2020 年 5 月 4 日
美國安局消息人透露,秘密太空計劃即將公佈。 NASA 的消息來源表示,某種異常現象正「影響現實的本質」。美軍也徵召了 100 多萬預備役軍人,處於全面戰爭狀態。結果,失踪名人、億萬富翁和政客的名單不斷增加,撒旦信徒的大規模清洗仍在繼續。
隨着真正的罪犯被圍捕,美國公司的破產導致了大量非暴力罪犯的釋放。雖然許多法律和秩序倡導者在敲響警鐘,但事實是,美國一直在運營着一個規模龐大的勞役監獄「古拉格」( Gulag )。
美國入獄的可能性是中國的 20 倍。例如,一位美國黑人朋友說,她的兄弟入獄僅僅是因為他的頭髮大麻測試呈陽性。這只是無數陰謀集團利用任何藉口,收集監獄奴隸勞工的例子之一。我在新加坡的一位同事看到,由監獄奴工支持的美國債券賣給了遠東地區的投資者。請記住:美國政府一直在向中國出售奴隸勞工擔保債券。
https://nypost.com/2020/04/13/roger-stone-bill-gates-may-have-created coronavirus-to-microchip-people/
你知道嗎?俄羅斯說, FBI 通緝犯奧巴馬的母 親 是希特勒的閨女?他的父親弗蘭克 • 馬歇爾( Frank Marshall )是一名美國共產主義特工。以下是一張 FBI 通緝海報和奧巴馬老母的檔案照片。
下面的照片顯示了希特勒三個閨女最後的力量:默克爾、特麗莎梅和立陶宛總統黛菈( Dalia Grybauskait ė )。
在 911 偽旗攻擊之後,納粹完成了他們接管美國,並把它變成法西斯傀儡國家的長期計劃。這就是白龍會、西方和東方盟友現在要打擊與揭發的。
下面是揭露內容的總結(來自《準備轉變》網站【 Prepare for Change 】):
加州州長加文 • 紐森( Gavin Newsom )是佩洛西的侄子。
亞當 • 希夫的 姐姐嫁給了索羅斯的龜兒子。
約翰 • 克里的女兒嫁給了伊朗一位穆拉( mullah )的兒子。
美國廣播公司新聞執行製片人伊恩 • 卡梅倫( Ian Cameron ),與奧巴馬的前國家安全顧問蘇珊 • 賴斯( Susan Rice )結婚。
哥倫比亞廣播公司總裁大衛 • 羅茲( David Rhodes )是奧巴馬負責戰略溝通的副國家安全顧問本 • 羅茲( Ben Rhodes )的兄弟。
美國廣播公司新聞記者克萊爾 • 希普曼( Claire Shipman )嫁給了奧巴馬前白宮新聞秘書傑伊 • 卡尼( Jay Carney )。
美國廣播公司和 Univision 的記者馬修 • 賈菲( Matthew Jaffe )嫁給了奧巴馬的前副新聞秘書凱蒂 • 霍根( Katie Hogan )。
美國廣播公司總裁本 • 舍伍德( Ben Sherwood )是奧巴馬前特別顧問伊麗莎白 • 舍伍德( Elizabeth Sherwood )的弟弟。
CNN 總裁維吉尼亞 • 莫斯利( Virginia Moseley )嫁給了前希拉莉的副國務卿湯姆 • 尼德斯( Tom Nides )。
白宮、參議院和國會的名單還在不斷增加 …… 這是一個龐大的陰謀集團家族俱樂部,你碰不得!
