First off,HAUC=Hybrid Air Underwater Craft.And the inventor was Salvatore Pais.
首先, haac 混合动力水下航空器。发明者是萨尔瓦多·帕伊斯。
This video is something that came out today,and I'm listening to it now.I felt the"need"to put this out right away.What David describes is,in many many ways,what we have all been working towards,and now(thanks to The Alliance and President Donald J.Trump,and many others)it is all coming out.
这个视频是今天发布的,我现在正在收听。我觉得有 " 必要 " 马上把这个拿出来。大卫所描述的是,在许多方面,我们都一直在朝着这个目标努力,而现在 ( 多亏了联盟和唐纳德· j· 特朗普总统,以及其他许多人 ) ,这个目标终于实现了。
"The US Navy has now officially declassified operable patents for anti-gravity and free-energy technology.The Air Force announced on December 6th that"Secret Space Programs"will be declassified in 2020.This new intel precisely fits with the inside information from Pete Peterson,in a call from June 6th,2019.
" 美国海军现在已经正式解密了反重力和自由能源技术的可操作专利。美国空军 12 月 6 日宣布, " 秘密太空计划 " 将于 2020 年解密。这个新情报与皮特·彼得森在 2019 年 6 月 6 日的电话中提供的内部信息完全吻合。
"Pete was preparing to come forward about his experiences visiting 60 to 65 different off-planet locations,and just over a month later,he died of an"accidental injection"at the senior center he was staying at."
" 皮特当时正准备公开自己的经历,他去了 60 到 65 个不同的星球之外的地方,就在一个多月后,他死于一次 " 意外注射 " ,就在他所在的老人中心。 "
Premiered December 14,2019
The US Navy has now officially declassified operable patents for anti-gravity and free-energy technology.The Air Force announced on December 6th that"Secret Space Programs"will be declassified in 2020.
美国海军现在正式解密了反重力和自由能源技术的可操作专利。 12 月 6 日,美国空军宣布,“秘密太空计划”将于 2020 年解密。
This new intel precisely fits with the inside information from Pete Peterson,in a call from June 6th,2019.Peterson was arguably the top specialist for black-ops technology in the military-industrial complex for many years.
这个新情报与皮特·彼得森在 2019 年 6 月 6 日的电话中提供的内部信息完全吻合。彼得森可以说是多年来美国军事工业复合体黑色行动技术的顶级专家。
According to this"deathbed confessional"from Pete,he would be allowed to tell the world anything he wanted about his experiences"on the inside"within six to eight months from the time of the interview.
根据皮特的 " 临终忏悔 " ,他可以在接受采访后的六到八个月内向世界讲述自己 " 内心 " 的经历。
Pete was preparing to come forward about his experiences visiting 60 to 65 different off-planet locations,and just over a month later,he died of an"accidental injection"at the senior center he was staying at.
皮特正准备说出他的经历,去了 60 到 65 个星球以外的地方,就在一个多月后,他死于在老人公寓的 " 意外注射 " 。
Adding greatly to the suspicion was the fact that Woody,another top insider who had spoken to David Wilcock,died that same day.This happened immediately after Woody was involved in signing off on a new financial system that will get us back on the gold standard and defeat financial tyranny.
This full-length movie is sponsored by Wilcock Spiritual Healing and Empowerment,a 501c3 foundation dedicated to raising awareness and advocating for challenged populations including veterans and endangered animals.
这部完整长度的电影由威尔科克精神疗愈和赋权基金会赞助,这是一个 501c3 基金会,致力于提高人们的认识,倡导面临挑战的人群,包括退伍军人和濒危动物。
原文 :
資料來源: https://www.pfcchina.org/intel/32488.html