Quan Yin says, Dear heart, I am Quan Yin.I come today with important news. Divine has decreed that the planetary ascension has been doing extremely well. We have grouped quite a lot of energies, and bringing them to earth to help Gaia and humanity. Apparently, these incoming grouped energies are doing wonders. Not only for Gaia earth, but also for our light workers and humanity. As a result of these intense energies, we are able to come up fast and move the ascension up to speed. So far, we have almost caught up with the speed we have designed for Gaia and humanity, and that is very exciting news. For that, Divine and the company of heaven, are extremely happy, and we are going to continue the effort, bringing in more of these group energies. In other words, in order to assure the ascension of the masses and the planet herself, we have to group up different type of rays together so when these rays hit the planet, we have the domino effect, affecting different groups at the same time so that these different soul groups can ascend together. That is the key. So far so good.
I love you dear heart, I am Quan Yin.In this ascension process, Divine also has made a great deal of effort in terms of keeping our light workers on par with our Divine plan so that no matter what, our light workers are always ahead of the masses. And are always able to serve as the way showers and ascension leaders. That being said, we do have individual plans for different light workers. Some are on par with the Divine plan, other may not be. Some may feel that they are quite ahead of the game. But in reality, there are indeed quite a number of light workers who are still in the 3D mentality, not living in the heart but in the head. They “think”their way up and that is not possible. You cannot think your way up to the 5 dimension. You only can feel your way home by staying in the heart, love every way you choose and love your way up. That is the difference. Thinking can not get you anywhere. It is only mental activity. Thinking is necessary when you run your daily life and get things done.But on the road to enlightenment, mental activities need to be reduced and limited to the bare minimum.
我爱你,亲爱的心,我是观音。在这个扬升进程中,神也做出了巨大的努力让我们的光之工作者与神圣计划对齐,这样无论发生什么,我们的光之工作者总是走在大众的前面。总是能够作为引路人和扬升领袖服务。话虽这么说,我们对不同的光之工作者也有着个体的计划。一些人与神圣计划对齐,其他人可能不。一些人也许感到他们在游戏中相当地领先。但事实上,有着许多的光之工作者依旧处于 3D 的心态中,没有生活于心,而是生活于头脑。他们“思考”他们上升的道路,这是不可能的。你无法用想的到达五维。你只能通过处于心中感受你回家的道路,爱你选择的每一条道路,爱你上升的道路。这是有区别的。思考无法让你到达任何地方。这只是智力活动。思考只在你运行日常生活,做事情的时候有必要。但在通往启蒙的道路上,智力活动需要减少,被限制到最小值
A majority of the time you spend is being.Being in love. Being in the heart. Being with the present moment and being the love and light you came here to be. Eliminating the mental activities are helpful not just for the enlightenment sake, it also is critical in terms of staying in peace and being a peaceful warrior. You cannot be peaceful unless you have love in your heart and be present. And that cannot achieved by thinking. It is achieved by being in the moment, and being the love and light you are. So, thinking does not do much good in terms of ascending. But it does help when you need to run your daily life. So be careful, watch your mental activities. But when you need to just be, watch your mental activities, quite the mind, let Divine love and light to come in so that we can help to eliminate the unnecessary thought patterns. That is the message.
你花费了大量的时间去存在( being :存在,处于,成为)。处于爱中。处于心中。处于当下,成为你前来成为的爱。消除智力活动是有帮助的,不仅是为了启蒙,对处于平和,成为平静的战士也是至关重要的。你无法平静除非你心中有爱并处于当下。这无法通过思考实现。而是通过处于当下,成为你所是的爱与光实现。所以,思考无法对扬升做出什么有益的事情。不过当你需要运行你的日常生活它确实有帮助的。所以小心,留意你的智力活动。但当你需要只是成为,留意你的智力活动,安静头脑,让神圣的爱与光进入,这样我们可以帮助消除不必要的思维模式。这就是信息
I love you dear heart, I am Quan Yin. In the next few days and weeks, Divine is going to continue the effort of pushing the Divine agenda forward. Divine and the company of heaven, have been doing quite a good job in terms of pushing the Divine disclos·ures. And so far, we have all sorts of Divine disclos·ures lined up, waiting to be announced. Our announcers are all ready and cannot wait for their turns. That is the scene, and that is so exciting. We do appreciate our light workers and these discl·osure announcers for their efforts and dedication. Great job dear ones. I am Quan Yin. I love you. So it is.
通灵:Linda Li
翻译:Nick Chan