塞斯 • 格林( Seth Green )
占士 • 甘恩( James Gunn )
丹 • 施耐德( Dan Scheinder )
史匹堡( Steven Spielberg )
湯姆 • 漢克斯( Tom Hanks )
史蒂文 • 科爾伯特( Steven Colbert )
吉米 • 吉莫爾( Jimmy Kimmel )
艾希頓 • 庫奇( Ashton Kutcher )
凱文 • 史貝西( Kevin Spacey )
凱西 • 格里芬( athy Griffin )
奧普拉 • 溫弗瑞( Oprah Winfrey )
肖恩 • 卡特( Shawn Carter )
碧昂斯 • 諾里斯( Beyonce Knowles )
安東尼 •K 奇亞迪斯( Anthony Kiedis )
約翰 • 勒簡( John Legend )
克里斯 • 泰根( Chrissy Teigen )
金凱瑞( Jim Carrey )
史蒂文 • 泰勒( Steven Tyler )
本 • 阿弗萊克( Ben Affleck )
威爾 • 法瑞爾( Will Ferrell )
斯蒂芬 • 柯林斯
Aliaune Damala Badara Thiam (阿肯)
馬歇爾 • 馬特斯三世( Marshall Matthers III )
杰弗里 • 瓊斯( Jeffrey Jones )
維克多 • 薩爾瓦( Victor Salva )
馬克 • 科林斯( Marc Collins-Rector )
查理 • 辛( Charlie Sheen )
泰勒 • 格拉山姆( Tyler Grasham )
麥當娜( Madonna Ciccone )
凱特琳 • 哈德遜( Katheryn Hudson )
格溫 • 史蒂芬妮( Gwen Stefani )
史蒂芬妮 • 傑爾馬諾塔( Stefani Germanotta )
占士 • 弗蘭科( James Franco )
威爾 • 史密斯( Will Smith )
賈斯丁 • 羅伊蘭( Justin Roiland )
約翰 • 庫薩克( John Cusack )
戴米 • 摩爾( Demi Moore )
布萊恩 • 阿弗萊克( Brian Affleck )
梅麗爾 • 斯特里普( Meryl Streep )
旺達 • 賽克斯( Wanda Sykes )
切爾西 • 漢德勒( Chelsea Handler )
米歇爾 • 沃爾夫( Michelle Wolf )
大衛 • 亞羅維斯基( David Yarovesky )
法瑞爾 • 威廉姆斯( Pharrell Williams )
昆汀 • 塔倫蒂諾( Quentin Tarantino )
小羅伯特 • 唐尼( Robert Downey Jr )
考特尼 • 洛夫( Courtney Love )
亞歷克 • 鮑德溫( Alec Baldwin )
約翰尼 • 德普( Johnny Depp )
布賴恩 • 華納( Brian Warner )
阿希亞 • 阿基多( Asia Argento )
喬拜登( Joe Biden )
約翰 • 麥凱恩( John McCain )
鮑勃 • 梅南德茲( Bob Menendez )
約翰 • 波德斯塔( John Podesta )
托尼 • 波德斯塔( Tony Podesta )
希拉莉( Hillary Clinton )
克林頓( Bill Clinton )
切爾西 • 克林頓( Chelsea Clinton )
傑夫 • 夫雷克( Jeff Flake )
鮑勃 • 庫爾克( Bob Corker )
雅各 • 施瓦茨( Jacob Schwartz )
伊德 • 穆雷( Ed Murray )
巴尼 • 弗蘭克( Barney Frank )
布魯克 • 亞當斯( Brock Adams )
梅爾 • 雷諾茲( Mel Reynolds )
尼爾 • 格爾史密特( Neil Goldschmidt )
吳振偉( David Wu )
托尼 • 門多薩( Tony Mendoza )
安東尼 • 維納( Anthony Weiner )
彼得 • 斯特羅克( Peter Strzok )
亞當 • 希夫( Adam Schiff )
查爾斯 • 溫莎( Charles Windsor )
約翰 • 凱里( John Kerry )
喬 • 史卡波羅( Joe Scarboroug )
安德魯 • 庫莫( Andrew Cuomo )
賈斯汀 • 特魯多( Justin Trudeau )
布萊恩 • 斯特爾特( Brian Stelter )
傑克 • 塔波爾( Jake Tapper )
克里斯 • 庫莫( Chris Cuomo )
教皇弗朗西斯( Pope Francis )
比爾 • 理查森( Bill Richardson )
彼得 • 索羅斯( Peter Soros )
安德魯王子( Prince Andrew )
奧巴馬( Barack Obama )
安德森 • 庫珀( Anderson Cooper )
希拉 • 傑遜李( Sheila Jackson-Lee )
https://fromrome.info/2020/04/25/italian-senator-sgarbi-denounces-the-statistical-fraud-on-co vid-19/
我們注意到俄羅斯外交部所發表的 ……
根據中國外交部發言人耿爽 4 月 28 日表示,美國在前蘇聯領土上建立了大量實驗室,引起了周邊國家的嚴重關切。
他說,他們在東京以西,在我家附近的善福寺公園進行了 5G 實驗:
鳥兒開始從天上掉下來。我被叫去把 3 隻死鴿子帶回醫院檢查。
https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-05-01/mysterious-virus-killing-lorikeets-in-queensland/12 205888
我們早些時候從米高 · 邁林博士( Dr. Michael Meiring )和其他人那裏聽說,愛滋病毒是由一種貓病與非洲綠猴,和其他令人討厭的東西的基因混合而成,然後刻意傳染給人類。
https://www.vet.cornell.edu/departments-centers-and-institutes/cornell-feline-health-center/h ealth-information/feline-health-topics/feline-infectious-peritonitis
這場鬥爭可以被視為股市的復甦(陰謀集團的壯大),而美國新增了創紀錄的 3000 萬失業人口(貧困人民口)。
這些撒旦統治者是如此的傲慢,他們仍然留下活動的公共標誌,特別是數字 666 。例如, 4 月 29 日,聯邦儲備銀行的資產負債表達到了 6.66 兆美元,而意大利的犯罪率由於一級防範禁閉下降了 66.6% 。
在目前的情況下,美軍是唯一有能力應對邪惡美國公司崩潰的機構。當局共動用 10 萬多個儲備,以確保在系統崩潰時,所有人都能獲得基本的生存用品(食物、居所和緊急醫療護理)。
