创 2017-09-12 大角星人新纪元扬升之光
The Arcturians via Sue Lie, September 10th, 2017
We Are With You! Message from the Arcturians
Dear Ones,
As always, we are with you and our connection with all of you is getting stronger. By “stronger” we mean that despite how ever you have felt latterly, your connection with us is a constant. Therefore, we suggest that you all “let go” in a manner that you have never done before.
More and more, “you” are becoming “us!” Maybe you are not us in frequency, as we resonate to the fifth dimension and far beyond, but with your heart space. In other words, you are all learning/remembering how to fully open your heart to our FEEL in a manner that you have never done before.
越来越多的“你”变成了“我们!” 也许你还不是我们的频率,因为我们与第五次元共振并且远远超出,但我们与你们的心在一起。换句话说,你是在学习/忆起如何以一种你从未做过的方式完全打开你的内心。
“Why is that?,” we hear you ask. Our answer is to ask you to go inside your SELF to find your own answer. You can begin this “inter-dimensional communication” with us, the Arcturians, by taking long, slow, deep breaths, as you focus your attention on your Kundalini energy which resides and activates all of your chakras.
Make sure that your spinal column is aligned in a manner that your Kundalini force can move up from the base of your spine, chakra by chakra. In this manner your Inner Light can more easily flow up your spinal column, as it ignites the fifth dimensional potential which lies latent in each of your chakras.
This inner light was always there but it was in a “latent” state. Therefore, you could not perceive it consciously until your consciousness matched the fifth dimensional frequency of your inner light.
You see, when your innate fifth dimensional SELF decided to leave your Ship or Homeworld to take a third dimensional form on the body of Gaia, you knew that third dimensional Earth was not ready for the fifth dimensional light YET.
Therefore, you had to hide your light in the core of your third dimensional earth vessel, in the same manner that Mother Gaia had to hide Her light in the core of Her planetary body.
While your personal and planetary lights hid within your personal and planetary cores, they strengthened your personal and planetary bodies which were exposed to the third dimensional versions of reality.
You all came to Gaia within this NOW for two very important reasons, which are:
To protect Gaia from the mal-intentions of the lost, dark ones, and
To assist Gaia with Her planetary ascension.
Since humanity is made of the same elementals of Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Either as Gaia, humans and planet are connected via these ever active, and quickly transmuting, elementals.
The elementals are much like the ingredients in a cake. If you use sour milk, rotten eggs, and tainted flour, the cake would NOT taste good, nor would they blend together, or work as ONE to rise the cake.
You can use your imagination to determine the outcome of spoiled milk, or flour with small bugs in it. You, dear humanity, have been forced to “eat rotten cake” because you could not look deep inside to see the ingredients of your body and of your life.
In the same manner, many of you have not been able, or chose not, to look inside to see if the “ingredients” of your earth body were pure and healthy. Hence, many humans suffer because they have not looked inside themselves to find any traumatic events, destructive habits, deep feeling, or any unconscious thoughts and emotions.
If your heart is broken, uninformed, or ill and your mind is “dazed and confused” your life will fall apart from the inside out. Therefore, dear citizens of Earth, especially those on the path, we wish to remind you that WE your Higher Expressions of SELF are always with you.
Your Higher SELF is your fifth dimensional and beyond expression of SELF. Therefore, your Higher SELF does not have to deal with the many challenges and difficulties of life in the physical world.
However, when a disaster strikes in your life, you can call on your Higher SELF to gain the direction and courage that is needed to make your way through difficult challenges.
Those of you who have been in the path of the storms and hurricanes are to be GREATLY commended for the courage and camaraderie that you have found within your connection to your personal love and courage, as well as from any communications you experienced from your Higher SELF.
The United States was meant to be the “flashpoint” for planetary ascension. Therefore, this area of Gaia’s body is currently living within the great initiations of immense fear and total loss. This fear and loss has been bravely transmuted into Unconditional Love for ALL life, deep camaraderie and immense courage!!
Some, actually many, of you are silently holding and healing this tragedy within your own physical earth vessels. Most of you may not be aware of this fact, but if you feel exhausted, sad and tired, it may be because your body, your consciousness, as well as your night body, has been assisting Gaia, as well as the people and animals in these devastated locations.
In fact, there are people all over the world who are assisting Gaia’s land, Her plants, Her animals and Her humans. If you could see what we, your Galactic Family, can perceive, you would be VERY proud to be a human. Also, most of you are wondering how this disaster occurred, as none of you wish to have these horrible storms be created again.
Yes, weather creations can be explained by science. Therefore, we want to remind you all that there is much more to this event than science. However, ONE major event that has occurred from these disasters is that there has been immense Unity Consciousness and Unconditional Love.
We the members of your Galactic family greatly and lovingly commend you, the members of humanity!! You have physically assisted, as well as psychically assisted your fellow man by sending unconditional love and deep support to those who are within the storm zones. When the storms have finally ended, there will be more and more opportunities to assist, both people and planet.
We, the member of your Galactic Family have been welcoming many wounded people and animals onto our Ships to assist them with their physical and emotional healing. Some of you may have “had a dream” about this, or you may remember the experience.
We invite ALL of you to come to our Ships in your night body and/or meditations to assist those who have come onto the Ships for healing and comfort.
Blessings, to you all
The Arcturians
音頻來源: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CanFrAluA0A