迈克尔·萨拉博士 2019年4月19日
采编:周周 翻译:正向
这份文件的日期是1979年1月24日,题为“苏联摧毁美国月球秘密基地的报告”。这是美国国务院一名或多名官员提交给美国国会共和党议员塞缪尔·利珀·迪瓦恩(Samuel L. Devine)的信件。
该文件有“行动-将军| UR -苏联”(“Operations–General | UR – Soviet Union (USSR)”)的标签,显示“UR”代表苏联。该文件被标记为“非机密”,这表明通信内容不包含机密信息,并且涉及当时广泛可用的开源材料。事实上,官员们正在讨论这样一个问题——苏联是否在1979年1月之前摧毁了美国的一个秘密月球基地?
维基解密将这份文件包含在国务院的外交电报中,该文件于2010年11月开始在网上公布,并于2011年9月1日结束公布。朱利安·阿桑奇(Julian Assange)于2018年4月11日被捕,这么多年过去了,反而激起了人们对他和维基解密文件的重新关注。
阿尔琼·瓦拉(Arjun Walla)在《集体进化》(Collective Evolution )上发表了一篇文章,讨论了阿桑奇被捕的问题,并研究了有争议的维基解密的月球基地文件。瓦拉讨论了这些年来泄露的大量与月球有关的信息,这包括国会关于建造永久月球基地的声明;中央情报局(CIA)对苏联计划建造月球基地的担忧;苏联对美国计划将月球作为军事行动基地的担忧;以及告密者讨论月球基地的照片证据。我建议阅读瓦拉的文章,以获得对这些数据的简要概述。
然而,要探究苏联是否在20世纪70年代摧毁了一个秘密月球基地的问题,我们需要回到几年前彼得·贝特博士( Dr. Peter Beter)的音频信件。贝特是进出口银行的总法律顾问(1961-1967年),有高层消息来源向他透露了20世纪60年代至80年代初在太空中幕后发生的事情。在眼下这个告密者的时代,值得强调的是,贝特是第一个真正的内部人士,他提出了关于“秘密太空计划”的细节。
贝特表示,迪戈加西亚岛(Diego Garcia)被用作建造月球基地的太空港:
9月26日,位于哥白尼环形山(月球上最突出的环形山之一)的洛克菲勒月球秘密基地的美国人员几乎准备好了。他们的粒子束武器几乎可以运行了——但为时已晚。当天晚些时候,苏联开始用中子粒子束武器轰击月球基地。整个9月26日晚上,以及9月27日的整个白天,月球基地都遭到了中子辐射的无情轰炸,就像中子炸弹那样;到了那天晚上,当美国人抬头仰望被称为“收获月球”(Harvest Moon)的满月时,月球上的最后几个美国人正在中子辐射中死去。美国输掉了“收获月球之战”(the Battle of the Harvest Moon)。
© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice
資料來源: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/7D0zuLDuz5jAUzqfFJjLjQ
Did the USSR destroy a secret US Moon Base in 1977?
Written by Dr Michael Salla on April 19, 2019. Posted in Featured, Space Programs
A Wikileaks document that referred to the destruction of a US moon base sometime in the 1970s has recently gained renewed attention. The document is dated January 24,1979,and is titled "Report that UR Destroyed Secret US Base on Moon." It was correspondence involving one or more officials from the U.S. State Department to Samuel L. Devine,a Republican member of the US Congress.
维基解密的一份文件提到了美国在 20 世纪 70 年代的某个时候摧毁了一个月球基地,这份文件最近重新引起了人们的注意。这份文件的日期是 1979 年 1 月 24 日,标题是 " 关于 UR 摧毁美国月球秘密基地的报告 " 这是一封涉及美国国务院一名或多名官员给美国国会共和党议员塞缪尔 · 迪瓦恩的信件。
The document has tags "Operations–General | UR – Soviet Union(USSR)" which reveals that "UR" stands for the USSR. The document was marked unclassified,which suggests that the content of the correspondence did not contain classified information,and involved open source material widely available at the time. The fact that officials were discussing such a topic raises the question,did the USSR destroy a secret US moon base sometime before January 1979?
这份文件的标签是 " 作战总司令 | UR- 苏联 (USSR)" ,显示 "UR" 代表苏联。这份文件没有加密,这表明信函的内容不包含机密信息,而且涉及当时广泛可得的公开来源材料。事实上,官员们正在讨论这样一个话题提出了一个问题,苏联是否在 1979 年 1 月之前的某个时候摧毁了一个秘密的美国月球基地?
Wikileaks included the document in its dump of State Department diplomatic cables that it began releasing online in November 2010 and ended on September 1,2011. Julian Assange's arrest on April 11,2018,sparked renewed interest in him and Wikileaks document dumps over the years.
