Secrets of the Alexandrian Library
Master Guide Kirae
l through the mediumship of Kahu Fred Sterling
透過Kahu Fred Sterling傳導
Q: 亞特蘭提斯的能量和亞歷山大圖書館之間有什麼關連麼 ?
Q: What is the connection between the energies of Atlantis and the burning of the Alexandrian Library?
KIRAEL: 亞特蘭提斯是一個非常蓬勃發展猛烈的能量的社會,概念上的能量。任何事對應一個觀念。所以,很多那些存在體被送到柏拉圖的能量。當亞歷山大覺醒,雷母利亞社會已經如此遙遠,而無法回去。那是整個社會再一次改造它自身的時候。當時很多指導靈實相在那時被驅策重建地球振動模式。
KIRAEL: Atlantis was a society that thrived on very heady energy, conceptual energy. Everything had a concept. So, a lot of those beings were sent into the Plato energy. Much of Plato's work came from the Atlantean energy. When Alexander woke up, society had gone so far from Lemuria that you couldn't get back. That is when the whole of society reshaped itself. Much of the Guidance reality was forced to restructure its Earth vibrational patterns at that time.
To learn more about the ancient land of Lemuria , please see Kirael: Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift by Fred Sterling.
Q: 什麼類型的訊息被發現,當第一個中國皇帝的陵寢被發現 ?
Q: What type of information was found when the tombs of the first Emperor of China were discovered?
KIRAEL: 很有可能,當這個訊息被帶出時,發掘者被發現嚇壞了,很不幸的,他們決定去掩蓋其餘的。蛻變包含所有恐懼振動的轉換,並且揭露訊息。這就是為何你們做十億人的和平冥想 - 不只是地球上的和平,而且是一個振動的覺醒。
KIRAEL: Likely, when this information was taken out, what was found scared the excavators so badly that they decided to cover up the rest of it. The Shift is all about shifting that vibration of fear and uncovering this information. That's why you do Billion Person Peace Meditations—not just to have peace on the Earth, but to have a vibrational awakening.
當你進行百萬人和平冥想,你們處在提升地球振動和它的環境,以及所有圍繞它的能量。任何數千哩被這個冥想影響而甦醒。所以,現在樂意就只是中國人,而且做中國人做的事人的在中國的人,如此等等。現在,他們突然說,”等一下,我們社會中有一個最古老的部份,我們有更多的能量力量,相較大部份任何其它地球層面的社會。你們意識到當中國探索者自他們的探險中歸來,他們告訴皇帝,那裡沒有任何東西,他們沒有也不打算回去,那就是真相。在地球其它的地方發現了某事,中國人說,”我們已經知道那是什麼”,他們不知道的是,他們不記得,直到其它的某人發現它,你看到在所有當中最悲傷的事麼 ? 他們不能記得,因為,他們很早就選擇不共享他們擁有的。你們在中國的世界上已經得到如此多,而不願意分享,因為他們不願意去傾聽其它的世界。
When you do a Billion Person Peace Meditation, you in-lighten the vibration of Earth and its circumference and all of the energy surrounding it. Anything within a few thousand miles of anything that was affected by the meditation is awakened. So, there are people now in China who have been willing to just be Chinese and do what Chinese do, and so on and so forth. Now they're suddenly saying, “Wait a minute. We have one of the oldest parts of society. We have more energy forces than almost any other society on the Earth plane.” Are you aware that when the Chinese explorers returned from their expeditions, they told the Emperor that there was nothing out there that they didn't have and that they weren’t going back? That's the truth. When the rest of the Earth plane discovers something, China says, “We knew that.” What they don't know is that they can't remember it until somebody else discovers it. Do you see the sadness in all that? They can’t remember because, very early on, they chose not to share what they had. You’ve got so many in the world of China who are not willing to share because they’re not willing to listen to the rest of the world.
If the Chinese hear one, two, three from the rest of the world, they get four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen through twenty, but they don't know what to do with four to twenty because it doesn't fit with what they’ve just heard. There is probably so much knowledge in this tomb you are speaking about that one sheet of parchment or one block of carved stone probably sent the excavators into almost total unconsciousness. China was right. It sent out its people, who discovered there was nothing that they didn't already know, and they confined themselves. Hence, that is where they are this very day, as we speak. They've already got the knowledge. They’ve just got to remember it.
Q: 亞特蘭提斯圖書館是否在水底下,圖書館是在塔霍湖 Atlantean?
Q:Is the Atlantean library under water, and is the library in Lake Tahoe Atlantean?
KIRAEL: 是的,可能大部在水面下。沒人能找到亞特蘭提斯,因為它散布在全世界。當亞特蘭提斯潰散,部份飄浮遠離核心所在之處。那是為何你們可以在澳洲的海岸、格陵蘭島,和許多其它的地方,找到亞特蘭提斯的能量。那也是為何你們不能發現它的起源。大部份的它碎裂,而其餘的飄浮遠離。大部份亞特蘭提斯的圖書館,帶著原封不動的訊息飄浮遠離,並且長期被埋。在塔霍湖中圖書館是 Alpha Centurion R.
KIRAEL: Yes, probably most of it is under water. The reason no one can find Atlantis is because it is spread out all over the world. When Atlantis broke up, parts of it floated away from the core of where it was. That's why you can find the Atlantean energy on the coast of Australia , in Greenland , and many other places. That’s also why you can't find it where it originated. Most of it disintegrated and the rest floated away. Most of the Atlantean library, with its information intact, floated away and was buried over time. The library in Lake Tahoe is Alpha Centurion R.
