新纪元扬升之光 2018-07-02
Archangel Zadkiel: ConsciousCo-Creation
翻译:荷光*凯,微信公众平台:xinjiyuanloveGreetingsBeloved Ones,
WEARE Archangels Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst, and we greet you in Love. Today weare being joined by a host of the Beings of Light to discuss consciousco-creation.
You are advancing rapidly on your ascension path. You haveexpanded your consciousness, and you are aware that you are nowfunctioning on a multidimensional level. You are able to view situationsfrom a third dimensional perspective and then zoom out to see them from a muchlarger vantage point.
Becauseyou are functioning at this level, you are now co-creating at a multidimensionallevel.
Youmay be finding that your thoughts and desires manifest much more rapidly thanthey did previously. This is because you are working with higher frequencies ofrefined Light. These are the building blocks of your creations. When you focuson what you want and add the actions necessary, your dreams become a reality.
Thisis why we would like to impress on you the importance of realizing that you area conscious co-creator at a multidimensional level.
Assuch, the steps of manifestation that you have mastered at lower dimensionallevels take on an even greater impact at the higher levels. Therefore, it canbe helpful to review the importance of each step.
Yourthoughts and intentions are very powerful, especially when amplified byemotions and strong desires.
Whenyou are brainstorming ideas for what you would like and how you would like todesign the next step of your path, remaining objective in the beginning of thisprocess will allow you to generate ideas without becoming too strongly attachedto them. You will not accidentally set wheels into motion for manifesting anidea before you are ready to commit to it.
Asyou review your ideas, consider each one and determine whether it makes yourheart sing. If it does, then think about whether it is practical and issomething you would like to manifest.
Afteryou have selected your desired next step, then you can formulate it into anintention. Make sure you have stated it in a positive way as if it has alreadymanifested. Remember to be sure that your goal is for the highest and best goodof all concerned.
Thenfocus on how you are feeling knowing that your goal has come into fruition.Focusing on the statement you have written and adding the emotional fuel setsthe stage for taking action. The stronger the focus, the greater energy it willhave. You have sent your intentions to the Universe.
Whenyou send your desires out in this way, the higher particles of Light areattracted to form the object of your desires. This can only occur when the goalis for highest good.
Itis likely that you will begin to receive ideas for action steps to carry outfor manifesting your goal. Taking the necessary action is important because youare in a co-creative role. Your desired goal will not manifest simply becauseyou have written it down on paper or drawn a picture of it. Taking action iscrucial.
TheHigher Beings of Light will assist you if you call on them and if your creationis for highest good. They may bring pieces of information to your attentionthrough a book, an article, or something you hear on television. They may alsoarrange for you to see someone who can help you with your project. When they dotheir part by bringing the ideas, you carry out your part by taking thenecessary action. Therefore, the co-creative partnership functions as a gentleand dynamic flow between you.
Themore you take an active role in this process, the more cooperation you willexperience with the Higher Realms. Through your focused attention on your goalsand the actions steps you take, you are likely to find that your goals manifestmore smoothly.
Ifyou reach a point where your project is not moving as you had planned, you maywish to review the goal to see if it is still what makes your heart sing,whether it is feasible, and whether it is for highest good. Then you can makeadjustments if needed.
Bymoving forward in this manner, you are a conscious co-creator with the Beingsof Light.
Beloveds, we are happy to work with you in your gloriousprojects of co-creation.
Knowthat you are greatly loved.
WEARE Archangels Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst
…andWE surround you with Love.
Andso it is.