Dear friends, I am Mary.
While on Earth, I was the mother of Jeshua, whom you all know. He was the bearer of the Christ Energy: the innovative energy that touched the hearts of people and called them to awaken. I was close to him as his mother, but as a soul, I was, by my relationship with him, also confronted with my pain and my fears at the deepest level. I had to let go of so much in order to see him as an independent soul with his own path, and to slowly release my protective wings from around him.
It has taught me a lot about being a mother and human being, about holding on and letting go. In that life, more than two thousand years ago, I learned, in the course of time, to let go. That was the greatest sacrifice I had to bring to my life: to let go of my son, to surrender my protective instinct, and to hear the cry of my own soul that also sought liberation and enlightenment
他教会了我很多关于如何成为一个母亲和人类,关于坚持和放弃。在那一生,二千年多年前,随着时间的推移,我学会了放下。这是我不得不做出的最大的牺牲:放开我的孩子,放下我的保护本能,聆听我也在寻求 解 放和启蒙的灵魂哭喊
Planting the seeds of the Christ Energy was a combined effort, not confined to one single human being. It was the birth of something new and it was borne by many. Jeshua was the most visible personification of it, but there were many around him who helped him bear it.
When you experience a kinship with the Christ energy, or with the well-known people of that time, it often arises from the fact that you have been, and still are, deeply connected with this energy of renewal – a breakthrough at the heart level – that took place in the collective consciousness at that time. But it was still very new then, like a trickle of water that seeped into the collective consciousness, where it also encountered a lot of resistance and misunderstanding.
当你体验与基督能量或当时著名的人一个亲密,它通常来自你一直、依旧与这个更新的能量深度相连的事实 --- 一个心之层面的突破 --- 在当时的集体意识中发生。但在当时它依旧是非常新颖的,就像涓涓细流渗透到集体意识中,遭遇了大量的阻力和误解
During this time, things are different. There is now a much broader and deeper capacity present in human consciousness to absorb the Christ energy and the possibility of letting it flourish.
You are part of the birth of the Christ Energy on Earth – an energy of the heart, of connection, of humanness and compassion – and it is something we do together, something that unites us.
你是地球上基督能量诞生的一部分 --- 心、连接、人性、同情心的能量 --- 这是我们一起在做的事情,将我们团结在一起的事情
You are not alone. Your soul has chosen to be here on Earth during this time in order to contribute, to help with the change of consciousness, and to seek a connection with other kindred spirits, and with the world around you – and that is something that is now possible.
你不孤单。你的灵魂选择在这个时刻处于地球上为了能够提供贡献,帮助意识的改变,寻求与志同道合的灵魂和周遭世界连接 --- 现在这已成为可能
In the past – and this was the case for many centuries – if you wanted to lead a spiritual life, you usually had to isolate yourself and lead a religious life of seclusion, cloistering as it is called. Feel the energy in this chapel, at this place; for here were said a great many prayers.
在过去 --- 许多世纪都这样 --- 如果你想要过上灵性的生活,你通常得孤立自己,过上一种隐居的宗教生活,被称为修道院生活。感受这个教堂,这个地方的能量;因为在这里述说了许多的祈祷
There was a dedication to the spiritual that was experienced deeply in the inner life of the women who came here to pray. Feel the power of this inner devotion, which was so strong that it is still tangible in this place as an energetic channel that connects Heaven and Earth.
You are part of this history, because many of you were devoted to the spiritual during previous lives. You were attracted to the seclusion, because your desires, intentions, and vibrations did not correspond to that of society, with that of everyday life. It seemed that you had to isolate yourself and to not participate in worldly life if you wanted to devote yourself to the path of inner growth and awareness. It has brought you devotion and understanding, a deepening of your inner life, but it has also brought you loneliness and a sense of alienation when it comes to life here on Earth, life among people.