【原文】May 4, 2020 Benjamin Fulford
Will the Scamdemic flush out the Secret Space Force?
Although there may seem to be a stalemate on the surface as the battle for Planet Earth rages on, something huge is coming, multiple U.S. government-linked sources agree. The secret space program is about to be unveiled, NSA sources say. For their part, NASA sources say some sort of anomaly is “affecting the very fabric of reality.” The U.S. military is also now in full war-time mode with over 1 million reservists being called up. As a result, the list of missing celebrities, billionaires, and politicians keeps growing as a massive purge of Satanists continues.
As the real criminals are being rounded up, the bankruptcy of the U.S. corporation is now leading to the mass release of mostly non-violent offenders. While many law and order advocates are raising alarm bells, the fact is the U.S. has been operating a massive prison slave labor gulag.
Americans are 20 times more likely to end up in jail than Chinese. For example, an African American friend says her brother was jailed simply because his hair tested positive for marijuana. This is but one of countless examples of the ruling cabal using any pretext to gather up prison slave labor. A colleague in Singapore has seen U.S. bonds backed by prison slave labor being sold to investors in the Far East. Let that sink in: the U.S. government has been selling slave-labor backed bonds to the Chinese.
The bankruptcy of the corporation is now shutting down this gulag. Only the truly dangerous criminals need to be kept in jail in the present circumstances. Maybe setting up a system of gang-controlled prison reserves might be the way to go forward on this?
The sheeple meanwhile, hunkering down in their homes, are very slowly beginning to realize their current government is composed of criminals and liars.
Many traditional news outlets are now waking up to this reality. The New York Post, for example, is reporting that Bill Gates may have created the coronavirus in order to microchip people. The NSA is saying the same thing, as crazy as it sounds.
https://nypost.com/2020/04/13/roger-stone-bill-gates-may-have-created coronavirus-to-microchip-people/
The vaccine industry is being busted big time and people will be horrified when they learn what trusted medical officers have been doing to them.
The rabbit hole runs deep and there can be no doubt a family mafia has been running the Western world like a giant slave ranch for thousands of years going back to Babylon.
The Russians have been hysterically attacked because they were able to pinpoint the leadership of this mafia. The photographic evidence below, for example, is just part of a mass of proof that shows Adolf Hitler’s children have been running much of the Western world since WWII ended.
Did you know Barack Obama’s mother, a criminal wanted by the FBI, was according to the Russians a daughter of Adolf Hitler? His father, Frank Marshall, was an American communist agent. Here is a picture of the FBI wanted poster and agency file photo for Obama’s mother.
