*for immediate planetary broadcast to the starseeds of earth*
* 立即向地球的星际种子进行行星广播 *
序曲 :
2 earth months ago,the earth alliance received a critical akashic download from light forces which contained details about a major upcoming celestial alignment which will signal the long awaited time of the complete liberation of planet earth and the grand evolutionary ascension of humanity!
2 个地球月前,地球联盟从光之力量收到一个关键的阿卡西下载,其中包含即将到来的重大天体排列的详细信息,这将标志着地球完全解放和人类伟大进化扬升的期待已久的时间!
Certain members of the earth alliance have been processing the data markers in this latest transmission for some time now and on this day we present to you a grand message of hope,freedom,and encouragement which comes directly from the pleiadians!
What we can tell you for sure is"the great time of humanity has come!"
我们可以肯定地告诉你们, " 人类的伟大时代已经到来 !"
Notice about this astrological event:
关于这一天文事件的注意事项 :
Most mainstream astrologers will not be fully aware of the historical details or implications of this planetary alignment!
Certain high-level astrologers who are key members of the earth alliance have a primary interest in this celestial event and have been watching it for some time and have provided
Supporting intel for this light forces transmission!
Begin transmission...
开始传送 .. 。
Great ones,
In 4 earth months,a very significant and rare celestial alignment begins where pluto and jupiter become conjunct with each other!
在 4 个地球月里,一个非常重要和罕见的天体排列开始于冥王星和木星相互合相!
The powerful effects of this cosmic alignment will be experienced by the starseeds of earth from february 20 until december 17th,2020!
从 2020 年 2 月 20 日到 12 月 17 日,地球的星际种子将经历这次宇宙排列的强大影响!
The full energetic impact of this alignment will hit the earth at 11:11amutc on 11/11/2020!
2020 年 11 月 11 日上午 11 点 11 分,这次排列的全部能量冲击将击中地球!
Pleiadian intel about this celestial event:
昴宿星情报关于这个天体事件 :
The central sun(sgr-a),located in the galactic core,at the center of the milky way galaxy,in the sagittarius constellation has recently shown heightened activity due to cyclical mass ejections in the black hole at the galactic core!
位于银河系中心、人马座的中央太阳 (sgr-a) 最近由于银河系中心黑洞的周期性大规模喷发而显示出更强的活动性!
These central sun ejections are blasting this solar system with exotic particles of high frequency,gamma photon plasma light that has been measured by earth's schumann resonance in the 40-100 hertz range!
这些中央太阳喷射物正在用高频率的外来粒子爆炸这个太阳系,伽马光子等离子体光已经被地球的舒曼共振在 40-100 赫兹范围内测量!
The gamma state of consciousness(bliss and superhuman ability)resonates between 40-100 hertz!
伽马意识状态 ( 极乐和超人能力 ) 在 40-100 赫兹之间共振!
The lower boundary of the 5th dimension(heaven)begins at exactly 40 hertz and the upper boundary ends at exactly 100 hertz!
第五维度 ( 天堂 ) 的下边界开始于 40 赫兹,上边界结束于 100 赫兹!
A dimension is not a place,but a state of being or consciousness that can and will manifest itself as a perceived reality!
The great central sun at 12-d is what is called'intelligent source energy'and emanates itself outwardly in an infinite manner,manifesting itself as all that exists!
位于 12-d 的大中央太阳是所谓的 " 智能源能量 " ,以无限的方式向外发射自己,显现自己为所有存在的一切!
The great central sun transmits all of its information(on cosmic rays)down to the central sun,in the 5th dimension,for storage and use in this local cosmos!
大中央太阳把它所有的信息 ( 关于宇宙射线 ) 传送到第五维度的中央太阳,在这个局部宇宙中储存和使用 !
The central sun is an intergalactic repository that holds all the light-information contained in this universe!
All the information that exists is the same as all the knowledge of god/the universe and the akashic records!
所有存在的信息都与上帝 / 宇宙的所有知识以及阿卡西记录相同!
It is the data-information that makes up all things!
All things are this and no thing is not made of this 100%!
所有的东西都是这样,没有东西不是 100% 由这样的东西组成的!
It is the underlying,intelligent energy of the universe!
This repository of divine,5d light has been blocked by nefarious beings from entering the earth's energetic field for the last 350,000 years,however benevolent light forces have almost completely removed all artificial central sun-blocks now and have been assisting humanity by deflecting central sunlight to earth for some time now using advanced crystal and lightship technology!
在过去的 350,000 年里,这个神圣的 5 维光被邪恶的生物阻挡进入地球的能量场,然而仁慈的光明势力现在已经几乎完全移除了所有人造的中央太阳能块,并且已经通过使用先进的水晶和光船技术使中央太阳光偏转到地球有一段时间了来帮助人类!
The pleiadians know that at specific points on the astrological calendar,the heavenly bodies of this solar system align in a special way,creating huge stargates that allow much more of this 5d central sunlight to reach the earth!
昴宿星人知道,在占星日历的特定点上,这个太阳系的天体以一种特殊的方式排列,创造出巨大的星门,让更多的 5 维中央阳光照射到地球!
They also know this is the pre-ordained and opportune time to act on behalf of all of humanity!
In the final stage of operation masterpiece(the completion of 5d new earth)
在行动的最后阶段杰作 (5d 新地球的完成 )
The pleiadians will use the 2020 jupiter/pluto stargate to channel massive amounts of 5d gamma,central sunlight,now fully present on the surface of the sun,on down towards earth where it will be received,decoded and integrated into the human body vessel dna of the 4.5 billion starseeds of earth,for the purpose of fully manifesting the new 5d earth reality here!
