Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have begun to extend to all of you a download that you will be receiving in the coming weeks, as you close in on the equinox. And this download is about giving you more access to the wisdom of your higher selves. It is about more access to the higher mind than you have ever had access to before as a human, in any lifetime. It is very exciting for you to go beyond where the physical mind has been able to take you in terms of knowledge, and even logic.
Having more access to your higher mind will mean that you are capable of knowledge about past lives. You will be capable of receiving that knowledge. You will be also accessing more of your awareness of the memories of times when you have connected with extra-terrestrials in this lifetime, both in the physical and in the astral realms. The higher mind is going to give you more awareness of the versions of you existing in parallel universes as well.
And you will have more knowledge of how to work with your chakras, how to work with crystals, how to work with the energies that are all around you, and how to work with the beings that have been supporting you your entire lives. We are talking about the Earth, the sun, and your guides. These are the three biggest supporters that you have in non-human form. Some of you have had wonderful support in the human realm. Other of you have had none, and that was by choice.
Well, you’ve had virtually none. Everyone has been supported at some point by someone, but you know what we mean. You haven’t had consistent support, some of you, from other physical human beings.
Now, as you get closer and closer to the equinox, it will get easier for you to feel this download coming, to unwrap it, to unpack it, and to give it to yourselves. When you receive something from beings like us, or other high frequency beings, the act of receiving it is a gift that you give to yourselves.
We are just happy to be on this journey with you, and we are happy to listen to what you need. We hear you, we respond to you, and we give you what we can when we can. Some of you, of course, already access your higher minds, from time to time, and even those of you who have been doing this will have greater access. And so, enjoy the gift of the equinox.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have accelerated the pace at which we send you downloads because you are ready for that accelerated pace. What we can see happening for all of you is the coming together of intentions with opportunities, and we want to be a part of it. We want to give you what you need in order to act on those opportunities.
Sometimes you need a nudge. Sometimes you need a little bit more vitality, and sometimes you need a boost to your confidence. We can provide any and all of those things and more, through the downloads that we are transmitting.
Now, if you are concerned about not receiving your download, or that you will somehow fail to access it and utilize it, that just means that you need to relax. The more relaxed you are, the more likely you are to let them in. You tend to go to one extreme or another, rather than seeing your action and relaxation as being parts of the same cycle.
So we are letting you know that it is alright for you to slow down and relax so that you can do some receiving, because ultimately, you are going to want to take action. You are going to want to capitalize on the opportunities that flow your way. And again, we are here to help. You are the ones who make it all happen, and we are the support staff.
When we see you receiving one of our downloads and putting it to good use, we feel that warm glow that you feel in your hearts when you look upon someone you love. We are all in this together, and from what we can see, you all are getting that more and more every day.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.
通灵:Daniel Scranton
翻译:Nick Chan