


MYTRIA的故事20130217--- MYTRIA 神圣母亲

 Pleiadian/Arcturian Alliance Mytria and the Great Mother

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Pleiadian/Arcturian Alliance
Mytria's Story

Mytrias and the Great Mother





Once I surrendered to the possibility that I would not see Mytre again, I actually opened a Parallel Reality in which I could be with him. This option occurred because I thought of his needs, rather than just my own. In this manner, I extended my love to him unconditionally. In other words, I chose unconditional love over my own selfish needs, which greatly expanded my consciousness. In the same manner, when Mytre had his Initiation of bi-locating to our wilderness home to assist me, he extended me unconditional love by endangered himself by staying so long.





In fact, we were having our Initiations together. His challenge was bilocation, and my challenge was to enter the Sacred Rock with my physical form. The first time I entered the Portal of the Sacred Rock, I had done so in my fourth dimensional astral body. Before I speak of my third Initiation within the Core of the Great Mothers Womb, I would like to define and share the purpose of an initiation. An initiation is whenever we accept whatever what may be perceived as a difficult situation and turn it into an opportunity to ask our higher expressions of our SELF for guidance and protection.




By calling in our Higher Dimensional SELF, we use the problem as an opportunity to perceive our reality from a higher perspective. From the perspective of our Higher Expressions of SELF, we can perceive expanded frequencies of reality. Since, the reality we choose to perceive is the reality we choose to live, calling upon our higher perspective of a difficult situation greatly expands our consciousness. In this manner, we transmute a problem into an Initiation.




With my third journey through the Portal of the Sacred Rock, my Initiation was within the womb of the Mother. Once, I had reconstructed my wilderness home and return to the rhythm of Nature and the Core of my SELF. I was ready to enter the Core of the Mother. In preparation, I fasted for several days, drank lots of water, and meditated for most of the day. In between my meditations, I walked the land and swam in the Lake to ground myself and reconnect with the Mother. On the third day, I awoke at dawn and knew it was the NOW for entering the Mothers Womb.





This day I ate a light breakfast, as I did not know how long I would be away from my home. Then, I walked to the Lake, reverently placing each footfall on the surface of the Mothers planetary body and meditated on a large rock overhanging the Lake. When I completed my meditation just before High Sun, I dove into the Lake naked and allowed the Mothers Water to caress my physical form. I then crawled back onto the rock to bask in the warm sunlight and fell into a dreamless sleep. I awoke just before Sunset, put on my handmade garment and walked to the Sacred Rock. With my third entry through the Portal, I was free of all apprehension.  Hence, there was no resistance within me or within the Portal.




In fact, once I touched the rock with my intention of entering, the Portal instantly spun open, and I merely walked through. I heard the Portal close behind me, and I was in total darkness. However, as I relaxed into the NOW, I felt my own inner light and projected it out through my Third Eye. Through my higher vision I could see a small trail leading downward, which I followed for what appeared to be a very long time. Then, in the far distance and around a corner I saw the reflection of a light.




I instinctively knew that the light was beaming from the Elohim Alycone. Therefore, I took a long moment to call upon my highest expression of SELF and reverently walked into the light. Instantly, Elohim Alycone shown before me, and I felt a sense of deep completion. I had completed one important segment of my life and was about to begin another. I did not know how my new life would proceed, but I felt confident that I could accept whatever my destiny put before me. What I did not expect was how difficult it would be for my body and psyche to live in the core of the planet.




The light was very dim with no obvious source. Instead, it reflected off the many walls of the cave-like structure in which I stayed for an unknown period of time. Since there was not Sunrise, Sunset, daytime or nighttime, there were NO markers for the passage of time. I had not realized how the passage of time had become so important to me. I had experienced being in the NOW when I was in Nature, but I had the security of the visual movement of the Suns moved across the sky, and the Moons and Stars came out at night.




With no Suns and no Moons I felt almost lonely. It seemed that all I was doing was waiting. After my first image of the Mother, She disappeared and left me seemingly alone. Therefore, I was forced to FEEL the planet and connect with this huge planetary life form from the inside. I had learned to deeply know and love the outside of the planet. Now I was left alone to unite with the inside of the planet.




I knew I was in an Initiation because every dark thought and fearful emotion was forced to the surface of my consciousness by the dim light of this unknown world. How could the Mother abandon me? Will I wither away and die down in this hole? Will I ever see my loved ones again? I went from questions, to anger, to sorrow and into deep fear.







 【新】【全線閱讀】20170812《大角星人母舰指导》 (多次元意識擴展必修) 



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