2017-06-10 新纪元扬升之光
Mother Mary via Ann Dahlberg, June 7th,2017
I am Mother Mary and I greet you all here on Earth. It is, as you already know, that Earth is on its way up in the fifth dimension and the light is now sweeping over the surface of our Earth, where it converts everything that comes in its way. Everything and everybody is affected without exception. We grow in spiritual power dear children. We grow and develop to those that we really are. Our bodies absorb this energy and let it slowly and surely transform the bodies from a carbon base till a crystalline base. It can take different periods of time depending on how one previously has taken in the light. This is true also for them that awaken now. They all have different light in their bodies depending on which experiences and for how long time they have wandered the Earth. It is so, dear children on Earth, that for each time you come down you choose new experiences. Some of the ones you choose you do in order to wake up an understanding for you mind and soul. Others you choose in order to develop a creative side in you. Sometimes you come down for only this purpose, but sometimes you decide to take on your karma. You understand that it can become difficult… how difficult it is is not always so easy to predict. The heavy energy and all that you are fed with from childhood up to grown-up age makes it difficult to see through the veils. The guides you have with you try to help you with it and it is then you think your life is difficult. Afterwards, however, you think that you have gotten a better understanding of yourselves and the life you live.
是的,唤醒并不容易,但它让我们对生活和它众多的方面有了更深的理解。它加强了对自身的了解,从而增进了对他人的理解。我们从主观的判断转变为富有同情心,因为我们内心的洞察力和理解力,这就是觉醒的意义所在,这是关于我们对我们同路的人有更多的同情心和更多的理解。我们开始明白,我们都属于一个整体,需要互相帮助,这个理解也包括了我们对周围的动物和大自然。我们开始明白,我们是其中的一部分,必须对所有发生的事情和我们周围存在的一切负责。一个已经唤醒了自己的人,接受了与地球上所有生命是一体的观念的人,现在都想为地球及其上所有的生命而工作。他/她看到了他/她是矩阵的一部分,并且也想影响他人去看到他们也是一部分,因为你们都属于一个整体,这是他/她最好的工作和生活方式。一种方式是敞开并分享体验给所有想聆听的人,敞开自己的心门是件好事,这样很多人就会前来接受你知道的部分愿景。开放,信任和同情心是一个很好的特征,当一个人开始从你现在的角度出发去改变地球的时候。要对新观点敞开,就会有比自己更大胆的想法的人出现。敞开的大门是受欢迎的,高的屋顶比低的感觉更好。因为现在一切都可以改变得非常快,新的技术也会出现,是你从来没有见过或听说过的,这就是现在为什么开放,信任和直觉是要拥有的更好的品质。使用你普遍的直觉,亲爱的地球上的孩子 - 你更高的直觉,你可以连接到你的心和你的心灵。它现在有很大的力量,可以帮助你实现你的目标。答案就在那里,你把它当作空中的闪电来接收。它在你的上方等你采用,相信你自己。和平的冥想可以帮助你。在安静的地方,答案可以更清楚地听到。冥想也可以用来恢复力量和能力。在你生命中的许多世,你已经放弃了你的力量和能力,但现在,它已经回来,以在地球上传播光的方式,光会唤醒你的DNA,恢复你的力量,恢复你的能力。正是凭借这种新的力量,你才能建立起新的世界,我们与你们一起庆祝,亲爱的孩子们。是的,我们一起庆祝,我们非常爱你。我们发现我们在一个真正喜悦和充满爱的时代。
Yes, the art of waking up is not easy, but it gives a deeper understanding of life and its multifaceted aspect. It increases the understanding of oneself and thereby the understanding of others. We transition from being judgmental to being compassionate, as the insights and understanding is in our hearts. This is what waking up is all about. It is about us having more compassion and having a better understanding of our fellow travelers. We begin to understand that we all belong together and need to help each other. This understanding also includes the animals and nature around us. We begin to understand that we are a part of this and have a responsibility for all that happens and all that exist around us. A human who has woken up to her/himself and received the insights about being one with all life on Earth will now want to work for Earth and all its beings. He/she can see his/her part of the matrix and also want to impact others to see their part in this also, as you all belong together. This he/she does best by his/her own work and way of being. One way is to be open and share of ones experiences to all who want to listen. It is good to have an open door so that as many as want to can enter and receive part of the vision that you right now have in your hand. Openness, trust and compassion are good characteristics when one is starting out one’s work to change Earth according to the perspective that you have now. Be open for new perspectives that can appear and people with new and more daring ideas than your own. An open door is welcoming and a high ceiling is preferable over a low ceiling. Since everything can now change very fast and new technologies can appear that you have never seen before or heard of. This is why openness, trust and intuition are good characteristics to have now. Use your common sense dear children on Earth – your higher common sense that you have connected to your heart and your mind. It has great power now and helps you towards your goal. The answers are there. You receive them as a flash in the sky. It is up to you to assume them and trust your selves. A peaceful meditation can go a long way towards helping you. In this quietness the answers can be heard more clearly. Meditations can also be used to recover strength and power. The power and strength that you during many lives have given away, but which now is on its way back with the light that is spreading over the Earth. The light that is waking up your DNA strands and gives you back your power. It is with this renewed power that you build up your new world and we rejoice with you dear children. Yes, we rejoice with you and we love you very much. We find our selves in a time of true joy and love.
I love you so much,
Mother Mary