维基解密在其转储的国务院外交电报中包含了这份文件,从 2010 年 11 月开始在网上公布,到 2011 年 9 月 1 日结束。朱利安 · 阿桑奇于 2018 年 4 月 11 日被捕,多年来他和维基解密的文件再次引起了人们的兴趣。
Arjun Walla published an article in Collective Evolution Collective Evolution that discussed Assange's arrest and examined the controversial Wikileaks' Moon base document. Walla discussed it in relation to a host of Moon-related information that has been leaked over the years. This included a Congressional statement on building a permanent Moon base;CIA concern over Soviet plans to build a Moon base;Soviet concerns over the US plans to use the Moon as a military base of operations;and whistleblowers discussing photographic evidence of moon bases. I recommend reading Walla's article for a succinct overview of this data.
阿尔琼 · 瓦拉在《集体进化》杂志上发表了一篇文章,讨论了阿桑奇被捕一事,并研究了备受争议的维基解密月球基地文件。沃拉就多年来泄露的一系列与月球相关的信息进行了讨论。其中包括国会关于建立永久性月球基地的声明 ; 中情局对苏联计划建立月球基地的担忧 ; 苏联对美国计划利用月球作为军事行动基地的担忧 ; 以及告密者讨论月球基地的照片证据。我推荐阅读 Walla 的文章,以获得对这些数据的简洁概述。
However,to explore the question of whether or not the USSR destroyed a secret Moon base in the 1970's we need to go back a few years to the remarkable audio letters of Dr. Peter Beter. Beter was the General Counsel of the Export-Import Bank(1961-67)and had high-level sources who confided to him what was happening behind the scenes in space from the 1960s to the early 1980s. In this modern era of whistleblowers,it's worth emphasizing that Beter was the first genuine insider to come forward with details about secret space programs.
然而,为了探索苏联是否在 20 世纪 70 年代摧毁了一个秘密的月球基地的问题,我们需要回到几年前彼得 · 贝特博士非凡的音频信件。贝特尔曾任进出口银行法律总顾问 (1961-1967 年 ) ,有高级消息来源向他透露从 1960 年代到 1980 年代初期在太空幕后发生的事情。在这个举报者的现代时代,值得强调的是,贝特是第一个真正揭露秘密太空计划细节的内部人士。
He described how the US and USSR were fiercely competing both in a race to the Moon and in the development of particle beam weapons that could operate between the Moon and Earth. It was clear that whoever first developed a particle beam weapon that could operate from the Moon would possess an overwhelming strategic advantage.
According to Beter,while the US was forging ahead in the race to the Moon,the Soviets were ahead in developing particle beam weapons. In his Audio Letter 26,released on September 30,1977, Beter wrote:
根据贝特的说法,当美国在登月竞赛中领先时,苏联在发展粒子束武器方面领先。在 1977 年 9 月 30 日发布的《音频信件 26 》中,贝特写道 :
By 1972,these experiments still were a long way from a suitable weapon for deployment on the moon. But ominous developments in the Soviet Union led to the decision to cut off the Apollo program prematurely so that the construction of the secret moon base could be rushed ahead.
到 1972 年,这些实验距离在月球上部署合适的武器还有很长的路要走。但是苏联不祥的事态发展导致决定过早地中断阿波罗计划,以便秘密月球基地的建设能够迅速进行。
According to Beter,Diego Garcia was used as a spaceport for building the moon base:
根据 Beter 的说法,迪戈加西亚岛曾被用作建造月球基地的太空港 :
Early in 1973,soon after the supposed end of the American moon program,we began hearing about a place called Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean. Supposedly we were merely building a communications installation there,yet the drastic step was taken of relocating all the 20,000 or so natives of this little island to other areas. More recently,we have heard about Diego Garcia as the site of a new American naval base;but,my friends,you still haven't been told the whole story. Diego Garcia,my friends,is the new space-port from which secret missions to the moon have been launched during the building of the moon base.
1973 年初,也就是美国登月计划结束后不久,我们开始听说印度洋上有一个叫迭戈加西亚的地方。据说我们只是在那里修建一个通讯设施,但却采取了重新安置这个小岛上 20000 左右的原住民到其他地区的激烈步骤。最近,我们听说迪戈加西亚岛成为了一个新的美国海军基地 ; 但是,我的朋友们,你们还没有听到整个故事。迭戈加西亚,我的朋友,是一个新的太空港,在建造月球基地期间,秘密登月任务就是从那里发射的。
Diego Garcia was the ideal location for a space launching pad according to Beter:
按照 Beter 的说法,迪戈加西亚岛是建造太空发射台的理想地点 :
Unlike Cape Canaveral,where Saturn rocket launches are impossible to hide,Diego Garcia is remote and isolated,and even the natives are no longer there to watch what goes on. What's more,Diego Garcia is practically the perfect moon-port,located as it is almost on the earth's equator,and a space vehicle launched eastward into orbit from Diego Garcia passes over a nearly unbroken expanse of water for more than half the circumference of the earth. The only means of monitoring the early flight of a space craft launched from Diego Garcia,therefore,is from ships.
