(2017-09-12 03:12:35)
We are here this day to bring you all an update on what is taking place around the world. There is a great deal of controversy being created and it is not because people do not know what they are saying. They are being told some things by some people who are doing it for the well being of themselves, and no others. These ones who are still in the works to keep control are in the last vestiges of their experiencing what they consider to be the best way of living on this planet.
What they do not realize is that they are in the last movements of their lives here because the onslaught of what they are doing is in the works of taking them off the planet and into a new way of realizing what they have been doing for many ages on this planet. They are about to be removed in a way that they on a soul level will be choosing. This will be the entirety of their journey here.
As they see the new light that is shining upon them, they will realize what their lives on earth have taught them and why they came to this planet to experience it. They will also see that those that they have been manipulating are beginning to really live in the Light that they are used to, and that what they are seeing is the answer to what they have been asking for. It is a matter of them being able to realize that they too had a business here on earth to experience, and that they had been manipulated by many who were expressing what they chose to follow in their times here on earth.
It is all a puzzle to many people, for they see that some of the pieces that seemed to fit at one point now do not fit in they way they seemed to be meant to finish the picture. They are seeing that the pieces that they had ready to put into place no longer will fit, so they are now choosing different ones that will complete their part of the picture. That is what is taking place now around the world. The new energies of completeness are being re-created. Yes that is the energy that is being brought forward. It is the energy of the Mushaba Force and it is being e·xp·ressed in so many ways right now. It is the beginning of the new e·xp·ression of the power of everyone to create that which is desired and in harmony with all of life, not just the people on the planet, but all of life indeed.
We are here to show you what it is to be the power that you are. You are going to be living that power in a way that you had not deemed possible, for it seemed to you that it would only take the beautiful beings from out there in space to bring about the changes that you desire to live. We are here right now to let you know that the reminders of your power are coming in piece by piece and you are finding that they fit into place beautifully as you create the picture that you desire for yourselves and all of life.
What we are telling you now is that you are in the process right now of remembering that you too are originally some of those beautiful beings from out in space. You came to this planet to create the newness of e·xp·ression that was brought to the front as a new way of creating what all of life is capable of. My dear ones, you are all in the process now of coming to that understanding in so many ways. You are going to be the forerunners of how this will turn about and help to awaken those who are as yet still caught up in the mirage of the whole picture.
We encourage you all to continue in your own feelings of movement and creativity. We know that you are the ones who are in the sways of the life that you choose. Continue to dance and sing in the way that you choose and enjoy the freedom of the Mushaba energy within you, for it is your clearing house and you are splendidly e·xp·ressing it in the steps that you are taking.
We leave this message now so that this one can send it forth to you all. We will enjoy your e·x·pressions of what our message is for you all, for we love and respect you all so much. We are Mushaba and Porda (Anakhanda Mushaba’s Papa), and we send you all our deepest Love.
我们现在离去,这样信息就可以发送给你们。我们会享受你对我们信息的表达,因为我们爱和尊重你们。我们是Mushaba和Porda(Anakhanda Mushaba的父亲),我们发送给你们我们最深的爱
通灵:Nancy Tate
翻译:Nick Chan
音頻來源: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0HNHxXgLG8