we want to communicate to you that there is a drastic change going on right now!
the entire cosmos is being bathed in gamma photon light and its affecting everything!
at this last hour, there is a bit of chaos as the last of the old energies are cleared out!
we are terraforming this entire realm into a world of light and as this is causing planet earth to reel from the this energetic change!
we cannot emphasize this enough! earth is in for a big shake-up the shake-up and this involves humanity processing and conceiving of data that is totally out of the current paradigm!
this means that the human nervous system will be assaulted with data and it must be able to unlock itself from how it believes it controls or perceives reality!
the task for you members of the family of light who have desired to take this information inside of yourselves is to anchor a new frequency on the planet by anchoring it impeccably inside yourselves first!
one large last blast of gamma light is needed to propel all of us and this entire realm into the 5d level of consciousness!
this ascension is not easy and it was not meant to be easy!
you did not come here to have an easy assignment!
you are renegades, and you have been renegades since the beginning!
if we could give each of you a minute’s worth of your multidimensional memories, you would know what we are talking about.
you would know in the deepest portion of your being that time and time again, in different guises and different collections of form, you have gone where change needed to be anchored! you have gone in many times, busted the paradigms, liberated yourselves, and moved beyond where you thought your identity was! this is the divine plan: merging the self.
with the most challenges but once again you have overcome all of them!
thank you wonderful light being for coming to earth at this time to do this great work!
we the pleiadians have saved the best for last as usual so standby for your blissful magical heaven to open up before your very eyes! ❤
~ teachings of the pleiadians
通灵:Michael Love
翻译:Nick Chan