If you touch the still core withinyourself,you will touch the original nature of your existence.It is unfortunate,that most human beings misunderstand the fluctuations of the surfacefor life.What fluctuates on the surface,in the form of body,in the form ofmental manifestations,unfortunately interpreted as the entirety of life.
Yes, the fluctuations and the dynamism of life has its own beauty,but it cannoteven exist without the stillness of the core.It is like everybody appreciatesthe leaves、the flowers and the fruits, maybe even thebranches and the trunk,But rarely people are consciousabout the root of a tree.It is only because of the root,that the stem,the branches, the leaves, theflowers, and the fruits have happened
It is only because of the still core,which is the very source that you havemanifested a body,You have manifested the mind.What youhave manifested,unfortunately,has gone out of your control, doesn't take instructionsfrom you.So it looks like it is an independent existence by itself.This is likeyou wrote a software,and now it doesn't takeinstructions from you. It's Its own.That‘s what has happened to most humanbeings.Everyone must try to touch the deepest core which is stillness withinthemselves.