”





Also, the source continued:

The current King has only been seen in public two times. It is said in the inner circles of the Palace that he has AIDS. He flies to Germany two times a month for a blood transfusion… There seems to be more to the extent of his medical treatments than what is released by his closest confidants. The AIDS story could be a smokescreen?”






To conclude, this source notes:

The future of Thailand and more currently, that of the Junta, will be known within 60 days. What goes down in DC, will directly affect Thailand, in more ways than one.”






The White Dragon Society, for its part, has recently been contacted by representatives of several groups who had cut off all contact immediately following the March 11, 2011 nuclear and tsunami mass murder attack on Japan. These include a senior member of the British branch of the Rothschild family, the top assassin of the Yamaguchi gumi syndicate and a senior MI6 official. They all agree that something big is coming down.





This is partly, but not exclusively, related to the upcoming US government September 30th fiscal year end payments deadline. If we take the right action this time, we can finally stop the criminal Khazarian faction in Washington DC from kicking the can down the road any further. The WDS knows who the secret players still standing are and asks them all for their full cooperation so that we can finally get on with the business of saving the planet.





Please enjoy the last week of summer and get ready for what is likely to be a very eventful autumn.






Pearl 翻譯


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