Past Life Patterns – The Scoundrel
This is the description of one of the 16 Past Life Patterns. These patterns were developed by Karen Downing, inorder to help you understand how past life experiences affect your life today.Each person carries 3 to 5 past life patterns in varying levels of influence.By understanding your unique mix of patterns, you can more easily build up yourstrengths and transform your challenges. Past life patterns are the key touncovering your Soul Mission.
这篇是16个前世模式之一的描述。这些模式是Karen Downing总结出来的,为了帮助你理解前世经历如何影响你今生的生活。每一个人都携带着3-5个前世模式,他们有不同程度的影响。通过理解你个人的独特的前世模式组合,你可以更容易地增强你的力量并转化你的挑战。前世模式是发现你的灵魂使命的关键。
The Scoundrel Description –
First let me start by saying that the Scoundrel is notinherently a bad person. Don’t let the name fool you. That being said, we haveall lived lifetimes where we pushed the boundaries of morality, law, and ethicsin order to pursue our own personal or material goals. The Scoundrel is a pastlife pattern that serves to encapsulate incarnations where our personalmotivations may not have always been altruistic. Yes, we all have lived theselives. If you are someone who holds this pattern strongly, all that means isthat you have yet to work through the energy associated with your lifetimes inthis type of role.
The Scoundrel has lived lives where they were involvedin criminal enterprises, illegal activities, and petty crimes. Their motivationto become involved in these activities came from a place of opportunity (oroften lack thereof). The Scoundrel made the choices they did because theyneeded money, and this creates a pattern of needing more and more money, oftenfurther blurring the lines of what they will do in order to keep up with theirever-growing lifestyle needs. The Scoundrel knows all about scammers andschemers, because they have been one too. This makes their B.S. meter so finelytuned that they can easily spot when a person or situation feels “off” to them.In their life today, the Scoundrel will go one of two ways, either back intotheir pattern and dance on the edge of the law, or become someone whose purposeis to stop others from being victimized by similar tactics.
The Scoundrel Past Life Pattern
The Scoundrel will be drawn to career paths in law,policework, surveillance, security, advocacy, finance, investigating, or repeattheir past life activities by making a career out of illegal activities. TheScoundrel is incredibly intelligent, and knows how to bend and stretch therules for their own use. This makes them extraordinary skilled lawyers,utilizing loopholes to help their clients. The Scoundrel is often well spoken,as their skill set allows them to fit into countless situations, and they cantwist those situations to their own benefit, if they so choose. But, justbecause they can be cunning, doesn’t mean they always will be. The Scoundrelalso has a vulnerable side to them, and will form strong bonds in their familyand friendships. These bonds come from past lives of having support systems andstructures in place to assist with the various aspects of their chosenvocation.
Expression of the Scoundrel Pattern in Your Life Now –The Scoundrel is driven toward success and financial security; however theydefine it. The Scoundrel gains self-confidence by figuring out how a systemworks, and then finding all of the loopholes within that system. This skill setmakes the Scoundrel either a gifted investigator, or a gifted criminal, or evenboth. The Scoundrel can oversee anything from a Ponzi scheme, to a sidebusiness selling steroids, or anything in between. Or, they can be the personwho cracks open those investigations. Sometimes, the Scoundrel will even walkon both side of that line. The Scoundrel builds on the expertise that they hadin their lifetimes before, and will find a way to make and earn a living withthat expertise. It is the pursuit of money that is their primary motivator, andthe secondary motivator is to provide for their family.
There are two ways that the Scoundrel theme revealsitself; The Mastermind Scoundrel and The Unwitting Scoundrel. If you resonatewith The Scoundrel pattern, you might discover that you can possess qualitiesof one, or even both, of the ways that The Scoundrel pattern is expressed.Often in one area of life you can feel one way, and in another area of lifefeel another way. They excel when they can teach others the skills they know.
The Mastermind Scoundrel –
The Mastermind Scoundrel is a strong leader. They havethe intelligence and drive to make a success about whatever they are choosingto focus on. Often, they are surrounded by people who love and support them,but rarely does that inner circle truly know the Mastermind Scoundrel all thatwell. At the end of the day, the Mastermind Scoundrel will do as they please.They might pack up and leave unannounced, or switch careers overnight, or evensell out a family member. No one knows but the Mastermind, and they havecalculated every moment along the way. Life is a multi-dimensional chess gamefor them. They have such a charming personality, that they can convince anyoneor anything, even if that means convincing another person to push their ownmoral boundary. The Mastermind Scoundrel does thrive on routine of some kind,it may be their choice of tailor, or what restaurants they frequent; there willalways be one area of life that they need continuity in. The unfortunate thing,at least for the Mastermind, is that this need for continuity often is whatbrings the rest of their plans to a crashing halt. If you use your intellect tomanipulate others for your own gain, then you exhibit the Mastermind Scoundrelexpression. The Mastermind Scoundrel’s biggest lesson is let go of theone-upmanship, and instead learn to balance their pursuit of money with havinga relaxed life (and not anticipating arrest, exposure, or scandal). They canmake the choices to not create discourse in their life, or they can repeattheir past behaviors.
The Unwitting Scoundrel –
The Unwitting Scoundrel did not begin their past liveswith the intention to push legal boundaries. Often, they were convinced bystronger personalities, or by life circumstances, to pursue money-makingendeavors that were not on the up-and-up. The Unwitting Scoundrel is much morein fear of being caught, because they feel a stronger awareness that they couldhave made different choices. That being said, the Unwitting Scoundrel is superloyal to their friends and family, and will often keep going beyond their innermoral line, time and time again. They have difficulty adhering to their ownboundaries, especially when it comes to helping others. That is often why theywere easy to manipulate in their past lives; they are so motivated to helptheir family and friends, that they can be talked into questionable actions.But, they do not possess true self-confidence, and thus are gullible and fairlyeasy to manipulate. They can exhibit patterns of having others take advantageof their kindness. If you often find yourself in uncomfortable situations, ordiscover that people around you can easy sway your mind, then you exhibit theUnwitting Scoundrel expression. The Unwitting Scoundrel’s biggest lesson is tolearn how to say “No” and to stick by their own decisions.
Past Life Pattern Breakdown:
- Highly intelligent
- Uses loopholes to their own advantage
- Often walks on both sides of the law
- Has strong loyalty to their “family”
Affirmation– “I use my knowledge and experience to help others understand their innerpower.”
Learn moreabout how the Scoundrel pattern is showing up in your life by enrolling in theOn-Demand video course, ExploringPast Life Patterns.