2020 年 5 月 11 日
冠病騙局瓦解時 大咖驚慌已太遲
故事是這樣的:1868年,維多利亞女王在她丈夫阿爾伯特(Albert)去世後,帶着「約翰·布朗先生」(John Brown)來到了「英國直轄殖民地瑞士」,他是斯圖亞特家族(Stuart)的後裔(和戴妃一樣)。
8月24日,她在那裏誕下卡拉·漢諾威(Klara Hanover)。
1889年,張伯倫安排卡拉和一個名叫阿洛伊斯·希特勒(Alois Hitler)的人結婚。他成為希特勒的代孕父親。張伯倫也是希特勒的《我的奮鬥》的代寫人。
聽着,她的一個後代是彭美拉·迪格比·丘吉爾(Pamela Digby Churchill)=希拉莉的母親!
請記住,腐敗的黑手黨滲透了整個歐洲和俄羅斯,因此流行的撒旦教等。羅斯柴爾德王朝【撒克遜哥達漢諾威】(Saxe Gotha Hanover),像許多人一樣,是非常撒旦化的,並擁護一種異化的路西法主義,這是一種神智學的表達,等等。真正的意思是所有的戰爭都要流血犧牲。
在剛剛解放的美利堅合眾國,五角大樓消息人告訴我們,當從地道中救出數以萬計的兒童時,邁克·弗林(Mike Flynn)將軍就被證明無罪,他可能會重新擔任特朗普的國家安全顧問。
消息人說,弗林、班農、約翰·凱利將軍(General John Kelly)等人似乎從未真正離開過白宮。
不管怎麼說,國務卿蓬佩奧在《易北河精神》(The Spirit of the Elbe/二戰美蘇會師抗擊納粹的地點)的指引下,接受了對以色列和中國的軍事命令,加上五角大樓的消息來源,然後被派往以色列,向那裏的政府宣讀暴動法案。
五角大樓還迫使以色列取消與和記黃埔(Hutchison Whampoa))合作的一家海水淡化廠。和記黃埔的所有者是香港億萬富豪李嘉誠。這與對以色列水利設施的網絡攻擊不謀而合,這些攻擊可能來自伊朗,也可能不是。
從俄羅斯聯邦安全局的消息來源,我們現在還了解到俄羅斯聯邦(D-U-N-S number 531298725)是一家在英國註冊的犯罪私人羅氏/巴魯科/洛克菲勒貿易公司。
德米特里•阿納托利耶維奇•梅德韋傑夫(Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev)曾是這家私營公司的董事總經理,直到最近被暗殺。
五角大樓方面消息人似乎在宣佈勝利,稱財政部長史蒂芬·努欽(Stephen Mnuchin)將協調全球貨幣轉換。
【原文】Benjamin Fulford May 11, 2020
Ruling elite running around like headless chickens as coronavirus scam falls apart
By now, even the most brainwashed of the sheeple realize something is very wrong with their government (govern=control, ment=mind). It is also clear that the attempt to use a fake pandemic to impose martial law is backfiring as it has provided a perfect cover for military and agency White Hats to hunt down the Satanists who hijacked Western governments.
「See lists of coronavirus-infected politicians and celebrities in the United States, England, France, and more! Over 70% of them are Jews !!」 an FSB source noted. He is almost right, but they are not Jews, they are Satanists. Also, they are not being infected by the provably fake virus. Instead, they are being arrested and/or executed.
If you do still think this pandemic is real, go visit a hospital and see for yourself that it is not. Or take note of the fact the president of Tanzania sent samples from fruit, goats, and other random things and they all tested positive for this so-called coronavirus. https://nypost.com/2020/05/06/faulty-coronavirus-kits-suspected-as-goat-and-fruit-test-positive-in-tanzania/
People who still have a hard time wrapping their heads around the fact that Satan worshippers took control of the West, need to look at a few recent news items that prove it is true. For example, the people of Israel, for some unfathomable reason, have yet again made Satanist Benyamin Netanyahu their Prime Minister. One of the first things he did was call for children to be micro-chipped with 「mark of the beast」 identifiers. Last week Netanyahu said:
「I spoke with our heads of technology in order to find measures Israel is good at, such as sensors. For instance, every person, every kid – I want it on kids first – would have a sensor that would sound an alarm when you get too close, like the ones on cars.」
Then you have the U.S. Congress passing a bill with the Satanic number 6666 calling for government goons to forcibly enter peoples’ houses, test people for the fake coronavirus, and take their kids away if they test 「positive.」 You can’t make this stuff up. https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/6666?s=1&r=2
We are also getting mind-blowing intelligence sent to us about the Satanic ruling Western bloodlines who have been staging world wars and other horrific events as part of their plan for total world conquest. For example, we have now confirmed that Adolph Hitler was the grandson of Queen Victoria of England. We confirmed the story we were sent about this (details at the links below) with a European royal and MI6 British intelligence.
The story is as follows: In 1868, after the death of her husband Albert, Queen Victoria went to the 「British Crown Colony of Switzerland」 with a Mr. 「John Brown,」 who was from the Stuart bloodline (same as Princess Diana).
There she gave birth on August 24th to Klara Hanover.
Klara was educated by the Jesuits and was fluent in English, French, and German.
When she grew up, Klara Hanover was impregnated by gung-ho British imperialist Houston Steward (Stuart) Chamberlain.
In 1889, Chamberlain arranged a marriage between Klara and a man named Alois Hitler. He became the surrogate father of baby Adolf. Chamberlain was also the ghostwriter for Adolf’s Mein Kampf.
