

新纪元扬升之光 2018-07-16


The Arcturian Group via Marilyn Raffaele, July 15th, 2018

翻译:荷光*凯,微信公众平台:xinjiyuanlove (部分翻译)


We of the ArcturianGroup wish to say that much change is on the horizon.  You are witnessing the death throes of worldbeliefs that have held mankind in bondage through lifetimes.  These dense miscreations can only dissolve ashigher frequencies of truth begin to replace the energy that formed them in thefirst place.



A sense of discordcomes when everything  familiar begins tochange but intense fears and confusion will not come to those who understandthat nothing real ever ends,  but rathertransmutes into higher levels of expression as consciousness becomes moreenlightened.  Because third dimensionalenergy is so dense, this process is gradual and involves many twists and turns of resistance.



Focus yourattention and efforts on being the highest level of truth you know in everymoment and situation, rather than on the illusions of material sense around you. Your Light, the Light of awakened consciousness, is serving to open thepathways that allow more Light to flow to earth.  These high frequency energies are affectingall life. Everyone is  feeling them, theun-awakened, the awakened, and the animal kingdom as well.



These highfrequency energies are causing many of you to experience times whenemotions,  physical aches and pains, orextreme physical exhaustion seems to take over.  If you are not alert, it can easily lead youto believe that something is seriously wrong, but then within a day or twothings seem back to normal and you feel fineuntil the next time.  These experiences are related to the processof clearing,  translating and integratingnew and higher frequencies into the physical, and the minds interpretation of the process.



It takes energy todo these energetic upgrades  leaving youwith less for your usual everyday chores. Ascension energies are replacing thedenser in physical  cells.  Allow the process to take place withoutimmediately concluding that something is wrong, but rather know that  something is right.  Your physical expression is unfamiliar withwhat is taking place because serious energetic upgrades while remaining in thephysical has never happened before.



As you integratethese new energies  and your resonancechanges, you will no longer be in alignment with many things that up to nowhave been a part of ordinary living. Heavy foods, alcohol, sugars, and processed foods that you may of  previously enjoyed with no problem, noweither dont appeal to you or make you feel sick when you eat them.



Because everythingis energy, energetic alignment is necessary if there is to be  harmony of anything   marriage relationships, friendships, foods,entertainment, employment, ideas, beliefs, etc. You are no longer in alignment with many of the seemingly ordinarythings  you were once  aligned with. Your evolving state of consciousness is resonating with new and higherfrequencies and attempts to make something spiritually outgrown continue as itonce was, will not work.



Free will allowseveryone to ignore truth as long as they wish, but truth can never go awaybecause it is the reality. Only those things created from illusory concepts candissolve permanently.  Try to see changeas a graduation, dear ones.  Many believethat they are open to change, but when something familiar begins to change ordisappear, even the very awake will often respond with  resistance because there is a sense ofsecurity in what is familiar.



As you live from ahigher state of consciousness, frequencies of Light automatically dissolve the lower resonatingenergies.   It is a waste time to dwellon or try to figure out everything that may be clearing because this justfocuses on old energy.  If it is necessaryfor you to know something for your spiritual growth, you will somehow get thatinformation  through dreams,  intuition, or actual memory.  At this time many of you are clearing for theworld and not always personally. Remember there is only ONE.



For those  of you experiencing  depression, sadness, and sorrow we say toyou, allow these emotions to flow through without resistance.  Suffering is created by holding on tounfulfilled expectations of how things should look or be in order to be rightwhich always reflects ones personal belief system.



In the threedimensional world, most suffering is caused by seemingly uncontrollableforcesnature, laws, religious beliefs etc. This is how a dimension based in duality and separation, works.  This is what you are evolving out of.  Duality and separation does not exist in thehigher dimensions.  The three dimensionalbelief system represents the lowest rung of a very high dimensional ladderalthough most as of yet do not realize this.



Suffering remainsand will continue to remain alive and well as long as world consciousnesscontinues to create through beliefs of duality and separation.  Never forget that as expressions of theDivine, everyone is a creator, forming their world out of the substance oftheir state of consciousness.  Help thosewho suffer in whatever practical ways you are guided to, but never believe thatit is your duty to save anyone for all are learning  lessons they themselves chose with the helpof their Higher Self and Guides.



Mind  interprets ones attained state ofconsciousness and  manifests it asphysical, emotional, mental, and spiritual form.   Suffering is resistance, a yearning forthings to be the way a person believes they must  be in order for them  to be happy. Nothing will or can change globally or individually  until consciousness changes becauseconsciousness is the substance of all that is.  You have reached that place of readiness that will enable you to moveinto the realization and experiences of who and what you really are.



Accept that you arealready awake and that there is no longer any need to seek and search outwardlyfor what is already fully present within you.



Allow the processand trust that everything  is proceedingaccording to plan.



We are theArcturian Group  



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