xiaohaozi0716  nannvshen爱情魔法 2018--07-02

Sheldan Nidle 20180626更新《许多事情为即将到来的重大事件准备妥当》




Dratzo! Let us begin. Much is being readied for asignificant coming event. This ever-changing orb upon which we gaze is a worldwhere the dark pursues its diabolical schemes with little success. We cannotemphasize enough that the demise of the cabal is closer than most of you mightbelieve. The recently formed Alliance, in company with our earth allies, is atthe ready to spring a carefully-set trap that will lead to arrests of some ofthe cabal's upper-echelon personnel. The arrest plan is designed to keep thepublic informed as a way to limit chaos. As we have mentioned before, their"tried and true" ways of keeping the citizens of Earth in bondage nolonger work. Because the dark appears unable to alter their modus operandi,their tricks to obstruct the Divine Plan continue to expose them for thescoundrels they are. Meanwhile, the masses are awakening. Globally, citizensare beginning to rise up, demanding transparency and Truth.




   At present,the dark is being forced to give up vast sums of its earthly wealth.Consequently, all the major governments on your world are either bankrupt ornearly bankrupt. This fact is being hidden to maintain the current ruse andavoid arousing the panic and outrage that would ensue if this fact were madepublic. The true wealth of your global societies will appear only when a globalreset manifests, founded on gold-backed currencies. This reality is nearing apoint where it is to be revealed to the public. Once these announcements aremade, they will also reveal a new series of interim governments. Right now,sensitive negotiations are concluding to permit all of these events to happen.The Alliance is now in a position of power and is doing whatever is required tomake this difficult transition run as smoothly as possible. The epochal momentis soon to arrive for all of us to bestow upon this planet, and its surfacepopulation, a most miraculous gift.




   As we awaitthis magic moment, our fleet personnel are carrying out the next steps in ourdisclosure scenario, one of which concerns our first post-disclosurebroadcasts. Our communications team is revising what we intend to convey toyou. It is essential for your cousins, the Agarthans, to be properly introducedto you. They propose to teach you about your true origins and your truehistory. This knowledge is very different from that which you have been taught.We also intend to display the various technologies we wish to share with you.This agenda is merely the first part of our initial interaction with you.




   You arebasking in the energies of the recent powerful Summer Solstice, which holdsmany keys to what is to unfold. Literally, the eyes of the galaxy are upon you!Heaven assures us that countless necessary changes are being prepared tomanifest, to allow the Light to emerge Victorious! This will constitute theopening salvo in the move to establish the new energies that are to propel youto the very brink of full consciousness. Many Beings of a highly spiritualnature have joined together on your world to create the conditions for firstcontact and all that is to follow. We are using our technological advantage toaccelerate the plan and ensure that this pivotal opening move succeedsaccording to Heaven's wishes.




   Namaste! Weare your Ascended Masters. Last week, we welcomed the new frequencies from theGreat Central Sun scheduled for the summer Solstice in the Northern hemisphereand winter Solstice in the Southern hemisphere of the planet. The energies thataccompany June's Solstice are bringing an upgrade to your human and Lightsystems. The seeds planted at the Spring Equinox will now bloom. These newfrequencies are a potent catalyst for change. Offer gratitude as you witnesschanges in yourself, and the people around you, in government and the financialindustry, and in the planet herself.




   The energiesenveloping Gaia also encompass our entire Milky Way galaxy. The atmosphere ofVenus is cooling. That of Mars is also experiencing climate change and isbeginning to terra-form: small ponds of water are springing up on her surface.The red spot for which Jupiter is known has disappeared. Saturn's rings areproving to be a more elaborately interwoven web of consciousness. Changes toour galaxy such as these are caused by a rise in consciousness. Collectively,we are ascending the frequency spiral to the 5th dimension.




   Clearly, muchis unfolding to birth an entirely new world for you. We encourage you, dearones, to participate in this process. Recent steps taken toward transformationhave reached the point where you are obliged to come together to help oneanother. Each of you possesses knowledge of how you are to morph into galactichumans. Share this with each other. Create a safe environment in which you candiscuss these subjects freely and openly. It is one thing to hear thisinformation issuing from a television set, but quite another to hear it withthe Love and caring that emanates from someone you know. There is no substitutefor the personal touch. It is our intention that this blessed transition tofull consciousness be filled with the magic of the Divine! This is a sacredtask that began nearly 13 millennia ago. Now we are doing whatever is requiredto bring Heaven back to each one of you.




   Today, wecontinued to inform you about what is manifesting around your globe. An age ofprosperity and harmony is forming. This, therefore, is a time of transition. Bepatient and ever ready to work for the triumph of this new series of realitiesand prepare for a new spiritual age. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supplyand never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! SelamatGajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)









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