


(2017-07-23 03:24:43)



My dear friends, we love you so very much,




For eons your planet earth has seen the coming and going of civilizations. It has seen the cycles of warmth and cold, cycles of oceans receding and growing larger. In very much the same way that the classes repeat year after year in a school, even though the students change and grow, your earth offers many lessons over and over for the sake of your souls education. The teachers change. The situations differ. Nonetheless, through time immemorial, the classes have been the same.




There are classes of delight, and classes of suffering. There are classes of health and well-being, and classes of pain. As you learn to master your minds and focus upon that which you want, you are drawn into the classes that match your happier vibration.




Never in your existence is there ever a lesson that does not match your vibration. You know this and yet so many of you ask us the same question. Why do bad things happen to good people. Im a nice person. Why do bad things happen to me?




Dear ones, at some level of your being, being nice might include the mistaken notion that you have to give more to others, than to self, that you have to sacrifice yourself, that you are not worthy of an easy, graceful, and beautiful life as long as there are other suffering around you.




While your thoughts might agree with what we say, search your hearts and see if you can find anything that makes you a bit fearful or resistant to having the life that you want.



If we told you that you would be loved if you didnt help another soul this lifetime, unless it was a joy to do so, would you be able to be authentic and say No, to the next request that doesnt resonate with you or you would you feel guilty?




If we told you that you never had to suffer again and that you could always pick the path of grace, ease, well being, abundance, and joy, ask yourselves honestly:




Who would I be if I had no complaints?




What would I do?




What would be the focus of my life, if not on solving challenges, or spending time commiserating with others?




Who would I lose?




Who would be jealous?




Who would expect me to give to them and take care of them?




Am I willing to have a glorious life even when those I love dont choose the same?




Do I feel selfish if I answer yes to that question?




You will soon see, by looking at these and similar questions that perhaps within you there are energies that resist the very things you know you want. Look at these bits of resistance honestly, and love them until they let go.




Oceans of love and streams of grace want to pour into your life. There are classes of great joy here upon your planet earth. Look honestly at the unconscious resistance within, bring it into the light, and soon you will be guided into lessons and classes that delight you.. no matter what lessons the rest of the world is embroiled within.




You are nothing less than Divine light. All lessons are here to help you realize that you are perfect exactly as you are, in each moment, in every breath.




God Bless You! We love you so very much. The Angels





通灵:Ann Albers

翻译:Nick Chan


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