中文翻译: 林琚月
Our Dearest Ones,
You are now gestating your Embryo of SELF within your field of consciousness. This Embryo is the expression of your true, Multidimensional SELF who will lead you through your process of personal and planetary ascension.
Many of our ascending ones went through great doubt when the proposed time of ascension came and went like a cloud crossing the sky. What you did not see was what was occurring within your SELF, as you were looking into the hologram instead of into the Truth.
This Truth is different for each one of you, which is the glory of your myriad incarnations in a world of polarity and individuality. This individuality allowed you to find a personal expression of your Being, which is somewhat unique in the Multiverse. As you have seen, there are many negative side effects of the degree of individuality that your world has experienced.
The main negative side effect is the loss of connection to your Multidimensional SELF. The individuality that your world has taught you has cast you into your own perception of reality, which is often different from that of those with whom you share your life.
These varying perceptions of reality can easily cause strife, which has been so very common. However, if you now turn around inside of your SELF, you will see that this individuality is yet another version of the many illusions in which you have lived.
Inside of your SELF is the YOU who created the illusion of the separation, which led to the appearance of individuality. We speak of the illusion that whatever each one of you does, thinks, feels, desires or expresses, affects you and you only.
On the other hand, when you look onto the matrix, which is the format for the illusions of separation in your world, you will see that you are all completely and infinitely connected.
Your individuality is actually your personal spark-point in the Matrix through which you are inter-connected to every other individual spark-point.
Within the Embryo of your SELF you can perceive how your spark-point allows you to interact with the Matrix that connects you to every other spark-point. In fact, from within the Matrix you can see the flow of energy that is sharing its perceptions of SELF through their personal spark-point.
Therefore, we ask that you use your wonderful imagination to turn your eyes around and push open the curtain to see who is creating the illusion. Yes, the creator of your illusion is YOU. Do you see how your individuality allows each of you to see the same flow of energy in a slightly different way? Do you understand how each of you share your interpretation of the same flow and project it out through your spark-point and into the illusion of your 3D reality?
Furthermore, you each believe that you are different. Hence, you take on many different roles to create variety in the reality that you are ALL creating. However, you forgot that you ALL are creating this reality. You have forgotten that you live in a vast tapestry that is constructed of over 7-billion spark-points that are all projecting their perception onto the illusion of your physical world.
You have all done such a fine job of creating your reality that you forgot that your world is an illusion. You forgot that if you turned your mind around you could see, not the holographic picture that was created by each Spark-Point, but the Matrix of your holographic screen. In fact, we ask you to NOW turn your mind around. Turn your emotions around.
Turn your perceptions around. Place your attention and intention, not on the tapestry of projected light, but on the light that is being projected out through your spark-point.If you do so you will realize that YOU are each projectors of light.
You are each movie cameras who are projecting your perceptions of reality onto the holographic tapestry of third dimensional reality. Each of you is projecting your individual experience of reality out through your individual portal, spark-point, and onto the holographic screen of the third dimensional illusion.
You are real because YOU are the projection from your Multidimensional SELF. You do not know that you are a projection onto this huge "video game" because you have become lost in your avatar self, your individual holographic projection. You forgot that your spark-point is a window through which you can look into the hologram, a door through which you can join the video game.
Most important, you forgot that your spark-point determines what version of the game you are playing. When you "wake up" in the morning, you find yourself in the avatar body that you believe is your individual self. However, you forgot that this game is a collective game, and every single input into the game is displayed onto the holographic screen that you think is YOUR world.
Your Embryo of SELF is the YOU that quietly whispers to your spark-point to remind you that you do not have to log into that holographic illusion. It is just a game. Do you want to be the one who plays the game and thinks it is real?
Or, do you want to be your SELF? Your Multidimensional SELF is projecting its light through your spark-point to interact with and contribute to the tapestry of over 7-billion individual versions of the reality that is cast onto the holographic screen.
Ascension is not the video game, as this game is not real. Ascension is turning around inside your Embryo of SELF to log into your Multidimensional SELF rather than the holographic game. What would that be like, you wonder?
What would it be like to awaken one morning to find yourself logged into the holographic game and realize that the game is not real? At that point will you know that YOU are real? Will you know that the Essence of each person, plant animal and planetary structure is real?
The Multidimensional Projector who sends its light into the Matrix to be projected out through one of its myriad spark-points is real. However, each spark-point puts their personal perception of reality onto that Light. All these projections, which adhere to the tapestry of over 7-billion experiences of reality, are a holograph.
Do you want to be the projection of your version of reality, or do you want to be the Multidimensional Projector who projects the Truth into the Matrix? What would you see if you turned around inside yourself to look, not into the hologram, but into your Multidimensional Projector SELF?