Q: 地球的球面自轉,以及它的行星系統處在 Kali yuga 的不和譜衝突的黑暗時代。它是我的理解,我們剛才已經翻轉了地球的一個角落,並且是為何我們要進入教化的時期和轉換。它還需要在黑暗之中麼,像我們一直處於的狀態 ? 我指的是,它就似乎像是地球繼續從光到黑暗到光到黑暗。
Q: The spherical rotation of the Earth and its planetary system is in Kali yuga[1]. It's my understanding that we've just turned a corner on Earth and that's why we are coming into this period of enlightening and the Shift. Was it necessary to be in the dark, like we’ve been? I mean, it just seems as if the Earth keeps going from light to dark and light to dark.
KIRAEL: 地球原始是設計為二元性行星的模型,因此,它不曾經驗光直到全然的了解,黑暗是光的頂點。黑暗是一個黑暗時代的例子,有更多的關於訊息數量,具體或是凝結在一股細小的振動流中。地球自轉因為世界的層面,在它的轉換中,回到一個物理振動點,或者,至少是人類 ( 直立的半空呼吸者 ) ,要被分解或者回到光的因子。它是需要的去保持能量的自旋,以便人類回到時,它可以隨即接回。它長時間帶領我們向右旋轉。現在,自旋向右。
KIRAEL: The Earth plane was designed in its original form as a duality planet. Therefore, it could never experience light until fully understanding that darkness is a culmination of light. That darkness, as exemplified by the Dark Ages, was more about the amount of information personified or coagulated in one trickle of vibratory streaming. The Earth rotates because the world plane, during its shifts, came down to a point where the physical vibration, or at least the human—the upright mid-air breather—was going to be dissolved or returned into the light factors. It was necessary then to keep the spin of energy so that when the human returned, it could plug back into it. It took us a long time to get the spin right. Now the spin is right.
當你教導人們如何落實他們自己,並且使用他們的力量,去連結地球母親的光和乙太光 ; 你實際上是教導他們如何連接地球母親和乙太光的振動系統,使用地球的旋轉力量。那就是你可以使用的來源,待在凝結的光或黑暗中,或者說,站在振動的光裡。無論如何,待在振動的光裡是現在每個人所朝向的。
When you teach the people how to ground themselves and use their forces to connect between the light of Mother Earth and the etheric lights, you're actually teaching them how to plug into the system of vibration between Mother Earth and the etheric lights. The people aren't being grounded to the Earth. They are being taught to plug into the system of vibration that uses the rotating force of Earth. That is the source you can use to stay out of the coagulated light, or darkness, and, instead, stay in the vibrant light. The vibrant light is where everyone is headed anyway.
Q: 當我們進入轉換,未來的陰陽二元性是什麼 ?
Q: What lies ahead for the duality of male-female as we go into the Shift?
KIRAEL: 平衡,我總是對陰性能量謙恭,因為我恰巧喜歡陰性能量。陰性能量現在是艱難的。我不是說它是負面的。事實上,它是正向的,因為陰性覺醒正在發生的事。他們無法付諸言語,所以挫敗通常接管,到了一個點,陰性開始做它們不常做的。
KIRAEL: The balance. I'm always very courteous to the female energy because I happen to love the female energy. The female energy is struggling right now. I don't mean that as a negative. Actually it's a positive, because the females are awakened to what's happening. They can't put words to it, so frustration oftentimes takes over, to a point where females start doing things they normally wouldn’t do.
那真是好極了,我公平的提醒陽性世界習慣它,因為你們最終獲得相同的能量。 Adonis 是其中一種被平衡的能量,在陽 - 陰的世界中。成為一位 Adonis 不是所謂的成為一個女人般的男人。現在,陽性能量不喜歡被認為是柔弱的。它是違反原則的。一名男士可以被認為是如此,如果那是他想要成為的,但他不一定是。了解麼,所有的男性不得不做的,是去觸及幾乎永恆的女性存在能量,和調整到他們的系統。男性能量可以被教導如此做,但是相同的能量不打算立刻仔細的傾聽,最後,它會。
That is perfect. I'm fair warning the male world to get used to it, because you will eventually pick up the same energy. Adonis was one of those balanced energies in the male-female world. Being an Adonis is not about being a sissy, so to speak. Right now the male energy doesn’t like to be considered a sissy. It’s against the rules. A male can be considered so if he wants to be, but he doesn't have to be. See, all that the males have got to do is touch into that almost eternal experience of the female energy and tune it into their system. The male energy can be taught to do this, but that same energy isn't going to listen too closely right away. Eventually it will.
Closing Statement
I leave it to you to listen to or read what I've said more than once. You cannot hear or read it once and understand what I have said. I promise you I have never made a recording or written a book that you can listen to or read one time and fully understand it. You see, I'd be failing you completely if I didn't put packets of light into these energy forms so that you can listen to or read them over and over, always becoming more enlightened. Listen to and read my words, my friends, and go through that little dot in the portal. Until we have the opportunity, my friends, I vow to each of you that I do hold you, as I've done many times, in the Creator's Light. Good evening.
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For more information on Kahu Fred Sterling and Master Guide Kirael, more articles, books and audio recordings, as well as workshops and the weekly webcast, “The Great Shift with Fred Sterling”, please visit our website at
[1] Kali Yuga, also known as The Age of Darkness, is one of the four stages of development that the world goes through as part of the cycle of Yugas, as described in Hindu scriptures. Most interpretations of Hindu scriptures believe that earth is currently in Kali Yuga. Hindus believe that human civilization degenerates spiritually throughout the Kali Yuga. It is mostly referred to as the Dark Age, mainly because people are the furthest possible from God. The "Kali" of Kali Yuga means "strife, discord, quarrel, or contention."
Master Guide Kirael through the mediumship of Kahu Fred Sterling
透過Kahu Fred Sterling傳