昴宿星人将利用 2020 年木星 / 冥王星的星际之门来传送大量的 5d 伽马,中央太阳光,现在完全出现在太阳表面,向下朝向地球,在那里它将被接收、解码并整合到地球上 45 亿颗星际种子的人体容器 dna 中,目的是在这里充分展现新的 5d 地球实相!
This point on the human-history timeline is the full energetic climax of the event and will close the great cosmic cycle of this solar system and of humanity!
Certain members of the earth alliance know about the certainty of this solar event and confirm that our solar system is passing through an extremely,energetically dense area of the galaxy at this very hour!
The exotic particles contained in this cosmic plasma field are charging up the sun like a giant super capacitor,which will soon discharge as an epic and cosmic light event that will be witnessed by all on the surface of the earth!
The massive inbound wave of white,magnetic,5d,central sunlight that will come into earth beginning in the spring of 2020,builds to an apex all year long as the 2020 stargate fully opens and will culminate as a grand solar flash near the end of,2020!
巨大的白色、磁性、 5 维、中央太阳光的入射波将在 2020 年春天开始进入地球,在 2020 年星际之门完全打开时全年累积到一个顶点,并将在 2020 年末达到一个巨大的太阳闪光的高潮!
The energy that is currently building up in the magnetic field around earth is elevating the vibration of the earth and the consciousness of all living beings here!
Earth civilization is about to transition into a hyperdimensional society!
It will now be possible to travel multidimensionally through space and time with the procurement of zero point,free energy technologies which allow for anti-gravitic flight.
Super-human abilities will be attained by the 4.5 billion starseeds on earth who are ready for this transformation!
地球上 45 亿颗星球的种子将获得超人的能力,他们已经准备好进行这个转变!
Dear one,
亲爱的 ,
This planetary alignment will be the most powerful and special one in human history!
All,galactic intel,channeled data,every oracle and every sign in the cosmos is pointing to that fact that an imminent evolutionary event is about to occur on planet earth!
所有的,银河系的情报,信道数据,宇宙中的每一个神谕和每一个征兆都指向这样一个事实 : 一个即将到来的进化事件即将在地球上发生!
Prehistoric,archaeological data derived from carbon-14,chronometric dating,in conjunction with various other types of relative timeline dating methods show:
史前考古数据来源于碳 -14 ,时间测定法,结合各种其他类型的相对时间线测定法显示 :
The following pre-historical events in earth's ancient timeline occurred when the pluto/jupiter stargate was open:
当冥王星 / 木星的星际之门打开时,地球古代时间线上发生了以下史前事件 :
Tiamat destruction
The beginning and end of the ice age
Prehistoric species extinction
The coming of the annunaki
The great deluge
The first created,modern human
The beginning and end of the lemurian and the atlantean civilizations
The beginning and end of the builder races
The disappearance of the mayan culture
The pleiadian departure from earth
In more modern times,for the last two centuries,astrologists have tracked and kept written records about this specific heavenly alignment!
Just as in ancient times,every time this galactic portal has opened,the most significant epochs,eras,events and shifts have occurred on planet earth!
Beginning in the spring of 2020,this alignment will bring the energy of ascension,liberation and new beginnings for the citizens of earth,but as with any major shift or change,there will be a substantial amount of planetary chaos as the old collective 3d matrix fully gives way to the new 5d matrix of light!
从 2020 年春天开始,这次排列将为地球公民带来提升、解放和新起点的能量,但是随着任何重大的转变或改变,当旧的集体 3d 矩阵完全让位给新的 5d 光矩阵时,将会有大量的行星混乱!
This special planetary alignment,is the heavenly sign that the new golden era of light has finally come to planet earth!
Dear one,
亲爱的 ,
As we move closer to the grand year of 2020,we must all be the best versions of ourselves that we can be!
随着 2020 年的临近,我们必须成为最好的自己!
The incoming light is very strong now and it will only increase in power over the next few months!
It takes a strong and healthy light being to be able to integrate these higher levels of photonic light so now is the time to take the best care of your body,your mind,your emotions and your spirit!
Eat only natural,plant-based energy foods and drink lots of pure water!
You may have to rest/sleep more than normal to integrate these higher levels of light!
你可能需要比平时更多的休息 / 睡眠来整合这些更高级别的光!
Remove yourself from all the negative people and things in your life and spend some time alone.you are changing and healing so you need to be left alone for a time!
Do your inner trauma healing to clear trapped negative and toxic emotional energy from the body!
Seek knowledge outside of the matrix system so you can fully understand what is happening!
Ground yourself in nature!
Meditate at least one hour per day!
A sea salt bath each day will do wonders!
Ask for help in starseed social media groups!
Crystals help channel high-vibrational energy through the layered bodies.
Love on yourself more than ever,re-create your life to be only what you want,and learn to ignore the opinion of others!
You have to come first now and that is just the way it is!
Standby for a major celestial light show in the heavens in 2020 as light forces continue to assist humanity in its grand spiritual evolution!
随着光之力量继续协助人类进行其伟大的灵性进化, 2020 年将有一个重要的天空之光显示在天空中待命!
Thank you for your great service to all of humanity!
Michael and the pleiadians
Special credit and acknowledgment to the earth alliance,the great white brotherhood,the white dragon society,pleiadian codename:cobra,the guardians of earth and the sphere being alliance.
对地球联盟、大白龙兄弟会、白龙会、昴宿星代号 : 柯博拉、地球守护者和球体联盟的特殊荣誉和感谢。
David wilcock corey goode eceti ranch
大卫·威尔科克,科里·古德·埃, eceti ranch
資料來源: https://www.pfcchina.org/zhuixindongtai/30589.html
( 图文来自网络,版权属于原创 )