If you could BE your SELF you could consciously project your Light into the Matrix, then consciously receivethat multidimensional light and project it out through your spark-point.We are aware that you are all very attached to your holographic game. In fact, we, your Higher Expressions of SELF, are also attached to this game.
We want this game to have a happy ending as much as you do. However, we know that it is a game and that it is not REAL. We also know that each spark-point is only one of over 7-billion spark-points who are projecting their version of reality onto the holographic screen.
Most of these spark-points are projecting a version of reality based on third-dimensional illusions because they have not yet remembered that they are their SELF. Hence, they only know the reality that is projected onto the holographic screen.
Therefore, they do not realize that they can logout of the game whenever they are tired of being an individual that is separate from over 7-billion other individuals. They do not know that they have played this gave over and over and over and over. When the avatar self“dies,” they finally get to logout of the game.
Fortunately, many of you, our ascending ones, are projecting your multidimensional light and unconditional love into the game, but you are very tired of this game. However, you do no want to lose the game.
You do not want to abandon the game and let it crash. You want to WIN the game. You want to win the game by remembering that it is not real. You want to remember that YOU are the Multidimensional Projector of Light and not just another individual spark-point that believes the game is real.
In other words, you want to be the Embryo of your Multidimensional SELF. You want your Embryo SELF to ascend into another magnificent expression of YOUR immense multidimensional light and unconditional love. Therefore, instead of logging back into the game each morning and forgetting your SELF, you want to start each morning-login by reminding your individual self that YOU are NOT the projection!
YOU are the Multidimensional Projector who consciously logs into the game, consciously puts on your avatar self and consciously remembers that YOU are the projector and NOT the projection. Now, we would like you to also remember that your Projector SELF is one of our lower frequencies of expression. YOU are one of us, the Galactics, Celestials and Ascended Masters, at a lower frequency of our Multidimensional SELF.
As our lower frequency of SELF, you have created and/or maintained an individual expression so that WE can login to Planet Earth Hologram. We, your Higher SELF, want to win this game too. We do NOT want the game to end with our dark-side avatar self never awakening. We do NOT want to end this game with our ascending avatar dying before you live the glorious experience of planetary ascension.
We realize that you, our avatar selves, need our help. We understand now that we made the game too difficult. We created a game to see if beings could become totally separated into individuals, and still remember their Higher Expression of SELF. This game was too difficult for anyone to win because too many dark-ones decided to never remember their light.
Therefore, we have made a holographic insert into our game to assist our spark-point’s avatar self. This holographic insert is the option for you to remember that YOU are OUR projection into the Matrix. We realize that if you are to win this game, you will have to remember that you are a great multidimensional being.
Therefore, if you can turn inside to consciously perceive our magnificent multidimensional light and unconditional love being projected into you, you can use your spark-point as a light portal through which YOU can be the Projector of our Higher Light and Love.
More and more of our spark-points have come to the final level of this game. This final level is known as “The Ascension Home.” We want you to know that we are projecting as much of our collective light and love into YOU as you can tolerate.
In this manner, we are be able to awaken the sleeping avatars, transform the dark-side avatars and bring your Embryo of SELF into full awareness.
Dear ascending ones, do you understand now why you are so very tired and why you need so much sleep? Do you understand now why you are suffering so many symptoms of transformation (illness) and/or feel agitated, nervous, anxious and/or depressed? Your small, low frequency avatar body is being stressed to the maximum.
Fortunately, YOU can merge into us, your Higher Expressions, to recharge and expand your consciousness so that you can consciously accept and project our multidimensional light and unconditional love into OUR shared game. Of course, ALL life is real. However, the illusion of life is not real because it is a distortion of energy patterns.
These distorted energy patterns resonate to the very low frequency of the third and fourth dimensions.
On the other hand, with this new insert, we can project our multidimensional light and unconditional love into YOU, our Embryos of SELF. Then, you can project our Light onto the 3D hologram. In this manner, you become a Multidimensional Projector of the highest frequencies of light, which is unconditional love.
This projection of Light and Love into you, and then into the hologram, will increasingly transmute the illusion of separation and polarity into the Truth of Unity and Oneness.We end this transmission by reminding you to remain conscious of what you project into the hologram. You are our representatives and have the innate ability to transmute illusion into Truth.
Thus, when you awaken in the morning, please take a moment to consciously remember who you really are! Carry this remembrance throughout your day. Then, when you“fall asleep,” you logout of the 3D Game and can return Home to us.
Blessings from The Arcturians and ALL your Higher Expressions of SELF
通灵:Suzanne Lie
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