



I am Judas Iscariot and I come today to give you much credit for working with the light so willingly and lovingly, and letting it embrace you. It is not always easy to let one self be confronted by the light as much old stuff can surface for instance things that generate sorrow, anger and fear. It is courageous and you are brave, as this is exactly what you have done and continue to do. You cleanse the body from all tensions that you have caused it by suppressing that which you have not wanted to show. Now it comes to the surface and you stand naked with your own truth. You encounter it and let go of it and we say bravo and clap our hands on this side of the veil. We are with you and we help you if it becomes too difficult. You are now surrounded by different kinds of helpers from the other side. Your bodies are now going through a large conversion and they will feel stronger and healthier as they vibrate at a higher speed.




There is much that is now underway on your Earth. Everything on Earth is in the process of increasing its vibration in order to keep up with the transformation of Mother Earth. Mother Earth is always a few steps ahead of her physical appearance. This phenomenon exists also with your dear humanity. You need to take care of your bodies to keep up on this journey. You consist of several bodies dear children and you need to bring them all with you. Many of you are now in the process of clearing out their physical bodies, which takes place at several levels. It might be experienced as primarily physical or it can be experienced on a more subtle level. It can also be both at the same time. This is also happening in the world you live in. It is being cleansed both on a physical level and a more subtle level. This is true for everything living today. Everything is happening at different levels and it is a big change that is on the way. So hold on to your hat dear friends on Earth. Fresh winds are blowing now. Once the storm is over Earth will look much brighter – A vibration of light and brighter tones that sound all over Earth and you will then feel lighter and happier. The work will no longer be so difficult. It will be done with ease and joy.




It is when your bodies are in balance that life feels easy and joyful. See the vision in front of you, how you with ease and joy do things that lie close to your heart. See the sun that shines down on you and lends warmth to your bodies. See the water that runs clear and cold and quenches the thirst in your bodies. See the trees, which dangles its fruit and gives you the nourishment you need. Keep the vision alive, dear children on Earth, as it is now that you will make your quantum leap into your new reality of light and love. We are waiting for you, we encourage you and we support you and whisper in your ears what the best route to follow is for each of you. You are there now…feel the freedom in your hearts, experience the love that grows ever larger, see your own metamorphosis to the light gestalts that you are.




It is beautiful, it is wonderful and we love you so much.




Much love, Judas!




犹大 20180313 一切都处于提升自身振动的进程

通灵:Ann Dahlberg

翻译:Nick Chan



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