大角星人母舰指导: 问答时间(3) 连接三维与多维度实相
Transmission From Mothership-Q&A with Arcturians 4-2-13
Transmissions from the Mothership
Connecting Realities 1
Q and A with the Arcturian
Channel: Suzanne Lie, phd. 20130204
中文翻译: 林琚月 20130205
“Attempting to contain so many opposite and opposing concepts and versions of reality makes you lose your external focus. Do you remember when you were a child and you would spin yourselves around again and again until you were so dizzy that you fell down? You became dizzy because your external touchstone was gone. You were like a dancer who goes into a spin without maintaining their ‘spot.’
“ 尝试努力要同时消化吸收这么多相反的概念与 “ 现实景象 ” 让你们失去了你们对外的专注力 . 你记得在你小时候自己转圈圈玩时吗 ? 你会一直转一直转直到你们头晕到不行而倒下为止 .--- 你变晕 --- 因为你外在的 ‘ 试金石 \ 标准 ’ 已经失去了 . 你们就像个跳舞的舞者 --- 因为旋转到失去支撑点而倾倒 .
“Then, just as a car may sputter and stop, your biological brain spins and shuts down. To deal with this dynamic, your body becomes "sick" to create a good reason for your dizziness. Then you go to bed and go to sleep, which is a very good solution. While you are adding a new operation system to your computer, you cannot open any programs or do anything with the computer. You have to wait until the new system is totally downloaded. Then, when you restart your computer it appears to be much the same. However, there are subtle differences that you do not recognize until you use your computer. Your brain is a biological computer and runs in a very similar fashion.
“ 然后 , 就像一辆车子喷了两口烟就停了下来 .--- 你们的生物脑旋转到停摆了 . 要处理这状况 --- 你的身体变 ‘ 生病 ’ 来创造一个好理由让你晕眩 . 然后你就去上床睡觉 --- 这是一个很好的解决办法 .--- 当你正在加装一台新操作系统入你的计算机中的时候 .--- 你无法打开任何程序 , 或继续在计算机上做任何事 . 你必须等待直到新系统完全下载完毕 . 然后 , 你再重新打开了你的计算机 --- 而一切看起来好像没变 .--- 但是 , 那些微妙的变化 --- 你一开始没认出来的 --- 在你重新开始使用计算机时就感觉出来了 ! 你的大脑是个生物计算机 --- 运作方式与计算机很相似 !
“Many of you are trying to download a new Quantum Operating System into an old computer. For this download, you will definitely need the assistance of your Higher Expressions of SELF. Your Higher Expressions are your Guidebook. They will assist you to understand your new version of SELF, just as we will.
“ 你们大部份人都是在下载一个新的量子操作系统入一台老计算机中 . 为了这个下载 , 你绝对会需要你高我的协助 . 你的高我是你的 ‘ 使用说明书 ’! 他们会协助你理解你 ‘ 新版本的自我 ’--- 就像我们也会协助你们一样 .
“Do you have a final question for us?”
“ 你们有最后一个问题吗 ?”
This time the group conferred before the spokesperson again stood to speak,
“Thank you for your information. It appears to us that the greatest challenge of all would be to somehow connect the advanced operating system of our Multidimensional SELF with our third-dimensional thinking. Is this similar to connecting our third/fourth dimensional reality to the fifth dimensional world of New Earth?”
这时这群人交谈了一下 , 然后 ‘ 发言人 ’ 又站起来说 :
“ 很谢谢您的讯息 . 看起来 --- 我们眼前最大的挑战 --- 就是想办法将 ‘ 我们三维度的自我的思考方式 ’ 连上 ‘ 我们多维度的自我 ’ 的 ‘ 操作系统 ’!--- 这与将三 \ 四维度的地球与新地球的第五维度实相的连接是否类似呢 ?”
Mytria and I wondered if the small group would catch the glint in the Arcturians aura that had become so familiar to us as It said, “You are very correct. Your consciousness and more of your reality than you realize is already fifth dimensional. However, you cannot compute much of the higher stimuli that fills your new world because your 3D brain cannot yet recognize this data. Your 3D brain is simply refusing to accept these perceptions as real. Hence, they never travel through the reticular system of your brain.
Mytria 和我很怀疑这小群人是否有看到 ‘ 大角星人 ’ 光体中闪过的光芒 ?!--- 那光芒现在对我们是再熟悉不过了 .--- 随着这闪光过去 ,‘ 大角星人 ’ 说 :“ 你说得很正确 . 你们的觉知 , 以及许多超越你们能理解的地球现实已经都是 ‘ 五维现实 ’ 了 !--- 但是你们 3D 脑袋还无法认出这些讯息 --- 因为这些 ‘ 高维度刺激 \ 征兆 ’ 还无法被人脑所计算思考 . 你们 3D 脑袋基本上拒绝接受这些 ‘ 理解力 ’ 是真实的 .--- 因此 , 他们从没穿越过你们的 ‘ 爬虫脑 ’ 部份 .
“The neural network of your reticular system acts as a ‘firewall’ that screens out data that your ego self deems is unimportant. On the other hand, once your Multidimensional Operating System is fully online your Multidimensional SELF will determine what information is important. Then you will be able to consciously perceive, integrate and understand how much your reality really has changed.