In his 1977 newsletter,Beter wrote about the information he had received from his sources about the US moon base:
在他 1977 年的时事通讯中, Beter 写到了他从他的线人那里得到的关于美国月球基地的信息 :
I was first alerted to the existence of a secret base on the moon last November 1976–but it has been one of the best kept of all Rockefeller secrets,and it was only a few weeks ago that I was able to confirm its existence and learn the complete story;and since that time,events have moved with lightning speed.
1976 年 11 月,我第一次被告知月球上存在一个秘密基地——但这是所有洛克菲勒秘密中保守得最好的一个,就在几个星期前,我才得以证实它的存在,并了解了整个故事 ; 从那时起,事件以闪电般的速度发展。
Beter went on to give details about the deadly race to develop particle beam weapons as it played out in 1977:
贝特接着详细介绍了 1977 年发展粒子束武器的致命竞赛 :
Throughout this year an unseen but deadly race has been underway to see who would get an operational Particle Beam first: the Rockefellers,at their secret moon base;or the Soviet Union,in earth orbit. By late spring,a Salyut manned space craft was launched that carried out preliminary tests of beam-weapon techniques,using lasers in order to simulate the Particle Beam.
今年以来,一场看不见的但是致命的竞赛正在进行,看谁能先得到一个可操作的粒子束 : 洛克菲勒家族,在他们的秘密月球基地 ; 或者苏联,在地球轨道。到了春末,一艘礼炮载人航天器发射升空,进行了光束武器技术的初步试验,使用激光来模拟粒子束。
Beter next gave details about the race between the USSR and US to develop particle beam weapons for deployment in space and/or the Moon. The Soviets succeeded in developing the first operational particle beam weapons in Earth orbit,and destroyed the newly built US moon base:
接下来,贝特详细介绍了苏联和美国在开发用于太空和 / 或月球部署的粒子束武器方面的竞赛。苏联成功地在地球轨道上研制出了第一台可操作的粒子束武器,并摧毁了美国新建的月球基地 :
By the 26th of September,American personnel at the secret Rockefeller moon base nestled in Copernicus Crater were almost ready. Their Particle Beam was almost operational–but they were too late. By late that day,the Soviet Union began bombarding the moon base with a Neutron Particle Beam. Through the night,and all day on September 27 the moon base was bombarded without mercy with neutron radiation just like that produced by a neutron bomb;and by that evening as Americans looked up at the peaceful full moon overhead known as the Harvest Moon,the last few Americans on the moon were dying of neutron radiation. America had lost the Battle of the Harvest Moon.
到了 9 月 26 日空间站,坐落在哥白尼火山口的秘密洛克菲勒月球基地的美国工作人员差不多准备就绪。他们的粒子束几乎可以工作了——但是他们来得太晚了。那天晚些时候,苏联开始用中子粒子束轰击月球基地。整个晚上, 9 月 27 日的整个白天,月球基地都像中子弹爆炸一样,被中子辐射毫不留情地轰炸 ; 到了那天晚上,当美国人抬头看着被称为蓝月亮 ( 电视剧 ) 的平静的满月时,最后几个美国人在月球上死于中子辐射。美国已经输掉了蓝月亮 ( 电视剧 ) 之战。
It's not clear what the contents of the document titled "Report that UR Destroyed Secret US Base on Moon" discusses. Given its unclassified status,and the date it was created,the most plausible explanation is that it involved a discussion between Congressional and State Department officials about Beter's "Harvest Moon Battle",or some other unclassified material regarding destruction of a US Moon base and the development of particle beam weapons.
目前还不清楚这份题为 " 乌拉圭航空公司摧毁美国秘密月球基地的报告 " 的文件的内容。鉴于它的非机密状态和创建日期,最合理的解释是,它涉及国会和国务院官员之间关于贝特的 " 收获月球战役 " 的讨论,或其他一些关于摧毁美国月球基地和发展粒子束武器的非机密材料。
Why would Congressional and State Department officials be interested in such information;and,more importantly,what did they have to say about it? A Freedom of Information Act request will help answer such questions.
为什么国会和国务院的官员会对这些信息感兴趣 ; 更重要的是,他们对此有什么要说的?
資料來源: http://www.pfcchina.org/shala/22312.html