Many of you are experiencing a distancing from human society, a sense of not being at home in it, and that does cause problems for you. But you are here on Earth not just for yourself, not just to connect with your own soul and to experience your divinity. It is also the purpose of this life – in this time that is different – to share with others the divine in yourself, your highest inspiration; to bring out what you have to give in the way of your inner riches and wisdom so that the stream of the living water of inspiration in you bears fruit.
你们许多人正在体验一个与人类社会的疏离,一个没有在其中有家的感觉,这确实给你造成了麻烦。但你来到地球不只是为了自己,不只是来与你的灵魂连接,来体验你的神性。此生的目标 --- 在这个与以往不同的时代 --- 与他人分享你之内的神圣,你最高的启发;带来你内在的丰盛和智慧,这样你之内灵感的活水会结出果实
It is the intention during this era that it is a time of connection between the spiritual and the earthly. And also a connection between people worldwide, between different cultures and nations, so that the differences are transcended and what human beings have in common, the similarities, are rediscovered. Your soul calls you to take part in life from the accumulated knowledge and wealth in your heart that is already so great. You are not new here on Earth; you are old at the level of your soul.
Many ancient religions carry a burdensome energy with them, an energy of commandments, duties, and rules. That was never the original energy of the first messengers, such as Jeshua and Buddha. The great Prophets and Seers had a direct connection with their souls, with the Source, and that always brought them into a state of tremendous joy, of gladness, of ecstasy, because the soul is the source of light and joy, and also feels unburdened. You know this from having had moments of ecstasy in your life when you felt lifted from the heaviness of life here. But sadly, the ancient religions have smothered much of that joy through the idea that humankind is essentially bad, sinful, gone astray, and can only gain access to the divine through being disciplined, following rules, and restraining their spontaneity.
This attitude has been a mistake that still affects and influences you, causing the spiritual to become too mixed with the heavy energies of fear and of a judgmental God. True spirituality and surrender to the soul are not at all burdensome. A deep surrender to the soul brings joy, inspiration, a gentle sense of letting go and also of security; the feeling of being able to trust in life, in a divine hand that is merciful, full of compassion. A hand that does not punish you for mistakes, but one who picks you up and encourages you – a loving God and Goddess all in one.
这个态度是一个错误,依旧在影响你,导致灵性与沉重的恐惧能量以及一个审判的神混合。真正的灵性和臣服于灵魂根本不沉重。深度地臣服于灵魂会带来喜悦、启发、一个温柔的放下和安全感。能够相信生活、相信仁慈的富有同情心的神圣之手。一个不会因你犯错而惩罚你的手,而是会扶你起来鼓励你 --- 一个位于一切之中的有爱女神和神
That is the true source from which you originate, from which your soul was born full of joy. Your soul is meant to emanate, to uniquely express itself and to have experiences. So connecting with your soul gives you a sense of vibrancy and joy. Remember that and look back at your own life to moments which have been of joy and of living from your soul; of simply surrendering and knowing that something is good, even if you could not give reasons for feeling that way. You felt this deep inside yourself in your gut, in your body: “This is what I want and who I am.”
The language of the soul is not difficult or complex in itself; it speaks directly to you. It is a sense of direct knowing that corresponds to your deepest desires. And it is precisely this deeply felt inner connection with the soul that also gives you courage and perseverance. For if the soul touches and calls you, and gives you a desire in your heart to do certain things or to do more, then it often also asks for the courage and perseverance needed to listen to your heart when choosing what may be contrary to what other people expect, and when making choices that go against the views of society.
Soul choices are often contrary to the long established energies of how things “should be”: the rules, commandments, and dogmas. So the soul, besides being joyful and light, is always revolutionary; it upsets things and can therefore also bring you into contact with pain and fear within yourself. Then it is important to make yourself great and to stand up and say: “This is what I feel, this is what I experience as being right for me at my deepest level”. However, accepting your own greatness at the same time activates the most fearful parts in yourself, the parts that say: “You cannot do this. Keep small. Do not cause conflict or disharmony, or you will be punished or rejected”. This whole complex of negative emotions also gets activated when you begin to listen to the voice of your heart and your soul.