These other photos sent by the Russians may help you wrap your head a bit around the enormity of the lies we have been told since the end of WWII (if not longer). Before looking at them, please realize Hitler escaped Berlin on a plane to Norway before taking a submarine to Argentina. He lived to a ripe old age in Paraguay on a ranch that was subsequently bought by the Bush family. That is why many of his children were born long after the war ended.
The right-hand side photo we have posted before showing Adolf with his daughter Angela Merkel. To convince doubters we now add an official photograph on the left side of the young Angela for comparison purposes.
The next photo shows the family resemblance between Hitler’s mother and Merkel.
The following photo shows three of Hitler daughters who ended up in positions of power: Angela Merkel, Theresa May and Dalia Grybauskaitė, President of Lithuania
Here we can see the percentage of Jewish blood among top Nazis.
Merkel makes a fascist salute to Nazi Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu.
The release of evidence like this is part of an attempt to wake up the sheeple to the reality of their gangster government.
After the false-flag attack on 9/11/2001, the Nazis fulfilled their long-term plan of taking over the United States and turning it into a fascist puppet state. That is what is now being taken down by the White Dragon Society and its Western and Eastern allies.
Here is a summary of what is being uncovered (from Prepare for Change):
The Governor of Michigan used to work for George Soros
California Governor Gavin Newsom is Nancy Pelosi’s nephew.
Nancy Pelosi is Hitler’s niece.
Adam Schiff’s sister is married to George Soros’ son.
John Kerry’s daughter is married to a mullah’s son in Iran.
Hillary’s daughter Chelsea is married to George Soros’ nephew.
ABC News executive producer Ian Cameron is married to Susan Rice, Obama’s former National Security Adviser.
CBS President David Rhodes is the brother of Ben Rhodes, Obama’s Deputy National Security Adviser for Strategic Communications.
ABC News correspondent Claire Shipman is married to Jay Carney, former Obama White House Press Secretary
ABC News and Univision reporter Matthew Jaffe is married to Katie Hogan, Obama’s former Deputy Press Secretary.
ABC President Ben Sherwood is the brother of Elizabeth Sherwood, Obama’s former Special Adviser.
CNN President Virginia Moseley is married to Tom Nides, former Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Secretary.
The White House, Senate and Congress lists go on and on…it’s all one big cabal family club and you are not allowed anywhere near it!
This is what the alliance is fighting against. These are some of the celebrities and politicians we are being told have already been arrested (it has yet to appear on an official Justice Department press release so think of it as provisional at this point):
Seth Green, James Gunn, Dan Scheinder, Steven Spielberg, Tom Hanks, Steven Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel, Ashton Kutcher, Kevin Spacey, Kathy Griffin, Oprah Winfrey, Shawn Carter, Beyonce Knowles, Anthony Kiedis, John Legend, Chrissy Teigen, Jim Carrey, Steven Tyler, Ben Affleck, Stephen Collins, Will Ferrell, Aliaune Damala Badara Thiam (Akon), Marshall Matthers III, Jeffrey Jones, Victor Salva, Marc Collins Rector, Charlie Sheen, Tyler Grasham, Madonna Ciccone, Katheryn Hudson, Gwen Stefani, Stefani Germanotta, James Franco, Will Smith, Justin Roiland, John Cusack, Demi Moore, Brian Affleck, Meryl Streep, Wanda Sykes, Chelsea Handler, Michelle Wolf, David Yarovesky, Pharrell Williams, Quentin Tarantino, Robert Downey Jr, Courtney Love, Alec Baldwin, Johnny Depp, Brian Warner, Asia Argento
Some Political Elites:
Joe Biden, John McCain, Bob Menendez, John Podesta, Tony Podesta, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Chelsea Clinton, Jeff Flake, Bob Corker, Jacob Schwartz, Ed Murray, Barney Frank, Brock Adams, Mel Reynolds, Neil Goldschmidt, David Wu, Tony Mendoza, Anthony Weiner, Peter Strzok, Adam Schiff, Charles Windsor, John Kerry, Joe Scarboroug, Andrew Cuomo, Justin Trudeau, Brian Stelter, Jake Tapper, Chris Cuomo, Pope Francis, Bill Richardson, Peter Soros, Prince Andrew, Barack Obama, Anderson Cooper, Sheila Jackson-Lee.
