xiaohaozi0716 nannvshen爱情魔法
1. 一位读者请 Karen 老师为自己的孩子清理了脉轮,并同意把脉轮清理报告分享给大家。
2. 脉轮清理的一个益处是可以帮助清理和修复旧的前世能量。对于孩子来说,这个疗愈效果可以持续更长久。如果在童年时进行脉轮清理( 10 岁之前),通常到 15 、 16 岁之前都不需要再进行脉轮清理了。之后,跟成人相同。
3. 这个孩子前世里因为经历了妻子的背叛,因而造成一部分心轮的分裂,想要保护自己;因为前世经历了被驱逐出家门,这个痛苦的记忆会影响他的青少年时期,尤其是 12 岁那一年。
4. 如果你想请 Karen 帮助清理孩子、家人或其他人的脉轮,需要得到那个人的同意,或者请 Karen 询问那个人高我是否同意。
I begin by going througheach of charkas from the Earth/foot chakra up. In each chakra, I will describewhat the chakra looks like, what I see in it to be cleared and healed, any pastlife or present life details, and what actions I took to accomplish theclearing and healing.
我开始从地球脉轮 / 足轮开始仔细检查每一个脉轮,我会描述
· 每一个脉轮看上去是什么样
· 在每个脉轮中需要清理和疗愈的部分
· 任何前世或今生有关的细节
· 我采取了哪些步骤来完成清理和疗愈
Earth/foot chakra
This chakra is very strong and active. No work needs to be done here.
地球脉轮 / 足轮
Root center (where old heart chakra has merged with old root chakra)
I did this chakra last. The color andshape are good. The size is smaller than normal, and the extension is notanchored as far into the Earth as it should be. This is from past lifeexperiences where he had trouble making friends and connections with others,and he chose to live more isolated. Because he choose to move away from othersin these lives (Different lifetimes than the times he was banished from thecommunity), he also blamed other people for not accepting him. This blame alsobecame the reason why he did not feel connected to the Earth itself. From hispast lives, he believes Earth to be a negative place with anger and peoplewanting to hurt one another. I will work on this chakra now…I started byremoving the past life beliefs in this chakra. These beliefs caused theextension to be limited. Next, I stretched out the chakra so that it wouldanchor properly in the earth. Then, I spun the chakra, and this helped iteasily return to normal size. I have also placed a large red ball of energy inthe chakra, this will help encourage the connection with the earth to continueto grow.
Ø 海底中心脉轮 (旧的心轮已经与旧的海底轮融合(形成海底中心脉轮))
Belly Button (included old sacral and solar plexus chakras)
This chakra is very strong and active. No work needs to be done here.
Ø 肚脐轮 (包括旧的脐轮和太阳神经丛脉轮)
Hands chakra
This chakra is very strong and active. No work needs to be done here.
Ø 手轮
Universal Love chakra (Replaces heart chakra at heart center)
The color, size and extension are allgood here. However, the shape is not as it should be. This chakra is split into3 parts. One part is facing forward in its proper portioning. One portion curlsaround to the right side of the body, returning to the body under the armpit.The other portion is more on the left, but circles quickly back into his body.The right portion is attempting to protect itself, this is from being hurt byother people. This is more of an emotional hurt, and why it is showing up inthis chakra area. This is from past lives where people who were very close tohim betrayed him in some way. The strongest past life is one where he found outthat his wife was being intimate with another man, and he was very hurt bythis. The closer he feels to someone, the more he will be guarding his ownfeelings and emotions, and this will show up more as he grows into adulthood,.We can do quite a lot to help him with this now. The left portion is returningback into his body, because he believes that having love for oneself is sinfuland unethical. This comes from a past life experience as a monk, where he madea vow to put all others above himself. He believed this so deeply, and that hisself-confidence very low. He is better with his self-confidence now, but thispast life can still cause him to be out of balance in how he sees himself andothers. He will have days when he feels that a friend or girlfriend is moreimportant an than he is, and then he will have other days where he feels thathe is more important. This will be a natural result of he re-learning thisbalance. We want to balance out these beliefs so that he feels equal to everyone,no matter who. I will work on this chakra now…I started by pulling the rightportion out from the body, and facing it forward. It re-positioned itselffairly easily. The left portion was more challenging, and I had to go insidethe body to lift it out. This portion carries lots of resistance. It feels likebeing a big water pipe, and takes lots of effort to return it to forward. Now,that all three are forward, I will wrap them together so that the portionscannot separate so easily. I have taken a magenta pink colored ribbon andstarted near the body, wrapping the ribbon around all three portions of thechakra, keeping them attached together. Now, that they are blending together. Iwill spin the chakra again, so that it has only one rotation, and the portionswill no longer be able to rotate on their own.
