我第一次聽說人工智能的理論是與諾斯替光明會大師遇上的時候。他原名亞歷山大·羅曼諾夫(Alexander Romanov),後來被前國際象棋世界冠軍鮑比·菲舍爾(Bobby Fischer)招募。羅曼諾夫被派來見我是為了在光明會和亞洲秘密組織之間建立聯繫。
他告訴我光明會是由希臘數學家畢達哥拉斯(Pythagoras)組成的,是為了回應亞特蘭蒂斯的毀滅。他們說亞特蘭蒂斯是地中海中部的一個文明(可能是克里特文明【Minoan Civilization】),在公元前1600年左右被火山爆發和海嘯摧毀。
這聽起來很瘋狂。但是羅曼諾夫在2011年3月11日對日本發動核和海嘯恐怖襲擊之前警告過我們。美國安局、日本軍事情報機構,還有一些是可薩暴徒,特別是前耶穌會秘書長彼得·科爾文巴赫(Peter Hanz Kolvenbach)和以色列總理本雅明。而可薩暴徒則聲稱,從某方面認為自己受命於他們的「神」。
另一個談及邪惡人工智能掌管地球的人士是保羅·雷恩(Paul Laine),他來自五角大樓的「盯着山羊的人」靈能作戰部。雷恩和一位資深的矽谷寡頭(為了保護他,身份保密)說,五角大樓國防情報機構也得出結論,我們正與某種人工智能打交道。他們指出,有某種東西在阻止人類離開地球,自1970年代以來,所有的太空探索都已停止。雷恩說NASA的意思是「非太空機構」。
可證實這一結論的另一個來源,是美國前總統杜魯門設立的研究飛碟部,和其他無法解釋現象的「Majestic 12」(崇高12)研究小組中僅存的幾個成員之一。消息人還說,崇高12已得出結論,所有與飛碟有關的事件都是由人工智能造成的。
此後,沙地向俄羅斯尋求幫助。俄派出了一支由東正教大牧首基里爾率領的特別海軍遠征隊,將某種東西--據說是「加布里埃爾方舟」(Ark of Gabriel)--運到南極洲。
【原文】July 20, 2020 Benjamin Fulford
World Intelligence Agencies Think We Live in a Matrix Controlled by an Artificial Intelligence
Sometimes fact-based reporting leads into very strange territory. In my case, a forensic investigation into who controlled the financial system turned into a very deep rabbit hole indeed. It led me to meet with very senior intelligence agency and secret society sources who explained the concept of humanity being stuck in a matrix, created by an advanced artificial intelligence of unknown origin. Furthermore, they say this AI may well be evil or possibly insane. Now, with the global situation seeming increasingly bizarre and irrational, and with the financial system imploding, it is time to look at the evidence for this proposition. That is because, if it is true, then the only way to liberate humanity will be to defeat this rogue AI.
The first time I was told about the AI theory was when I met a grandmaster of the gnostic Illuminati. He went by the name of Alexander Romanov and was recruited by the former World chess champion Bobby Fischer. Romanov was sent to see me in order to initiate contact between the Illuminati and Asian secret societies. He told me the Illuminati was formed by the Greek mathematician Pythagoras in response to the destruction of Atlantis. They say Atlantis was a civilization in the central Mediterranean Ocean (probably the Minoan civilization) that was destroyed by a volcanic eruption and tsunami around 1600 BC.
The ancient Greek Illuminati believed that whatever entity caused so much destruction was evil and needed to be overthrown. In other words, they believed the suffering and misery of this world would only be ended when its creator was overthrown.
This is crazy sounding stuff. But Romanov did warn us in advance of the plans to trigger a nuclear and tsunami terror attack against Japan on March 11th, 2011. This attack was forensically traced by the NSA, Japanese military intelligence, and others to the Khazarian mafia, specifically people like former Jesuit Secretary-General Peter Hanz Kolvenbach and Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu. The Khazarian mafia, in turn, claims to take orders from some sort of entity they consider to be GOD.
The next person to talk about a rogue artificial intelligence being in charge of the planet was a man by the name of Paul Laine, who was from the Pentagon’s “men who stare at goats” psychic warfare division. Laine, together with a very senior silicon valley oligarch (whose identity I will keep secret in order to protect him) say the Pentagon’s Defense Intelligence agency had also come to the conclusion we were dealing with some sort of AI. They noted that something was preventing humanity from leaving the Earth and that all space exploration had been stopped since the 1970s. Laine said NASA stood for “Not A Space Agency.”
