原创 2017-12-17 委员会 新纪元扬升之光
The Council via Ron Head, December16th, 2017
The Council – Time To Begin
You areaware that you are approaching the point in your solar cycle that you term asolstice. Those of you on one half of your planet will call it the solstice ofwinter, the rest will call it that of summer. All that signifies is the resultof the axial tilt of your sphere in relation to your star. It is good topicture this cycle in a way that includes both.
We want to call your attention to the existence of other cycles,cycles that were tracked and recorded by many earthly civilizations in periodsfar earlier than your own. Knowing this should indicate to you that yourunderstanding that you are the highest in a chain of evolution that hasproceeded in only one direction through the entire time of its existence issomewhat faulty. But in the box of your approved scientific discussion, one ofthe boxes we spoke of last, such questions are definitely not encouraged.
These cycles are like circles within circles. And in some of themit takes several to equal one of the lengthier ones. You may well question whyearlier societies went to such lengths to track and record these.
More importantly for you, we will tell you that right now you areapproaching a point that will be the common ending and restarting of several ofthese cycles, cycles that are solar, galactic, and far larger still. There areimplications in this.
Some would look at this and call your time ‘the end times’. Wewould agree and say ‘and also the beginning times’. It is the time when yourcan look around you and see clearly that this does not work, that didn’t work,what were we thinking?
And that has been getting clearer and clearer for a few decades,has it not? But it is also the time when many alternatives are beginning tosurface. As some begin to detach and find their own solutions to their ownproblems, a new world is being formed.
Now, you each have a choice of either allowing yourself to beconsumed by the constant din of negativity and apparent chaos or searching foralternate ways of living that will remove you from the fray. I think you mustknow which we would recommend. Even the simplest of your alternate solutionswill grow together to form your new societies. That is how forests grow. Thatis how communities grow. Ask yourself, “What do I do that could behelpful to someone?” Now is the time to become immersed in what you love, eventhough you cannot see the future, you can begin to build it.