And now, by your reckoning, you enter the mindspace of April. That is all it is, you know, mindspace. You are using a concept of passing time to explain something you do not yet understand. This is an error, but it is not the error we wish to discuss today.
现在,根据你的计算,你进入了 4 月的思维空间。这就是它的所是,思维空间。你在用时间流逝的概念解释你并不明白的东西。这是一个错误,但不是我们希望今天来讨论的错误
If you will allow us, we will revisit some things that we have explained in the past, point out their relevance, and get a bit pointed in our recommendations.
In spite of the urging of many of our communications through this channel and others, you attached dates – imaginary markers in mindspace, remember? – to the expectation of happenings that we informed you were in your near future in a perceivable set of probabilities.
撇开我们以及其他人信息中的敦促,你们附加了日期 --- 在思维空间中虚构的标记,还记得吗? --- 来期望我们告知你的,在不久的将来可能会发生的事件
When you do this, many go into a heightened state of anticipation that something is approaching that will at last solve all of their problems. And therein lies what you call ‘the rub’. The collective field is still influenced by enough “at last I’ll be saved” to overwhelm the growing “we’ve got this. Let’s change it!”
当你这么做,许多人进入一个提高的期待状态,会解决他们所有问题的东西正在到来。这就是你所称为的“磨损处( the rub )”。集体领域依旧被足够多的“终于我要得救了”影响,淹没了“我们行的,让我们改变它!”的发展
Now, this does not change anything. It does somewhat reduce the ‘magnetism’ of your rising frequencies.
We recommend that as much of the disappointment, resignation, and depression as possible be quickly replaced by as much intention, determination, and anticipation as you can muster. All of these positive attitudes raise your frequencies and the frequencies of the collective. As we have stated many times before this, you cannot raise your own vibrations without raising the whole. Of course this works in reverse, as well. Which is why the anticipation of failure served to defuse somewhat what is, in fact, inevitable. Let’s reinforce that – inevitable!
我们建议把尽可能多的失望、放弃和沮丧快速地替换成尽可能多的意图、决心和期望。所有这些积极的态度会提升你的频率,集体的频率。正如我们之前说过许多次的,你无法不提升整体振动来提升你的振动。当然这反过来也是奏效的。所以失败的预期服务了平息,事实上,不可避免的东西。让我们强调 --- 不可避免!
We also want to ask you, once again, to stop pinning your personal hopes of something happening to improve your lot upon any coming events. This turns those events into Easter Bunnies and Santa Clauses. You are the ones that are doing this. And we mean you, the collective. Please drop those hopes of being saved and roll up your spiritual sleeves and join in the efforts. Make yourselves into ones whose vibrations create that which you imagine.
This is said over and over again. “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” Listen to your Michael Jackson sing Man in the Mirror. Your world is only a reflection of yourselves. So make your job that of being the hundredth monkey. Perhaps today there is only one more monkey needed. Be that monkey! If you don’t have time to meditate, to pray, to create intentions, smile a lot. Laugh a little. Help someone out just a bit. Care.
这被再三地诉说。“成为你希望在世界上看到的改变。”听一听迈克尔·杰克逊唱的《 Man in the Mirror 》。你的世界只是你的一个反射。所以确保你履行了一百只猴子的工作。也许今天只需添加一只猴子。成为那只猴子!如果你没时间去冥想、祈祷,去创造意图,去微笑。大笑。帮助别人。关心别人
Lastly, you can slow it down. You can speed it up. But, it IS coming. And you are bringing it.
委员会 20180402 又...没什么事情发生
通灵:Ron Head
翻译:Nick Chan
原创 2018-04-07 Nick Chan NickChan
Today we continue speaking on the topic of our previous message. This time we address those to whom the major portion of that message was not directed. By this we mean that we now speak to those who do see all of the change around themselves and understand its purpose and inevitable outcome. Those we now speak to are also aware of the changes happening within themselves and understand the implications of this, as well.
Now, of course, like everything else, your perceptions and understanding of them are on a continuum from the less to the more. This you know as normal and nothing to concern yourselves about. These variations are the results of various factors – history, rate of learning, amount of recall, interests, and vastly more. You are better at this. He is better at that. She excels at something neither of you is even interested in. It is a rather large universe.
Historically, you have been programmed to think in terms of how you can bring others to your way of thinking – of believing. If I am right, then she must be wrong. And of course, I am right. So, I must change her. Now, we ask you to please allow this to fall by the wayside. And we will show you a concept that will help you do this.
The concept is: You are wrong, too. And she is right, too. You are all on a learning path. She knows many truths that you do not. You know truths that she does not. And that fellow over there could learn from both of you. But – not if you exclude him by making him wrong, making him less.
We understand that these are things that many of you understand. We bring them forward in order to alert you to the approaching necessity for you to embody them. You will need to do more than just understand many of the concepts that you have learned. You will need to embody those things.
We may be making these this seem difficult to some of you. It need not be. When you reflect upon who and what you truly are, you then need only to allow the possibility that you may also be patient, also tolerant, also kind, also forgiving. And as you can imagine the list can be endless.
Since you know yourselves to be changing, then consider also that you can be all of the things that you desire yourselves to be. All desired change must begin with the allowing of the possibility. You will never be able to become something that you believe to be impossible. You will become what you desire to become when you know it to be possible and when it is best for you. If it is best for all, so much the better.
We also wish to reinforce for you today the knowledge that these changes that you desire so fervently, that you require, are actually happening on an ever increasing level – ramping up, as you say. Many of you are in contact with many in this growing community. You are hearing or reading of the experiences of many others as well as knowing your own. You may be aware also of the increasing frequency of this.
And some of you feel left out. Please don’t. There is not a single cell of your being that is not being affected. This we can promise you. Even without this ‘shift’, as you call it, this would be true. But, in this case, what we are saying is that as the field of the collective consciousness raises its frequency, you absolutely cannot not be affected.
Your learned experience, learned understanding, and therefore learned feeling of separation, is your biggest obstacle. Ponder upon, learn, understand, and celebrate your connection. You are one, dear friends. One in the field of consciousness, and one with us. Remembering this and all of its ramifications IS the path. And your way to the ONE will be unique to you. Unique because no one else stands where you stand, and no one else has walked where you have walked. So how can you be one? Think of the cells of your bodies. Each one is unique. And yet, they comprise the one that is you, do they not? As each of them is to you, so you are to humankind, to Earth, to the solar system, to the galaxy, and to the universe itself.
Your uniqueness can be said to be your purpose, you see. But so is his, and so is hers. You are all different. And you are all alike. And none of you are less than any other, nor greater than any other. Essential! Essential! Without you the world would be other than it is.
When the time comes that you can see others as we see you, you will be in awe. When you look in the mirror and see what we see, you will be in awe. Allow yourselves to be patient, but also to be in joyous anticipation. Allow yourselves to be in enjoyment of your new selves as change occurs, but then let go of it. There is more on the way.
Love to you now. We see this message as complete.
委员会 20180403 又...没什么事情发生-Ⅱ
通灵:Ron Head
翻译:Nick Chan