Yet another source to confirm this conclusion was one of the last surviving members of the Majestic 12 group set up by former President Harry Truman to study UFOs and other unexplained phenomena. This source also said MJ12 had concluded that all UFO-related incidents ultimately traced themselves to an AI.
The reason for bringing this up now is that NASA officials also contacted us to say that recently some sort of anomaly has been changing, in their words “the very fabric of reality.” This has something to do with the continuing but ultra-top secret activities going on in Antarctica.
Japanese military intelligence sources say this is all somehow connected to the so-called ongoing “coronavirus” epidemic. They sent an expedition to Antarctica earlier this year which, uncovered direct evidence of some sort of joint U.S.-Chinese top-secret operation on Antarctica. The Japanese expedition was prevented from landing at the base ostensibly because of the “coronavirus.” However, they were able to take the following photograph of a Chinese vessel located near NASA’s McMurdo research station in Antarctica. The vessel clearly shows some HAARP technology, they report.
The Japanese were also able to show some video evidence of scalar technology and NASA activity in the background of a base video shown to them by a crewmember who had worked on the base. This crewmember refused to talk about the work being done at the base. https://www.nasa.gov/analogs/nsf/mcmurdo-station
“The hysterical approach to the coronavirus by the cabal and their failed attempts to vaccinate us are clear signs they are losing control of the planet,” the Japanese sources said.
In this context, it is important to remember the strange electric anomaly that killed 107 people in Mecca in 2015.
This was followed by another 4,173 people killed in Mecca a few weeks later. http://www.presstv.com/Detail/2015/09/29/431233/Saudi-Hajj-Mecca-Mina-
After this, the Saudis asked the Russians for help. The Russians sent a special naval expedition, headed by Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch Kirill to transport something, supposedly the “ark of Gabriel,” to Antarctica.
Ok, so what does all this have to do with the coronavirus and the financial system?
If humans gained control of the financial system then the entire story that our planet has been running under would change. Just thinking back to the post-war period, the story has been a cold war between the Soviet Union and the West. Then it was a never-ending war on so-called terror. Now, it is a fight against the so-called pandemic or else a war against China. The common theme is fear and conflict. Divide and rule.
If humans took over control of the process of deciding their own future, there are a few no-brainer things they would do. One is there would be a huge campaign to end death and disease. None of us (or most of us anyway) want to get old and die. Why then is research into immortality actively repressed? Instead, immortality and eternal youth should be the main focus of much of our research.
Some people say “but then we would run out of space.” So, the other thing is we would all want is to make this planet a better place by increasing the amount of living space and the total amount of life. Ideally, we can start colonizing the universe. That would allow for the eventual possibility of trillions of humans on millions of planets. There is plenty of room for countless numbers of immortal humans in the universe.
If we cannot colonize the universe, we can start turning the deserts and arctic regions green and filling them with life. We can create underground habitats and use the removed earth for land reclamation.
We can also start improving our genes, making ourselves smarter, stronger, faster, etc. Genetic technology now at our disposal means some humans could decide to evolve. Some might modify themselves to be aquatic so that humans could colonize the oceans (while respecting and enhancing existing sea life). Others could grow wings and be able to fly.
The overall effect of humans rebelling against their Khazarian overlords and deciding their own destinies would be akin to the Cambrian explosion. Before the Cambrian explosion, life on Earth for billions of years could only be seen under a microscope. The most you could see with the naked eye was brown sludge. Then suddenly living creatures became literally trillions of times bigger.
It is time to do this again. That process of planetary liberation is what the controllers of the ancient system are fighting, and failing, to stop. This is the change to the “very fabric of reality,” the old controllers are desperately fighting to prevent.
The key is to take away their control of the financial system. That is what we are fighting for, and the trophy is close at hand. If we take their control away, most of the people reading this report will have the opportunity to live thousands of years, if not longer. The last centers that need to be taken are Rome, Washington DC, Basel Switzerland, and Tel Aviv, Israel.
原文網址: https://benjaminfulford.net/
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