Therefore, choosing your soul path is not always easy. Actually, it is never easy, because you live not only within yourself, but also in the world around you, a world of duality. It is a world of the old – with all its old fears, rules, and commandments – as well as of the new that wants to be born: the Song of your Soul, a unique melody that is not understood by everyone and is not perceived by everyone as harmonious.
因此,选择你的灵魂道路并不总是容易。实际上,从未容易,因为你不仅生活在内在,还生活在周遭世界中,一个二元性的世界。这是一个旧的世界 --- 伴随着它所有旧的恐惧、规定和戒律 --- 以及想要诞生的新事物:你灵魂的歌声,一个独特的旋律,每个人都不明白,每个人都认为不悦耳
Realize that anyone who has ever chosen to go the way of the soul had to endure a certain loneliness or ordeal in order to truly believe in and align with themselves, to be faithful to that voice in their heart. Which is why I stated previously that it is not only about the inner experiencing of the connection with your Source and your soul, it is also about bringing that inner experience out into the open and making your unique inspiration visible: your greater self that is not determined by surrounding influences. It is really about being a creator of something new.
Your biggest enemy in doing this, your greatest counterforce, is fear. Fear of failing, of being rejected, of being different. A fear that nags at you, which influences your thoughts, makes you worry, creates in you a distrust of life, and makes you expect that things will go wrong. You know all too well that whole litany of fear-based thinking – it is the past speaking. To overcome this, you have to first recognize it and really perceive what is happening in yourself when you are in the grip of that kind of thinking: the fearful, hectic thinking that has become as a second nature for many of you.
你最大的敌人,你最大的反作用力,是恐惧。失败的恐惧,被拒绝的恐惧,变得和别人不一样的恐惧。烦扰着你的恐惧,影响你的思想,让你担忧,导致你不信任生活,让你期待事物会出错。你非常清楚,整个冗长基于恐惧的思想 --- 是过去在说话。要战胜它,你需要先认识到它,真正明白当你陷入充满恐惧、令人紧张的思想(已经成为了许多人的第二天性),你之内发生了什么
Realize how often you are seized by repetitive thoughts in your head. Feel the nature of that worrying, that anxious thinking: the anticipation of what can go wrong, the mistrust. Instead of listening to the content of those voices, feel the vibration of it, its energy, which is like a disturbing, buzzing noise. You often are not aware that there is something beyond that type of thinking, something that is much more truthful, much more reliable, much more anchored in life, and what I mean here is what is in your heart. And with it your intuition, which does not think much, but feels more; a feeling that is not excitable and emotional; a feeling that is pure and without the intervention of thoughts.
I ask you to now take a moment to practice letting go of the way your mind goes about dealing with certain problems and simply allow your life to be what it naturally is. The mind may be there as background noise, but simply move your awareness, your attention, down to your abdomen and become aware of your legs and how your feet rest on the Earth. Feel how big the Earth is! Not only physically, in terms of surface area; feel her spirit, her soul. Feel what enlivens the life of nature around you.
Your body is also borne and enlivened by the Earth, from your birth to your death. There is wisdom and intelligence living in the Earth and in your body, but it is not mental, not of the mind. Just allow that energy to be there. Become aware of your body as an intelligent force field. Your body wants to be a support for you and help you to receive and transmit your soul energy.
Now get in touch with your heart. Feel within to its enormous silence: the silence of your heart that is so much older than this single life. Your heart is as big as the universe itself; it is connected with everything that exists. Can you imagine how big your heart is? You are God within yourselves, you are not outside It. You take part in God, just as does the smallest cell in your body take part in you. Feel respect for yourself, for your own soul: the spark of Eternity within you. That spark is who you are, who wants to be here, here and now on Earth. It is what wants to connect with your body and with the Earth.
Your soul, that spark, has joined with the Earth and wants to experience joy, but not in an impulsive or frivolous way. She wants to radiate the deep joy of your light, to share your love and connect with others, and to heal old pains both in yourself and in others. Feel that urge in your soul. Feel the desire and joy it gives to you that you no longer need to hide yourself, that you may let the light shine out from your eyes and that you can do what befits you, whatever that is; for every soul is attracted by a different occupation or activity. But you can be sure that if you follow the voice of your soul, then there is a path for you, a place on Earth in this world.