This group is still not going quietly into the night and it is clear they tried to kill us and scare us back into submission with the coronavirus “plandemic.” It is also clear that for some reason, their bioweapon attack on the human race is being neutralized.
This Italian politician is one of the sheep that woke up and realised the illusory nature of this pandemic when he checked the facts and found out that the so-called coronavirus deaths were nothing of the sort:
https://fromrome.info/2020/04/25/italian-senator-sgarbi-denounces-the-statistical-fraud-on-co vid-19/
Here you can see the real causes of death, which are mostly heart attacks and cancer:
However, the Chinese and Russians are fully aware that the US regime tried to kill us all with bio-weapons.
Look at these official statements:
We have taken note of the statement by the Russian Foreign Ministry…
The United States has set up numerous laboratories on the territory of the former Soviet Union, which is causing serious public concern in the neighboring countries concerned, said the spokesman of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, Geng Shuang, on Wednesday (April 28)
Meanwhile, the official Xinhua News Agency said
Washington must respond to concerns that the delayed and chaotic US response has accelerated the spread of the virus to other parts of the world.
This is as diplomatically obvious as they blame the USA for the spread of the pandemic without an actual declaration of war.
Since the bioweapon attack turned out to be a dud, there is now a serious ongoing attempt by the cabal to kill us with electromagnetic weapons.
This is getting closer to home. Last week the vet to whom I entrust my dogs addressed me with a fascinating story.
He said they had conducted a 5G experiment in Zenpukuji Park, which is near my home in West of Tokyo:
Birds began to fall from the sky. I was summoned and I brought 3 dead pigeons back to my hospital and examined them.
They all had torn lungs as if something had been confused with the sodium ions in their bodies. They also all had the same symptoms as infectious peritonitis in cats (a coronavirus that destroys cats’ lungs).
He said it was not naturally possible for pigeons to get a cat corona virus.
Apparently birds fall from the sky in other places like Australia.
https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-05-01/mysterious-virus-killing-lorikeets-in-queensland/12 205888
We have heard earlier from Dr. Michael Meiring and others that HIV was created by mixing a cat disease with genes from African green monkeys and other nasty stuff to make it contagious to humans.
https://www.vet.cornell.edu/departments-centers-and-institutes/cornell-feline-health-center/h ealth-information/feline-health-topics/feline-infectious-peritonitis
These people must be removed from all positions of power as quickly as possible, and that is what is happening now. The last bastion of their control network is the corporations and the banks.
Therefore, the US corporate government and its financial system must be imploded.
One way to achieve this is the collapse of the oil price. The recent negative oil prices have driven computer speculators out of the oil market.
The same happens with other raw materials. It is about separating the financial speculators from the real business world.
The cabals defend themselves by trying to destroy people’s livelihoods, by shutting down the economy with the pretended isolation against a pandemic.
This struggle can be seen as a recovery of the stock market (enrichment of the cabal), while the US adds a record 30 million unemployed (impoverishment of the people).
These satanic rulers are so arrogant that they still leave public signs of their activity, in particular the number 666. For example, on 29 April FRB’s balance sheet reached 6.66 trillion dollars, while Italy’s crime rate fell by 66.6% due to the lockdown.
As things stand, the US military is the only institution capable of dealing with the collapse of the satanic US corporation. A total of 1,031.03 reserves are being mobilised to ensure that basic survival items (food, shelter and emergency medical care) are available to all people if the system collapses.
The cabal’s efforts to close meat processing plants are an example of how the military has already intervened.
You can confirm this by reading the following execution instructions.
The EU is also disintegrating together with the USA and is breaking up into its constituent states.
What’s next?
It is hard to say how long the chaos will continue and get worse, but the worst will probably be over this summer, Pentagon and other sources predict.
But the real question is whether the collapse of the US corporation will remove the secret space program and secret military technology monopolized by the elite. The WDS turned to the Nazis and offered them full amnesty (with the exception of child torturers and mass murderers).
We hope that the revelation of their secret space program will provide the USA and the rest of the world with the spark to start a new age of wonder.
Whatever happens, the global awakening of the masses, which has begun, can no longer be stopped.
Humanity will be freed from thousands of years of slavery.
原文網址: https://benjaminfulford.net/
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