Greetings! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj(Kayry).
问候!衷心地,我是 Kejraj(Kayry).
The information expressed here is that of my perspective, my point of view. For all truth is within your heart. Find the peace and the truth will reveal itself. We hope you FEEL our LIGHT and LOVE in this message.
At this moment it is not deemed necessary for me to write a long message to share some joyous news. So I’ll keep this short.
I think it is fairly simple, ‘divine timing’ does not involve dates set in stone for something to occur. Divine timing simply means PERFECT timing. In alignment with the WHOLE, for something to become manifest and to serve its purpose in the best way possible.
It is now my understanding that we are on the threshold of that PERFECT timing, for all things to come forward. For the promises to be fulfilled, for justice, and for humanity to enter a higher octave of the New Era.
Please take a few minutes and express gratitude to all that have been involved in bringing this into fruition. You know who they are.
Also, do not forget Mother Earth. Thank her for allowing us to come along on this journey, for giving us the opportunity to be of service, for nurturing us, for loving us, and for being so patient with humanity.
Prepare to enter a new phase of this process.
We are light, we are love, we are eternal.
From heart to heart, I am Kejraj!
衷心地,我是 Kejraj!
翻译:Nick Chan