Dear Ones,
It is time to move beyond your 3D persona, to fully claim your true star, angel, super being.
Many of you acknowledge that you are different. Yet, you function as a 3D being within a 3D world waiting for someone to tell you that you are no longer of 3D, that you have the skills of which you once dreamed.
You are no longer 3D in action or statement.
Even though functioning in 3D is easier for you than claiming your complete 5D being, such is no longer appropriate or soon, possible.
You are not the shy, verbal, or intense 3D person of yesteryear; you are a new being in a new physical vessel.
Granted, you may believe you are the same when you look in the mirror, but your new needs and actions indicate to you and those close to you that you are no longer of yesterday.
The difficulty is you are afraid of new you. “What if I do something wrong? What if I can’t perform like other star people, angels, new beings?”
Your 3D fears of not good enough or not enough expertise are overriding your new being. Not that you need to fly to the ethers or heal someone before you accept your new being, we are merely encouraging you to acknowledge that you are afraid of your new powers, your new being.
Granted, exploring your new being is likely uncomfortable because you fear that doing so might mean your glorious transition achievements have been for naught.
As is true for many abused children – and you have been both abused and the abuser in numerous earth lives – you are afraid to dream for you might discover that the dream can never become your reality.
You continue to function as a 3D being in a 3D world even though both you and the earth have shifted.
Know that you will not be punished for displaying your new being, nor will you be so outside the norm that no one will wish to associate with you.
It is time to claim your new being as is the right – and always has been the right of all earth beings. Perhaps you will better understand your freedoms if you think of the societal acceptance of returning military members or teenagers.
The only difference between those two groups and you is that you are at the forefront, so it is difficult for you to verbalize or even understand your needs.
Allow yourself the freedom you allow teenagers as they jump between childhood and young adulthood minute by minute. You are exploring you. Hiding you is not part of your new equation.
Perhaps you believe the term teenager is such a relatively recent term that teenagers did not experience fears and angst previous to society coining the term. Such is not true. Previous generations were punished for going through that phase until someone noted that it was part of maturing into an adult. The same with military Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Military PTSD was once a punishable offense; now it is a possible and socially acceptable reaction for those serving in the military.
The difference is you are the first. So instead of proclaiming your thoughts and actions as necessary for your advancement into more 5D skills or actions, you are ashamed or afraid of your new being.
There is nothing shameful about helping shift earth beings into a New Age. That is why you elected to be part of this transition at this time.
It is time for you to be proud of your new being.
How can you display or actualize your new being? You merely need to follow and express your joy. Not a difficult lesson unless you are surrounded by frightened 3D beings who do not feel as joyful as you.
So what are you to do if you are surrounded at work, in relationships, or in your community with strong 3D beings? That is your choice. To date, most of you have elected to fit in instead of proclaiming your joy.
You are coining the phrase and definition of joy just as someone a few generations ago coined the term teenager allowing teenagers the freedom to act on their emotions without punishment or angst.
You are creating a new path with new actions and emotions. Most important of which is joy.
Of course, some of you contend that you must fully love yourself and others before you look for joy. We quickly counter that argument with, until you live your self-love, you will not find your joy.
Joy is your key action now that you have rested a bit and have hidden in fear pretending you are part of 3D society, but feeling more and more as if you are not.
It is time for you to claim you with all your powers and yes, quirks as that is the only way you will find your path to joy, your current new you phase.
As with all other phases, we, of the ethers, are sending additional energies so that claiming your joy will be easier than you now expect. So be it. Amen.
翻译:Nick Chan