Over thousands of years the genetic modification/engineering that has been conducted on this planet to the human race was definitely not designed for accelerating and activating those higher DNA strands of mankind.Actually,in a way humanity has been reverse engineered due to this DNA modification.
几千年来,在这个星球上对人类进行的基因改造/工程绝对不是为了加速和激活人类那些更高级的 DNA 链而设计的。事实上,在某种程度上,由于这种 DNA 修饰,人类已经被逆向工程化了。
Decades ago when abductions were prevalent by the Draco's little artificial intelligent minions we call Grey's lots of studying and experimentation was done to ultimately derail mankind's Ascension.In my opinion,the sole purpose behind genetic modification that has been carried out on Earth to the human species was ultimately to engineer a slave race.And,in order to enslave Humanity they had to suppress the Ascension process.The purpose is for creating human bodies more suitable for carrying out non-human agendas.They want to remove all empathy from our species.They want to shut down our Ascension process but there's no stopping it,they can only try to delay it.
These controllers want to replace the organic function of our higher strands of DNA with synthetic technological AI programming and its purpose is to destroy the biology's spiritual function.Again,decades ago major world governments who made contact with the negative extraterrestrials who introduced them to an array of advanced technologies in exchange for access to human genetics,breeding programs and Earth's resources.Basically,the human race was sold out.
这些控制者想用合成的人工智能程序取代我们高级 DNA 链的有机功能,其目的是破坏生物的精神功能。几十年前,主要的世界政府与负面的外星人取得了联系,外星人向他们介绍了一系列先进的技术,以换取获得人类遗传学、繁殖计划和地球资源。基本上,人类被出卖了。
As the human race was being experimented on this Negative Alien Agenda realized that the human brain waves and behavior could be influenced and controlled with light,sound and electromagnetic frequencies.What Humanity needs to learn is that these techniques using light and sound can be used in a very positive and productive ways meaning help heal the brain wave patterns.Bring our DNA signaling back on track which in turn will get us back to balance.
当人类正在这个负面的外星人议程上进行实验时,他们意识到人类的脑电波和行为可以受到光、声音和电磁频率的影响和控制。人类需要学习的是,这些利用光和声音的技术可以用在一个非常积极和富有成效的方式,这意味着有助于治愈脑电波模式。让我们的 DNA 信号回到正轨,这反过来又会让我们回到平衡。
When influencing the human species by targeting the brain,bio neurology,the mind,body and soul can be manipulated to control thoughts and emotions,transmit suggestions,interfere with long and short term memory,insert images,run audio and sensory experiences etc.etc.Remember,this influencing of the mind can also be positive.
The goal is to destroy the organic signals that normally keep the mind and body in balance.You keep hearing me say we and our world are so out of balance and it couldn't be more apparent in our current global situation.Another major portion of our population that has been experimented on for decades are the world militaries.They have been guinea pigs for these off-world controllers negative agenda experiments.These controllers are waging a silent mind war against the global population to achieve world domination and slavery.
In mind control he who controls the mind controls the soul.Meaning,controlling the consciousness of that person through frequency.We are seeing a continued use of these biological drones,spiritually dead bodies pulling off mass shootings all over the world.These humans are victims of the unethical human experimentation that is being used to control their behavior and disrupt their thought process.These are humans with severely fractured minds.
These off-world controllers use frequency designed to incite agitation,aggression and anxiety in specific demographic locations.These off-world controllers use our mainstream media to pull off their agenda to promote sensationalism,victimization to incite fear and blame etc.The global mainstream media is a major player in pulling off the incredible amount of psychological warfare towards the human population.They are the mouthpiece for this destructive,satanic agenda.
These ELF'S which are extremely low frequency waves can alter,modify or reverse the activation process of our DNA by sending synthetic signals which disrupts the brain function.Again,it's to pull us out of balance and when you're vibrationally out of balance friction occurs which causes major chaos in the world or something as simple as in an organism it's all about balance.This satanic,anti-human agenda has a goal and that goal is to pull humanity as far away from Source as possible.
这些极低频波可以通过发送合成信号扰乱大脑功能,从而改变、修改或逆转我们 DNA 的激活过程。同样,它会让我们失去平衡,当你失去平衡时,摩擦就会发生,这会导致世界的大混乱,或者像有机体一样简单的事情,这都是关于平衡的。这个邪恶的、反人类的议程有一个目标,那个目标就是把人类尽可能地拉离源头。
Basically,they're synthetically controlling our biological genetic switches which in turn controls the organisms level of consciousness.In a nutshell this is what's been happening to us.The population that is most affected by this generally are coming from a low level of consciousness.Now you can see quite clearly why these off-world controllers are desperate in their attempt in keeping humanity in a very low level of consciousness.
資料來源: https://www.pfcchina.org/xinrenyuedu/32580.html