At this time, your light is more than ever welcome; you no longer have to hide it. Feel that silence in your heart, that spaciousness. Your heart has seen so much, heard and experienced so much. Feel the depth in your heart and know that she is wiser and more all-inclusive than the fearful thought processes that often determine your daily life. Feel that there are forces in yourself that transcend this fear and connect you with a greater wisdom that cannot be contained by the mind. The mind, however, can help you transform your soul desires into action in the material world. To that purpose, the mind is capable of helping you. But the source of your choices lies deeper than the mind, it lies within.
Now connect again with your abdomen, with the Earth energy within you, and with your heart, with your Cosmic source – feel them join together. When people come together with the intent to hear the cry of their souls, that intention alone creates a certain opening. The soul wants to become earthly flesh and blood, to manifest itself here on Earth, so a common field of intention can accomplish a lot. Then feel, in this moment, this joint intention of what is important to you right now in your life. Do not feel it from your head, but from your heart and in your abdomen. Simply ask yourself: “What do I desire? What do I really want to do?”
现在,再次与你的腹部,你之内的地球能量,你的心,你的宇宙源头连接 --- 感到它们联合起来。当人们伴随着聆听灵魂的哭喊这个意图聚到一起,单单这个意图就会创造一个特定的敞开。灵魂想要成为血肉之躯,化身于地球,所以一个共同的意图会实现很多东西。然后,在这个时刻,感受这个联合意图(关于现在对你来说什么是重要的)。不要用脑袋去感受,而是用心,在你的腹部。问问自己:“我渴望什么?我到底想要做什么?”
And what is the first thing that comes to mind? It does not have to be anything outside you, such as a certain job, or a relationship, or a problem to be solved. You can also simply desire a feeling of how things are when they become reconciled and harmonious; for example, of peace, confidence, or lightheartedness. Choose a single word or concept that suits what you desire, and name that desire for yourself. Feel what you desire! Let it really permeate you, because this is the language of the soul – simple and direct.
什么是第一个浮现的东西?它不需要是你之外的东西,比如某个工作或某段人际关系或者需要解决的某个问题。你还可以只是渴望一个当事物协调一致、处于和谐的时候会是什么样的感觉;比如,平和、自信、轻松。选择一个符合你渴望的词语或概念,为自己命名那个渴望。感受你渴望的东西!让它真正渗透你,因为这是灵魂的语言 --- 简单但直接
Through your deepest desire, the soul speaks to you. Not through commandments: “Do this or do that; you must do it this way or that way”. That strict voice that you sometimes associate with spirituality and religion is not the voice or the language of the soul. The language of the soul is rather like the spontaneity of a child: “I wish I could do this? I wonder if that is possible?” Wishing, wondering, imagining – as you did as a child and can still do – come closer to the language of the soul than the rules and laws of spirituality.
通过你最深的渴望,灵魂对你说话。而不是通过戒律:“做这个或做那个;你必须在这个或那个方式中去做它。”你有时候将其与灵性和宗教联系在一起的严厉语言并不是灵魂的声音或语言。灵魂的语言更像是孩子的自发性:“我希望我可以做这个?我好奇那是否可能?”希望,好奇,想象 --- 就像孩子那样,你现在依旧可以 --- 更加接近灵魂的语言,而不是灵性的规定和规章
Finally, let the face of a child appear to you; It may be yours when you were a child, or whatever face appears. It is the open face of a child who dares to imagine without boundaries, who dares to wish with the confidence that life will bring what it desires. Be open to the good forces in life: the protective and supportive hand of God, of the Mother and the Father. Embrace the child within yourself. It is a direct connection to your soul. Know that you are not alone; you are connected to the whole. You are always surrounded by energies of joy, inspiration, and friendship.
传导:Pamela Kribbe
翻译:Nick Chan