中文翻譯: 林琚月
Dear Ascending Family,
For many years those of us directly working for the Ascension timeline have undergone persecution, misunderstanding, constant psychic attack, isolation, betrayal and excruciating pain in order to meet the requirements that these incredible circumstances have placed upon our mind, body and spirit to finally make it to this very important time for the planet and humanity.
The only way to survive and be sane in the Ascension process when your number has been called is to always remember, “You are in this world, but You are not of this world.” As with the Biblical reference which is highly misunderstood, Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world.” What is being referenced in this verse is that the Christ consciousness, the Krystal Star presence, is not of this world, not of this earth.
The controllers have been hiding the true historical origin of not only humanity, but Christ as an extraterrestrial presence for a very long time. They hijacked the written and oral histories of our indigenous tribes and created the planetary Christ story to promote the crucifixion of humanities real inner spirit. For those of us as awakened Starseeds, we had a better comprehension of this fact, as most of us knew that the Christ consciousness was not from here, as we are not from here.
Most of us have been horribly uncomfortable living on this planet for that very reason. Many of us have been reduced to living a double life for the fear if we show our real heart-self, we may be singled out and tortured as the many histories of genocide have taught us here. This Christ family is beginning to be safe now which means that it is time to reveal your true nature to the world. Like myself, many of us have not been able to freely share with others our role with this planet. This runs the gamut of planetary light-working, extra-dimensional contacts and communication, awakening experiences, other worldly experiences, developing healing and teaching modalities, soul retrieval and transiting, designing new blueprints, planetary grid-work and etheric surgery.
We finally have a frequency support grid of Krystal current which allows those of us with that role to exist more comfortably on earth. The time of the promised return of Christ, the externalization of the Krystal Star presence (Cosmic Christ Unity Consciousness) is beginning now as an Ascension timeline made for the planet earth. All of this building up for such an important and awaited time to reach this little blue planet and it happened without any pomp or circumstance from the masses. Congratulations to this small Light and Star family who resonate with these words, as your contribution is deeply acknowledged and appreciated from the silent watchers of humanity.
Anti-Climactic Feelings
However, those of us that have been aware of this recent anchoring have been cautiously elated, suspended in the animation of that internal feeling, there is Cosmic Victory! We have felt a deepened release that has left us somewhat exhausted and confused while in the middle of this victorious feeling. This has pitted us with a great juxtaposition of potential inner conflict. This is created between the incredible contrast of external and world events and our “victorious” inner feeling. For some of us we may feel saddened, let down, anti-climactic, and disappointed that we cannot see in the material world a great manifestation of this recent incredible event on the earth. Where is the peace on earth? Where is our Mother presence?
What we come to terms with now in our deepest soul and inner being, is the new beginning of the Externalization of the Christ presence in this world. We have a fairer playground now, of which the constant energetic pummeling, victimizer programs and constriction will stop when a human being is embodying the Krystal principle. There has been a saying by beings off planet, “They crucify the Christ down there on earth!”, and there was great truth in that statement.
The predator’s enforced “Crucifixion of Christ” is over on the planet, yet the re-education of the many humans that have been brain washed to believe otherwise, is still the greater task at hand. We still have many people on earth covered with alien machinery and their ego programs without identifying them as inorganic vampire technology. At the very least, the frequencies and balanced energies made more easily available on the planet will allow for a softer and easier time for this group. Many more people will come to the expanded consciousness level to understand that the old way of existing, in a mind controlled lifestyle created from alien machinery, does not work for them anymore.
Aurora Hosting Cycle Begins
The morphogenetic structure of the planetary mathematical architecture has been coded to fully anchor the Krystal Star frequency presence along with running its “living” energetic current in the planetary brain. This has been generated from the constant work involved in the rehabilitation and recoding of the damaged planetary grids, which act as the central nervous system for the planet. There is still much more to do with resetting the planetary grids and the logos (brain) into compatible messaging for trinitized frequency formats.
After a knock down, dragged out battle for the end game pieces in December, we emerged from the demolition of the flying dust particles in early January with ALL of those pieces. Those pieces began a re-assembly process that has been frenzied with many extra dimensional and multidimensional humans acting as conduits in the end game. This was to allow the Liquid Krystal Forces and current to wash through the many energetic tributaries, ley lines and meridians within the planetary consciousness field. In the first week of January, grid-workers were in extreme pressure and being pushed to stop certain structures being used on the planetary gridlines.
These structures are called “Minarets” and they had to be stopped from broadcasting reversal frequency for the “net”, as well as pumping many genocidal and suicidal mind control programs into the planet. This was an immensely successful project, as it finalized the corrections required that allow for the anchoring of the Krystal frequency lines to be made accessible on the planet.
This is a first time event, as this Krystal frequency and its Ascension platform have never been in this density before, as its beginning to seep through the many, multiple field layers now. This is a multidimensional event, impacting parallel realities and future earth timelines. This event necessitates that we will continue to rebuild architecture ongoing from this month, as a part of the full Ascension Timeline available on the earth for the next thousand years. At the end of this root race consciousness cycle, the Guardians had been extracting Melchizedek hosting architecture and other fallen networks in the planetary consciousness grids.
These various networks are systematically being recoded to the Avatar of Ascension, or Aurora Host. The Aurora Host and/or Krystal Star are the consciousness root race evolution cycle that we begin this month. The Aurora (luminaries from the next Universe) are the Ascending host consciousness for the new races evolving on planet earth.
The Failsafe Effort
During the last weeks of December and into early January the reclamation of planetary consciousness technology that was usurped and used by negative alien networks was in battle for control. There were millions of Light Beings working this project from the inner and outer dimensional planes. Once the Mother quintessence opened the larger Creatrix field by locking into intersection portals with multiple Universal Core Gateways on December 21st, a huge amount of group consciousness and entity fields enthusiastically rushed into our Universal System.
Once these gateways opened we had a flood of massively large Light Beings from the next Universes come to help us. This was to answer for the call of support to manifest the real Ascension timeline for planet earth, which allowed for the release of enslavement through the alien technology and their programs of reincarnation. The magnitude and size of this group effort is beyond our comprehension. This is completely new consciousness architecture, consciousness creations, source technologies, blueprint fields, Krystal entities that were ignited by this merging presence with the Aurora Hosting project. This was the Ascension failsafe effort that was immediately implemented when the portal gateways were opened to allow the full access into our Universal System.
Many of you reading this were probably involved as it was the last push to bring the Aurora Host to reconnect thoroughly into the planetary fields. This failsafe effort was sourced in the deepest love and unification between of millions of Light beings collaborating with humanity to change the future timelines to an Ascending planet. It has been truly staggering, humbling and awe inspiring to witness this effort and know that we are cared for and truly loved at levels beyond our imagining.
Externalization Of The Krystal Star – 13 Lisa Renee –January 2013
Posted by Veruska Angel on January 13, 2013 at 9:59pm
作者: Lisa Renee
中文翻譯: 林琚月20130114
Read more: http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/profiles/blogs/lisa-renee-externalization-of-the-krystal-star-13-january-2013#ixzz2Hu7EJe4L
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