We were recently asked in our new Ask Gabriel feature two questions related to connecting psychically. The first was, “How do I open my third eye?” The second was, “How do I know I’m receiving a message and not talking to myself?” We would like to address these today.
One of the most effective ways of opening your third eye is to play with your imagination. Visualize. Meditate. Use your imagination as a means of connecting within meditation. What many of you don’t realize is that your imagination is the bridge to the psychic part of your mind. Many of you have wonderfully active imaginations as children but slowly begin to stop using that skill in adulthood. There’s a reason why children are so wonderfully psychic! It is because their imaginations are still honoured and active.
The imagination is a powerful stimulant for your third eye. So meditate and play with visualization and allow your imagination to take the lead. What will happen before long is something will happen that surprises you, and that is how you will know that you have entered the realm of psychic experience, for your imagination can never surprise you as you are the one who directs it.
When it comes to receiving psychic messages, paying attention to your body is essential. Your body will let you know when your are connected to a higher being. You are looking for higher chakra activation (from the heart centre up), tingling on the head, ringing in the ears, heart expansion, and feeling of being loved, a cool breeze, or a minty, mentholated scent or feeling.
In rapidly shifting energies it can be frustrating because the energetic alignment where you connected one day may not work the next. This is normal. Send your soul into the alignment to connect and receive information (your soul knows where that is). Ask who you are wishing to connect with to adjust your energy so you can better receive information. Pay attention to subtle energy. Know that true messages often come from above and slightly above your head where your own thoughts tend to be inside your head. True messages from spirit love and honour your free will and are positive and encouraging.
Having a good energetic clarity practice will also help greatly in keeping you in a space that can align and receive information in many different ways. And always remember, that you can ask for a sign from spirit and beautifully receive guidance any time you like without any special skills required. We are always here to love, guide, and support you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
翻译:Nick Chan