(2017-08-16 16:46:05)
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have given you some of our wisdom, but we have also learned from watching you what it is that makes humanity so strong and so unique. You have an ability to persevere, to take on extreme challenges, and to not only survive experiences, but you actually use them to your advantage and to the advancement of your consciousness.
We marvel at the way that you are able to move energy, to rally around each other, and to bring forth the best of who you are in the worst of circumstances. We are continually amazed by humanity, and that is why we are so certain that you are making this shift in consciousness in your lifetime. Your completion of the shift is really only dependent on what you, who are awakened, are capable of doing for yourselves and for the collective.
When you demonstrate how powerful you are and how compassionate you are, you solidify the movement of energy to the fifth dimensional frequency range. You help this process along by listening to your guidance, by being dedicated to serving others, and by living your lives.
You develop more compassion for each other when you are genuine with what you are feeling. When you can authentically express what is going on for you internally, you help all others around you by giving them permission to feel what they are feeling.
And you are awakening aspects of you now that are coming to assist in this process of your evolution and your ascension. You are awakening aspects of you who have attempted to make this shift in previous lifetimes and have failed.
Those aspects are responsible for the doubt that you sometimes feel. They are responsible for many of the emotions that you still need to process. They are even responsible at times for that foreboding feeling that the world is coming to an end, or at the very least is at the brink of another world war.
These are the aspects of you that require the most compassion, acceptance, and unconditional love. They are also awakening at this time to help you navigate through the energies because they have been in this position before. So you see, once again, you take something that is challenging and traumatic, and you use it to your benefit. That is one of the many things that we love about you.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.
翻译:Nick Chan