The world is waiting. It waits for no particular person, thing, event, situation, thought, action or words. What is does wait for is change… in peoples’ attitudes, thought patterns, beliefs and feelings they have about themselves and themselves in relation to others. More than that, it waits for people to let go of the boundaries they have built around their concept of love and to trust, if not in God, at least in themselves as Gods and co-creators.
It has begun, this change, and is happening through mass awakenings around the globe as people shed their need for religion, to be subservient to God and their belief that man is separate from Him. Those who are awakening or awakened have found their path to their true life/soul purpose and their connection to their spiritual selves which desires to serve but is also not afraid to prosper. In the energy of Oneness and unconditional love there is no sacrifice, so those who serve others can do so using the bounty of the Universe to reward and sustain them with an endless supply of abundance – of health, wealth, happiness and material possessions. The exchange required is simple: gratitude, a lack of expectation and a willingness to share the bounty of the Universe with others.
People who are successful manifestors of their desires are those who maintain clear intentions with unwavering faith that what they wish for they will receive. Those who do so at the expense of the free will or well-being of others will reap the rewards, but their will also pay the price through karmic debt. Those coming from a place of service and love, however, will reap the rewards without consequence, often doubling or tripling their original contribution. The indoctrination through the ages that loving God is an unequal condition of self-loathing, separation and sacrifice has caused much poverty and unnecessary suffering for many faithful servants of God who believed that lowliness led to Godliness and a place in Heaven. It is now time for the veil of the illusions of religious belief and doctrine to be fully lifted to reveal that all souls reincarnating on Earth have always and still are one with, eternally connected to and loved without conditions by God, the Creator who will receive every single individual back into the light, or Heaven, when they die no matter the ‘ungodly’deeds they may have enacted upon others or upon themselves, the karma they may have created or the wealth they enjoyed whilst alive. All people are one with the Light of Creation and are ever holy, perfect and sacred, as is the Creator of All That Is.
So, shake off the veil of illusion and come into light and the glory of yourself as a powerful creator of your own reality. There is nothing you cannot do, as long as you do so to benefit yourself and others without sacrifice, harm or malicious intent. Create abundance in your life through kindness, love and gratitude for all that you have, not through ruing that which you lack. Change starts with every individual, including you, for the only decision that anyone ever has any influence over are the ones they make themselves or the ones they invest belief in.
And so it is.
I AM Archangel Michael.
通灵:Victoria Cochrane
翻译:Nick Chan