原创 2018-03-15 阿斯塔 新纪元扬升之光
Ashtar viaJames McConnell, March 11th, 2018
I AMAshtar. Always wonderful to be with you, to share with you, to continue thisexpression, this program that we have been on, that you have been on.
We havebeen preparing for a long time, just as you have. And we have received now, andthis is the reason for the urgent message that was given through the James toreach out to all of you, that you would be on this call, be on this expressionthat we can bring to you. Because these are the moments, the moments as Sanandahas spoken of as the finish line. The moments of the just being at the cusp ofchange, being at the crescendo that is now close to being reached. For we havereceived a signal that we are now ready to move, we as the Galactics, we as theones that are in all of the ships above you. We have been given the signal… not to come forward yet although that is also in process but tomove into the final phase of this ascension process, of this transition processthat you are going through, that we are all going through with you. You cancall it a green light signal but it is not The Event itself yet. But it is thebeginning of many mini events that are going to begin shortly if not already inprocess now.
Thosetimes, those moments that you have all been waiting for are close now. Veryclose. We can even say ‘soon’ in your understanding of‘soon’, now. Even though time and space in your threedimensional understanding is not what we experience, but even our‘soon’ can be yours now. And yours ours. For we now have anunderstanding of your sense of time much more than we previously did. And eventhough dates will never be given, there is an anticipation that has beendeveloping as a result of all the information that is coming forward now, allof the various what you call intel that is coming forward.
And it ispreparing you. Just as the preparation was in your 2012 time period, it isagain now. The preparations are in the works. And as I say we have now movedinto the final phase of this operation where at any moment we could receive thefinal signal from the Source that now is the moment. It could be tomorrow, itcould be next week, it could be next month, and so on. We can never give thatday because we do not yet know. But we do know that all is in readiness andthat we are prepared and ready just as you have been prepared and ready to moveinto the next phase of your ascension process.
Manyworlds have ascended in the past. Many people have ascended in many differentphases of understanding. But now in this planet, your planet, the planetherself, Gaia has moved on. She has ascended and she still holds a place foryou at your third dimensional level and fourth dimension. But that thirddimension is rapidly diminishing now. Rapidly coming down as you might say, forall must come down before you can move forward in this evolutionary process. Soyou are experiencing now the many changes that come as a result of the endingof the old; the old paradigm and the beginning of the new.
You are inthat moment between the two. That moment can last for a bit of time or it canbe instantaneous. For the time is now my dear brothers and sisters.The time has always been now. And you must continue to be in that nowbecause in the now you are going to experience all that comes both after thisand during this.
I AMAshtar. I turn this over now to my dear friend and brother, and one that manyof you know of, but yet do not know of his name: dear Aramda.