“ 你们的 ‘ 爬虫脑 ’ 的网络系统是道 ‘ 防火墙 ’--- 过滤掉所有你 “ 小我自尊心 ego’ 认为不重要的讯息 . 而另一方面 , 一旦你的 ‘ 多维度操作系统 ’ 完全联机运作 --- 你的 ‘ 多维度操作系统 ’ 会决定什么讯息是重要的 ! 然后 , 你就能够有清楚意识的理解到 , 同时能够整合与了解 --- 你的 ‘ 实相 ’ 事实上已经改变了多少 .
“If you can believe in your SELF, as well as any stimuli which activates the feeling of unconditional love and/or joy, you will gradually calibrate your primary perception to the higher frequencies of reality. However, remember that your physical sensations of hearing, vision, touch, smell and taste will not be adequate to fully register higher dimensional sensations. You will have to trust what you THINK you hear, see, touch, smell and taste.
“ 如果你们能信任你们自己 --- 以及所有启动你 ‘ 无条件的爱 ’ 或是 ‘ 欢乐 ’ 的刺激 \ 征兆 --- 你就会慢慢的重新调整你主要的 ‘ 理解力 ’ 到更高的维度的现实中去 . 无论如何 --- 记得你们物质 \ 物理的感觉 , 如听觉 , 视觉 , 触觉 , 味觉以及嗅觉 --- 将无法恰当的去记录 ‘ 高维度感受 ’.--- 你们必须信任 ‘ 你以为 ’ 的 ( 想象的 ) 听觉 , 视觉 , 触觉 , 味觉以及嗅觉 !
“You are accustomed to sensations and information coming from the outside of you, such as through your eyes or ears. When you perceive the higher frequencies of reality, you will perceive them from within your core. To best understand this multidimensional information we suggest that you run these perceptions through your High Heart and Third Eye. Your High Heart and Third Eye are your Heart-Mind, which is your primary sensory receptor and processor of multidimensional input.
“ 你们已经习惯了 ‘ 感觉 ’ 与 ‘ 讯息 ’--- 从你们的外面而来 .--- 比如透过你们的眼睛或耳朵 . 而当你感应到 ‘ 更高维度的现实 ’ 时 , 你会感觉到它们在你内在的核心 .--- 要更好的来理解这 ‘ 多维度讯息 ’--- 我们建议你们操作你们 “ 高我的本心 ” 与 “ 第三只眼 ” 来理解 . 你们的 “ 高我的本心 ” 与 “ 第三只眼 ” 就是你们的 “ 心 - 智 ”--- 是你们主要感官接收器和处理器 --- 来处理 ‘ 多维度讯息 ’ 的进入 !
“Also, remember that you will not experience the fifth dimension in the same manner that you interact with your physical world or even your fourth dimensional dream world. Your sense of touch will be attuned to experience auras, as will your vision, hearing and even your smell will respond to the more ethereal messages. You will not experience hard edges, spaces of separation or any fear-based emotions.
“ 还有 , 记得 --- 你将不会用与物质世界同样的方式来经验第五维度 --- 即使是你的第四维度梦幻世界 . 你的触觉将会调高到 ‘ 光体经验 ’--- 就像你的听觉 , 视觉 , 触觉 , 味觉以及嗅觉 --- 都会与更以太的讯息呼应 !--- 你不会经验硬的边缘物质 , 分隔空间或任何以恐惧为基础的情绪 .
“We have given you enough information for now. However, please remember that your new realities will appear different. If you had always lived near the ocean all of your life and moved to the desert, you would have many new sensations to compute. Therefore, can you imagine how many more new sensations you will experience when you resonate to a new reality of a different dimension?
“我们已经给了你们足够的讯息了现在 . 无论如何 , 请记得 --- 你们的新实相会显得不同 . 如果你一生都住靠近海边 , 然后搬到沙漠去 , 你会有许多‘感受’要消化 . 因此 , 你能想象你会经验到多少种新的感觉 ?--- 当你与一个不同维度的‘新实相’共鸣时吗 ?
“Fortunately, more and more of you will be sharing this journey, so please remember to create groups in which you feel safe enough to share and discuss your new experiences of reality. Most of all, please remember that you are NOT alone for we, your higher expressions of SELF, are always with you.
“ 幸运的是 --- 越来越多的你们正走在这条路上 --- 所以请记得 --- 创造一个让你觉得安全 , 可以自由分享与讨论你们 ‘ 新实相 ’ 经验的团体 . 最重要的是 --- 请记得 --- 你们并不孤单 !--- 因为我们 --- 你们的 ‘ 高我们 ’--- 总是与你们在一起的 !
“We close this communication, but please know that you can personally continue it within your higher states of consciousness.
Blessings to you all, The Arcturians”
“ 我们现在结束谈话 , 但请记得 --- 你们个人都可以继续这谈话 --- 在你们的更高觉知之中 . 祝福你们全部 !--- 大角星人 ”
Posted by Sue at 6:57 PM No comments:
轉自:Rebecca_林琚月的博客 http://blog.sina.com.cn/rebeccahjlin
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