宇宙之爱脉轮 (在中心取代了心轮)
这个脉轮颜色、大小、延展都很好。然而,形状不是像它应有的那样。这个脉轮分裂成 3 个部分。一部分朝前,这个是正常的部分。一部分绕着身体向右卷曲,在腋窝下回到身体里。剩下的部分更偏左,但是快速地弯曲进入身体里。右边的部分正试图保护自身,这是因其他人伤害造成的。这伤害更多是情感上的伤害,这是为什么它出现在这个脉轮区域。这是来自于前世里,跟他非常亲近的人以某种伤害背叛了他。影响最大的一世是他发现妻子与其他男人有染,因此他受到了很大伤害。他感觉与他人越亲近,他就越守护自己的感觉和情绪,这会在他长大成年之后更多的显现出来。在这个问题上,我们现在可以非常多地帮助他。左边的部分回到他的身体中,因为他相信爱自己是有罪的并且是不道德的。这来自一世前世,作为一个和尚,他发下誓言要把所有其他人放在自己之上(先考虑他人再考虑自己)。他深深地相信着这一点,因此他就很缺乏自尊心。在自尊心方面,他现在已经好很多了,但是这个前世仍然引起他在如何看待他人和看待自己方面的不平衡。他将会经历一些时候,他感觉朋友或者女朋友比他自己还重要;然后还会经历一些时候,他感觉自己更重要。这是他重新学习这个平衡的自然过程。我们想要平衡这个观念,这样他会感觉到他跟每个人都是平等的,不管是谁。
Spiritual Communication chakra (upgraded throat chakra at throat center)
This chakra is very flat, not having theproper extension. The shape and size are correct. The color is also too lightin color, and it needs more energy flow here. This is from many past liveswhere he was made to feel different from his family or community. There weremany different reasons for this, but deep inside him he worries about notmaking friends, and this will show up most strongly in his teenage years. Hispast life history contains two lifetimes where he was made to leave his home orcommunity. One time, it was the city authorities who banished him from thekingdom. One time it was his own father who banished him from his home at theage of 12. You are not that same parents, and you were not involved in eitherof those lifetimes. But, the age of 12 will be a challenging time for him,because he will remember just a small portion of that pain. We all have pastlife memories linked to age. However, I can work at removing much of thememories of these past lives, today with the work on the chakras. I will workon this chakra now…I have spun this chakra very fast to spin out and remove thepast life energy. I have it spinning just a little bit faster than normal,because it will help him to release this energy much faster. This can cause asore throat or coughing in the next 5 days. By that time, the speed of thespin, and the color, will settle on the proper level. After I spun the chakra, I pulled it outward to extend itproperly. The reason why it did not extend was because he feared how otherwould react to his feeling and words.
灵性通讯脉轮 (由喉部中心的喉轮升级而来)
这个脉轮非常平,延展不是很好。形状和大小都很好。颜色太浅了,它需要更多的能量在这里流动。这是来自于许多前世里,让他感觉到与家人或社区里其他人不同。这有许多不同的原因,但是在他内心深处,他担心交不到朋友,这会在他青少年时期(十几岁时期)最多地显现出来。他的前世历史里包含两世,其中他被迫离开家或社区。一世是城市官方将他从那个王国驱逐。一世是他自己的父亲在他 12 岁的时候将他从家中驱逐出去。你们(这一世的父母)不是那一世里的父母,你们并没有参与到那两世前世经历里。但是,(这一世) 12 岁那年对他来说将会是非常困难的一年,因为他将会记起那份痛苦的一小部分。我们都有一些系于某个年龄的前世记忆。然而,今天用脉轮清理工作,我可以清理去掉这些前世记忆中的大部分。
我现在清理这个脉轮……我已经把脉轮旋转得非常快来甩出并除去前世能量。我让它比正常旋转得稍快一点,因为这会帮助他更快地释放能量。这可能会在接下来的 5 天里引起咽喉痛或咳嗽。到那时候,旋转的速度以及颜色会稳定在合适的水平。在我旋转这个脉轮之后,我把它向外拉来使它恰当地延伸。它没有恰当地延伸的原因是因为他害怕其他人会如何回应他的感觉和话语。
Nasal Chakra
This chakra is very strong and active. No work needs to be done here.
Third eye chakra
This chakra is very strong and active. No work needs to be done here.
Ultimate Being Chakra (Upgraded crown chakra at crown center)
This chakra is very strong and active. No work needs to be done here.
1. 人类的脉轮系统正在升级中,原来的七个主要脉轮系统发生了一些功能的转移和合并,形成了新的脉轮系统,如上图所示。这份脉轮清理报告描述的是此时这位小孩升级中的脉轮系统。
2. Karen 做脉轮清理提供两个选项
( 1 )完整清理脉轮。 karen 老师会扫描整个脉轮系统,清理需要清理的脉轮,如报告所示。
( 2 )清理一个脉轮。 Karen 老师会扫描整个脉轮系统,清理最需要清理的脉轮。
3. Karen Downing 老师的网站 www.yoursoulmission.com
4. 如果你也想清理脉轮或者读取你的阿卡西记录或者看看Karen还可以在哪方面帮助到你,可以在网站上联系她,需要翻译也可以联系我。http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/E1HpuPzQwrjTG-WbD__SfQ
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