





Sadhguru talks about the mind’s desire to be special, and how this is counterproductive on the spiritual path.



Sadhguru: For many people, the reason why the spiritual path seems to be a struggle is that their culture and social situations have always taught them to be special. One’s whole life effort becomes focused on this. To be special means to have something that others do not have. But this is not special, it is a convoluted sense of wellbeing. Right now, if your only joy is that someone else does not have what you have, if this is the only pleasure in your life, we call this perversion not being special.

萨古鲁:对于很多人来说,修行之路之所以看起来非常艰难,是因为他们处在一种总是教人要标新立异的文化和社会环境中。在这样的文化里,一个人会把一生精力都用在努力变得与众不同上。与众不同,意味着你拥有一些其他人所没有的东西。但是这种人无我有并不是真的与众不同,这只是一种变相的幸福感。现在,如果你唯一的快乐就是 别人没有的,我却有 ,如果这是你人生的唯一乐趣所在,那么我们不会认为这是与众不同,而认为是扭曲变态。


People can find pleasure in all kinds of things. Once, two men were captured by fierce cannibals from a neighboring tribe. After a meeting with their headman, the tribe decided to cook the men alive. The men were placed in a pot of water, and as the fire started burning and the water became hotter and hotter, the older man started laughing – really laughing. The younger man said, “Are you crazy? Do you know what is going to happen to us? Why are you laughing?” The older man said, “I just peed in their soup!” People find pleasure in all sorts of perverted ways.

人可以从万事万物中发现快乐。从前,有两个人被邻近凶狠的食人部落抓住了。部落头领见了他们之后,决定把他们活煮。这俩人被放进一口大锅里,加满水开始煮。火开始烧起来,水越来越烫。这时候,年长的那个人开始哈哈大笑起来 —— 是真正的开怀大笑。年轻些的那个人就问他: 你疯了吗?你知不知道我们俩会怎样啊?你笑什么啊? 年长的那人回答说: 我刚撒了泡尿在他们的汤里啦! 人们会通过各种扭曲的方式找到乐趣。


A Sore Thumb



Spirituality is not about becoming special. It is about becoming one with everything. This disease of wanting to become special has come to people simply because they have not recognized the value of the uniqueness of their being. By living on the surface for so long, their whole effort has been to be special. As long as this effort is on, you are only working counter to the spiritual process. The whole dimension of spirituality is to melt and become one with existence, not to stand out like a sore thumb.



In so many ways, the mind always wants to be special. That is the nature of the egoistic mind. It can only compare logically. The moment this comparison comes, competition starts. The moment competition starts, your life sense will disappear because now it is only about being better than others. It is because of this foolish endeavor that we are in the ridiculous situation of having to teach people about their own nature. We have to remind people about their own original nature simply because they are lost in trying to outdo someone or everyone around them.

头脑总是想以各种方式变得与众不同,这是以自我为中心的头脑的本质。它只会通过逻辑来进行比较。一旦出现比较,就出现了竞争。一旦竞争开始,你的生命感知就消失了,因为这时候一切都只是为了变得比别人更好。正由于人们这种愚蠢的努力,我们才会处于这种可笑的境况中 —— 我们不得不教人们去发现他们自身的本质。我们不得不提醒人们看看自己最初的本性,只是因为人们在试图胜过身边个别人乃至所有人的努力中迷失了自己。


Ordinary to Extra-ordinary



Some time ago, our yoga program brochures used to say: “From Ordinary to Extraordinary.”  People thought they would become special by doing the program and would ask me “Sadhguru, how will we be special?”  I would always tell them, “You are going to become ‘extra’ ordinary – more ordinary than other people.”

不久前,我们的瑜伽课程宣传手册上说到 让您从平凡走向非凡 。人们就以为这个课程能让他们变得与众不同,所以他们会问我, 萨古鲁,我们要怎样变得与众不同呢? 我总是会这样回答他们, 你们会变得 —— 非常平凡,比其他人还要再平凡一点。


The more you try to be special the further you get from the truth. So much suffering and mental illness have come from this desire to be special. Instead of deriving perverse pleasure from the fact that someone does not have what you have, if you genuinely make the effort to become one with everything, this internal struggle will completely go away. If you recognize your uniqueness and also every other being’s uniqueness, you can neither become less nor more than anyone else.

你越想变得与众不同,就离真理越远。多少痛苦和精神疾病,正是来自于这种想变得独特的欲望。如果你能真正地致力于与万物合一,而不是从 人无我有 中攫取病态的快乐,那些内在的折磨和挣扎就会烟消云散。如果你能意识到自身的独特性,以及其他每个生命的独特性,你就会知道,你既不会变得比任何人多,也不会比任何人少。













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