Many of you are in troubleshooting mode with yourselves on a continuous basis. You look for ways you are not good enough, for what needs improvement, for what is wrong with you. We understand that you perceive this as being diligent, but it is having an opposite effect on you than what you are intending.
If your desire is to be more loving, let’s say, we suggest you start to notice all the ways you demonstrate being loving throughout your day. We will give you a hint – it is far more than you think! Your kind words, your intentions, a soothing touch, a simple act of service, holding the door for another, recycling, feeding an animal, are all examples of how you embody love every day. And there are so many more!
Dear Ones, if you are in troubleshooting mode all the time you will always find more trouble to shoot. Look for the ways you embody what you wish to experience more of and celebrate the wonder that it already exists within you! If it doesn’t already, celebrate that you wish to experience it, for that is also success and grow that experience from there.
Your focus expands and gives a blessing of continuation to what you place it on. Isn’t it time to acknowledge, accept, and grow the many, many things that are so beautifully and divinely right with you? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
翻译:Nick Chan