Now get this, one of her descendants was Pamela Digby Churchill—the mother of Hillary Digby Churchill Clinton!
Here is what a senior MI6 source had to say about this:
「Yes. The House of Hannover like all European Imperial and Royal House are what is commonly referred to as the Venetian Nobility. There are abundant forensic materials available on all of this. The Moscow State University ‘Chronologia’ is probably the most authoritative.」
Remember the rulers of civilization are those who control the narrative and therefore the timeline.
Bear in mind also Khazarian Mafia infiltrated and corrupted all of Europe and Russia hence the prevalence of Satanism etc. The Rothschild dynasty [Saxe Gotha Hanover], like many, are deeply Satanic and espouse a bastardized version of Luciferianism which is a theosophical expression, etc. Really what it means is all warfare is blood sacrifice etc.
These are the people whose private company of the United States of America went bankrupt on February 16.
They are now trying to regain control with the help of the pandemic.
The fact that all this top secret information is now coming out is the real reason Queen Elizabeth is de facto imprisoned at home in Windsor Castle, MI6 sources say.
In the newly liberated Republic of the United States of America, Pentagon sources tell us that when tens of thousands of children were rescued from tunnels, [General] Mike Flynn was exonerated and may get his job back [as Trump’s National Security Advisor].
Trump met with senior military officials at the White House on May 9th right after VE Day.
It appears that Flynn, Steve Bannon, General John Kelly and others may never have actually left the White House, sources say.
The head of the Coast Guard was there because of the war against drug cartels instead of a Navy chief, they note.
However, there may be more to the story than what we see on the surface, as the Royalist Navy is loyal to the Anglo-Saxon Five-Eye Alliance.
In any case, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo received his marching orders on Israel and China in the spirit of the Elbe, add the Pentagon sources, and was sent to Israel to read the riot act to the government there.
The USA has removed patriotic missiles from Saudi Arabia and withdrawn troops from the Sinai Desert near the Israeli border with Egypt, it is said. This coincides with major military losses by Saudi Arabia in Yemen after the former ally of the United Arab Republic turned against the Saudis CIA sources have determined that.
Pentagon sources also point out that there is a worldwide condemnation of Israel’s plans to annex the West Bank and that these are likely to be followed by EU sanctions. The other thing they have noted is that Iraq has a new prime minister who was a former head of intelligence.
The Pentagon is also forcing Israel to cancel a water desalination plant with Hutchison Whampoa, owned by Chinese billionaire Li Kashing. This coincides with cyber-attacks on Israeli water installations, which may or may not come from Iran.
The overall picture seems to be that the Israeli-Saudi alliance is falling apart and that Egypt, together with other Sunni states, could assert control of the region up to the Turkish and Iranian borders under a secret Russian-pentagonist agreement.
It is safe to assume that Saudi Arabia will not survive much longer as a family-owned slave state. Moreover, without the support of the USA, Israel will have no choice but to sue for peace.
From Russian FSB sources we now also learn that the Russian Federation (D-U-N-S number 531298725) is a criminal private Rothschild-Barucho-Rockefeller Trade Corporation, registered in the United Kingdom.
They are also the owners of the Putin brand.
Until his recent assassination, Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev was the managing director of this private company.
But now our FSB sources are discovering
Russian diplomats encountered a problem when trying to get into the UN Security Council building – the recently introduced electronic passport system did not accept their documents and required the presentation of Soviet passports.
The Security Council Technical Service stated that they considered the incident as a case, but not as an error look at. The new electronic system is based entirely on international legal documents, including the UN Charter.
According to the UN Charter, states such as China, France, the Soviet Union, Great Britain and the United States of America are permanently represented on the Security Council.
The battle for Russia is still not over and Putin is busy pushing the coronavirus scam in Russia in a desperate attempt to keep control for his satanic masters.
The Pentagon sources, for their part, seem to be claiming victory, saying that Treasury Secretary Stephen Mnuchin will coordinate the global currency changeover.
Since the USA is the largest debtor nation in the world after more than 40 years of trade and budget deficits, it is obviously not in a position to dictate such a reduction. To do so, they must reach an agreement with Japan, the world’s largest creditor nation.
However, Japan remains a Rothschild colony under the slavish Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. For this reason, a joint US-Japanese military action to eliminate the Abe slave administration is a necessary precondition for the GCR.
To this end, a call for candidates to fill the residences of the Prime Minister, Parliament, NHK National Broadcasting Corporation and the Bank of Japan was published on 15 May.
An emergency government must then be appointed.
This government will have to announce to the Japanese people and the world that# Fukushima was a Rothschild-sponsored mass murder attack. It will also have to expose the fake pandemic that is now being used to try to kill the Japanese To subdue the people.
Once the government of occupation by the Khazarian mafia is eliminated, Japan will be able to rebuild the highly successful economic system it introduced after World War II. This will enable double-digit economic growth and a baby boom.
The West, especially the United States, will also be able to rebuild its undermined industrial infrastructure by adopting and improving a similar economic management system.
We hope that the people of the secret space program will be able to start this process by sharing some of their futuristic technology with the rest of the world.
Of course, the Satanists will not go quietly into the night, and we must prepare for electromagnetic attacks, nuclear terror, information warfare, more biological weapons and other chaos.
Despite all this, you can be sure that the good guys fight with overwhelming force until planet Earth is riddled with thousands of years of cruel satanic I’m sure the crew is free.
原文網址: https://benjaminfulford.net/
轉載自: 醒覺大勢頭 http://blog.udn.com/17ab68df/135140521