
原创: 荷光 新纪元扬升之光 2018-06-24

The GalacticFederation: The Veils of Separation Are Lifted





Divine ones. We are here the GalacticFederation to aid in ushering you and showering you with wisdom and love.



We the GF’s as we are called are one of many who remind you tostand tall in your greatness and take the “bull by the horns” to coin a phaseto awaken to move on your planet with pride and peace.

Letgo Let go let go of the old. You carried it long enough. You have struggledwith old modalities that have kept you stuck.



Noneed to be stuck anymore. These new energies won’t allow it.



HappySolstice. Happy day as you breath into these energies and they integrate withinyour cells.



Youall are making your ancestors proud as you step into this new pyridine of loveand light.



Yourthoughts have power and if you could see it from our end you would be amazed.Amazed how the energies of your thoughts travel. USE it. Take the time to sendout love. To send out intention to heal the planet and others.



Thisis why you are here. To align and experience the prosperity and love that hasalways been here for YOU.



Wewish you to remember and firmly know how special and great you all are. Veilsof separation are ARE lifted for you to see the mirror of yourself in everyone.We hope as you embody this truth you will walk side by side and reach out toconnect.



Invitethose who are struggling in their lives to be cleansed by your own love. Fearor sadness is not the effective tool to help others but rather the vibration oflove and compassion will aid them enormously.



Releasethose shadows you have been carrying to replace them with light as these newenergies anchor within and about. It is through intention/ focus that youachieve this goal.



Todayis the first day of the rest of your lives. And oldphase but one to be aware of if you find yourself judging self for notachieving something sooner. NOW is where you go from as a diving board.



Jumpimagine yourself for a moment as jumping off a diving board. When you leap themomentum carries you as you move strong and fast. Let yourself use this analogyto move into the (waters) new energies plunging into the LOVE that is infusedinside each wave.



Thissolstice day is that diving board and into the waters you move. The sufferingin the world is coming to conclusion. Please know that so you don’t get caughtup in the drama but rather are part of the change by aligning with love and thepower of your own thoughts and actions.



Lookto alternative news for there is where truth lies. Please Please do not let thenews feed for the general public bring you down. Change is happening behind thescenes.



Theold structures/ ways are falling apart in government as well as inside theself. Step back and recognize that it must happen to make room for the new. So…see what is happening in the outside world as a preface for what will bereplaced and by no means are you to look at it with worry but love.



Alsoit is mirroring within each and every one of you because you too are in a sensefalling apart to regroup in a new cellular structure.



Werecommend you to purge with intent to let in love. Allow the old to beintegrated with light loving energies by bringing it to the heart.



Takea moment if you will, to do a visualization of taking your negative thoughts oranything that is of old vibrations like sadness, fear, lack, worry and see yourheart as a big strainer. anything that has drained you is now going through thetransfusion process. Watch as it is strained through the loving heartmechanism. The heart will cause these lower vibrations to dissipate and comeout fresh as if they are now cells at a higher frequency.



Thismeditation/visualization will aid you to feel empowered and understand howpowerful ones thoughts of intention are. Choose to be on the road of inner powerstrength and love.



Itis indeed exciting times. The gift of life will be felt by all as you awaken.



Welove you.



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